Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 125 Itachi Uchiha VS Indra

Chapter 125 Itachi Uchiha VS Indra

"That's why we don't have to talk?"

There was a hissing electric current, and Indra, who was pierced through the chest by Uchiha Itachi, turned into lightning and appeared on the other end intact, with the wound on his body gone.

Is it similar to the esoteric ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the ghost lamp family, the hydration technique?Uchiha Izumi murmured, the moment she controlled Itachi's body to pierce Indra's body, Indra escaped the fatal blow by electrification, which she did not expect.

"As expected of an ancestor, his strength should not be underestimated." Uchiha Itachi admired and praised, his eyes full of admiration.

"It seems that you are not surprised? Are you worried that I killed you just now?" Indra looked a little strange when he saw Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

He clearly wanted to take his body, but he didn't feel a trace of fear, instead his eyes were filled with admiration.

This made Indra unable to understand, could there be something wrong with this younger generation?

"You won't be affected by Ashura Chakra and suffer from hostage syndrome, right?" Indra said solemnly.

"What does it mean to be influenced by Asura's ancestor Chakra?" Uchiha Itachi was taken aback.

Hostage syndrome, he knows, this disease is called Stockholm syndrome, the Stockholm effect, which refers to a complex in which the victim develops feelings for the perpetrator, and even helps the perpetrator in turn.This emotion causes the victim to have a good impression of the perpetrator, dependence, and even assist the perpetrator.

But under the influence of Asura Chakra, Uchiha Itachi really doesn't understand, is it a brainwashing technique similar to Zuidun?
Itachi Uchiha moved the red line between him and Izumi without a trace, and Izumi Uchiha shook his head, indicating that his spirit was fine, and his emotions and desires were not affected, so Itachi Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief.

Indra glanced at Asura and said to Uchiha Itachi: "During my years of fighting with Asura, I found that as long as my subordinates were captured by Asura, they would fight back against me. I call this A disease affected by Ashura Chakra is called Hostage Syndrome.

When they are caught by Asura, these people will have a psychological dependence on Asura.

Their life and death are in the hands of Asura, and they are very grateful to Asura for letting them survive.

In their consciousness, they share fate with Asura, regard Asura's future as their own future, regard Asura's safety as their own safety, regard Asura's ideal as their ideal, and regard Asura as their own. Their heavens, their lands, will even die for Asura!
Therefore, after being rescued by us, these people adopted the attitude of "we are against them", and regarded us rescuers as their enemies, and regarded me, the former leader, as their archenemy. ’ explained Indra.

Asura: "."

Felt offended, really.

"Brother, I am the one who convinced people with reasoning, how could you say that I influenced them!" Asura was dissatisfied.

"Shut up!" Indra glared at Asura: "Didn't you see that I was doing business? What's the point?"

Asura: "."

Uchiha Itachi: "."

Hearing what Indra said, Uchiha Itachi suddenly remembered that it was the same with Uchiha Itachi in the original book. He almost killed his parents and his entire family. In the end, he followed the lead of the three generations and obeyed his orders, and even left behind in the third generation. After Uchiha Sasuke was still grateful, it seemed that he had really suffered from this disease.

"Itachi, wake up!" Uchiha Izumi pulled the red thread, and Uchiha Itachi's soul returned, the suspicious life on his face, the look of disappointment disappeared again, and the eyes that lost focus regained their color.

"MD, are you cheating on me?" Uchiha Itachi became angry, he stopped pretending, the look of admiration and admiration in his eyes disappeared, showing a murderous look in his eyes, he has always been fooling others, but now he is fooled by Indra up.

Just like walking two steps without getting sick, he was almost limped by being fooled.

"It seems that illusion is really useless to you." Indra sighed.

Uchiha Itachi: "."

Without Uchiha Izumi, he would have almost fallen.

"Senior, I will personally verify what you said, but I still say that, I will use your body." Indra said seriously.

I borrow your M, if I don't kill you today, I won't be called Xiao Shenghao!After Uchiha Itachi cursed secretly in his heart, he retorted:
"I also said that, for the future of the ninja world, for the peace of the universe, I will borrow your chakra!"

"Hmph! If that's the case, you'd better go die!" Indra turned into lightning and appeared in front of Itachi Uchiha. poked through.

He wants to avenge Uchiha Itachi's stabbing just now.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Uchiha Itachi's right hand appeared with a spiral pill, burning hot black flames blasted towards Indra: "Flame Dun, Spiral Pill!"

"Boy! Are you faster, faster than Lei Dun? I won't fight you head-on!" Indra sneered, concentrated Chakra all over his body and turned it into a lightning bolt that appeared on Uchiha Itachi's side, directly avoiding the fight with Uchiha. Itachi counterattacked, stabbing Uchiha Itachi in the back!
"You still want to backstab me?" When Indra's hand was about to pierce Uchiha Itachi's body, Uchiha Itachi disappeared in place.

"Flying Thunder God Art!" The place where Indra should have been pierced by Uchiha Itachi just now, a mark appeared, Uchiha Itachi appeared in front of Indra, and pressed it on his heart!

"Flame Dungeon Helix Pill!"

The powerful power of Yandun Helix Wan directly blasted Indra out.

Seeing that Amaterasu Black Flame enveloped Indra in an instant, Uchiha Izumi breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense mind also eased. Will disappear, Indra is dead!

"Not bad, some strength."

Indra wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up. His left eye stared at the Hexagram Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the Amaterasu Black Flame burning on his body disappeared immediately, as if absorbed by him.

"The instant body technique is a bit faster, but using my technique to hurt me, isn't it a bit embarrassing?" Indra sneered.

"Really?" Uchiha Itachi said.

"Isn't it?" Indra gathered the chakras of his right hand, and wanted to perform the thunder escape ninjutsu again, but found that the chakras all over his body were messed up, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth again, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Is this Asura's technique? Galewind Pill?" Indra said angrily.

Asura: "."

After being hit by Haifeng Wan, it will cause chakra disorder in a short time, Feng Kelei, this is a technique he specially researched to restrain Indra Thunder Dun.

I didn't expect my brother to be planted in the hands of his younger generation. It's really unpredictable!

However, how did this kid learn my technique?
"You say you are old, you don't believe it! Old man who can't keep up with the times, it's better not to come out and show yourself! This is obviously called spiral pill!" Uchiha Itachi sneered.

"Also, aren't you in Chakra state? Why are you still vomiting blood?"

Indra: "."

"You're courting death!" Indra was furious, and Susano appeared behind him, and a [-]-meter-tall purple giant rose from the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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