Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 120 Another ability of the great power.

Chapter 120 Another ability of the great power.

"Ability?" Uchiha Itachi was taken aback for a moment. When he awakened the kaleidoscope, his left eye was Tsukiyomi and his right eye was Amaterasu.

Uchiha Izumi's awakening kaleidoscope is the main mission of the great country.

According to Quan Meiyi, apart from the ability to share everything, Quan Mei seems to have other means of attack?

"Great Country Commander, in addition to the thread of the left eye, the right eye also has the ability to see through everything about a person, and then manipulate a person." While speaking, a red line appeared between Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Itachi.

In Uchiha Itachi's sight, he could clearly see threads all over Kazuma and the others outside the villa.

"A line represents a cause and effect. For example, the seven lines together represent their seven emotions, and the six lines on the other side represent their six desires."

"As long as I break one of them, they will lose this ability permanently." Uchiha Izumi said, and broke the one of the six lines written on the escaped samurai outside the villa.

The lines are broken!

There were terrified screams in the distance.

In Uchiha Itachi's sight, the fleeing man was running around with his hands outstretched in a daze, screaming in horror: "My eyes, my eyes! Why can't I see it? Why can't I see it? "


"Who can help me?"

Uchiha Itachi swallowed his saliva, kaleidoscope, eye of spiritual reflection.

When Uchiha Izumi awakened the kaleidoscope, she didn't want her life to be at the mercy of Mrs. Daimyo, which stimulated her to activate the ability to manipulate people, emotions and desires!
Emotions and desires are a psychological reaction.Generally speaking, the seven emotions refer to joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, shock, emotional performance or psychological activities; the six desires refer to the physiological needs or wishes of people's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. .

"Is there anything else besides this?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

"Also, that is, one fate, two luck and three geomantic omens." Uchiha Izumi pointed to the three lines on the man's body.

"As long as I break his lifeline, he will die. It is equivalent to his life." Uchiha Izumi pulled, and the man fell directly to the ground.

Hema: "."

Land: "."

Fortunately, we were witty and didn't run away, or they would have died.

Uchiha Itachi: "."

"If you are pulling a luck line, then..." Uchiha Izumi pulled a luck line on the horse.

A small bird flew across the sky, snapped, and fell directly on He Ma's head.

He Ma raised his head angrily, but the hornet's nest on the tree just fell down and hit his head directly.

Kazuma, whose chakra was blocked, screamed and ran around.

As a result, he staggered, stepped into a pit, and fell directly.

Coincidentally, when he fell to the ground, there happened to be a sharp stone on the ground, which directly pierced his heart.

Uchiha Itachi: "."

As long as Uchiha Izumi thinks, she can play with a person in the palm of her hand, and it is useless to escape to the ends of the earth, just like a spell, impeccable.

Uchiha Izumi re-tied the lifeline of the samurai and the luckline on the horse.

The samurai stood up with a dazed face. He suddenly fell to the ground with shortness of breath. He almost died, but he finally managed to catch his breath.

He Ma took off the hornet's nest on his head, with a dazed look on his face, the hornets stopped attacking it, and all flew back to protect the queen bee.

What's even more strange is that the sharp stone didn't stab him to death, it almost pierced his heart and took his life.

Lu Lu looked at the villa behind him in horror. He felt that all this was not a coincidence, but an accident.

The tragic situation of the horse and the samurai was obviously caused by someone deliberately!
Such a horrible technique.

"Do you understand?" Uchiha Izumi rubbed her sore eyes and said.

"Yeah, I understand." Uchiha Itachi nodded, as long as he tied this thread with Izumi, he can use this ability, but he needs Izumi to be by his side, too far away will not work.

"Is there no limit to your technique?" Uchiha Itachi said.

"There must be." Uchiha Izumi said: "As long as the strength is lower than mine, I can kill him."

"If the strength is similar to mine, or higher than mine, I can only influence, but not directly break."

"But this is not a problem. As long as I face someone who is stronger than me, I will bend his lifeline and luck line, so that he can't survive or die."

"Or input chakra to increase or decrease his emotions and desires, so that his mood is up and down, and life is more uncomfortable than death."

"Similarly, no matter how strong a person is, I can tear off his lifeline remotely, but the time will be longer."

"Is it like this?" Uchiha Itachi touched his chin: "Is there any hidden danger?"

"Is it a hidden danger? People with strong mental power are likely to find me, and I can feel my eyes hurt if I use it too much." Uchiha Izumi said.

"Well, I understand." Uchiha Itachi nodded. Uchiha Izumi's ability is simply invincible at the same level, and can kill people without killing them.

As for the pain in the eyes, that is the sequelae of the kaleidoscope.

This problem is not big, as long as he goes to the moon, gets the large Tenseigan, or absorbs the kaleidoscope of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Obito, and enhances the pupil power of both, these problems can be solved.

"Itachi, I heard from Senior Jiri that excessive use of the kaleidoscope can lead to blindness, and I will lose my sight one day, will you not want me?" Uchiha Izumi worried pitifully.

"Fool, how can I not want you, don't think about it." Uchiha Itachi rubbed Uchiha Izumi's hair and comforted: "Besides, you don't have to worry about blindness!"

"Look, I can see the eyes of your six desires. As long as I input chakra into it, won't your eyes feel much better?" Uchiha Itachi opened the kaleidoscope, and the red line between him and Izumi appeared, Uchiha The lines all over Izumi's body also appeared in Uchiha Itachi's sight.

Uchiha Itachi pointed his finger at Izumi's Liuyuzhong's eye, and poured chakra into it, and the line expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Uchiha Izumi only felt a warm current rushing through, and the sore eyes slowly regained their color.

"It's so comfortable!" Uchiha Izumi hugged Uchiha Itachi's arm tightly, with a tender look on her face.

That's right, why didn't she expect to be able to recover through this method?Still smart.

"By the way, Itachi, when I awakened the kaleidoscope, I felt that my chakra had changed."

"Senior Jiri said that I can use this chakra to form a Susanoo, and I can also use it to create a kaleidoscope." Uchiha Izumi said.

"Well, this chakra is the source of your kaleidoscope power." Uchiha Itachi said.

"When the Uchiha people lose their important love, or feel pain for their disappointment, a special chakra will emerge in the brain, act on the optic nerve, and change the eyes. This is the eye that reflects the soul, the kaleidoscope writing wheel Eye."

"Among them, chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of mental energy and physical energy. It is generally used to perform ninjutsu, and it can also be made into threads to bind opponents or cut off substances that are also composed of chakra."

"And after the birth of the special chakra that emerges in our brains, if you let this chakra act on the eyes, it will form a pupil technique, such as my Amaterasu!"

Blood and tears overflowed Uchiha Itachi's right eye, and a big tree in the distance directly ignited a black flame.

"If you are familiar with this chakra, you can use it without eyes."

"For example, Yan Dun!"

Uchiha Itachi stretched out his right hand, boom!

A black flame emerged from the palm, exactly the same as the Amaterasu that was sent out from the eyes just now.

"The same goes for Susano."

"As long as you are familiar with this special chakra in your brain, even if you lose your eyes, you can still use Susanoo." Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes, Susanoo covered him, and a skeleton giant appeared In front of Uchiha Izumi.

"So that's it, I understand." Seeing Susano Uchiha Izumi on Itachi's body suddenly realized, so the key to the kaleidoscope lies in the chakra, not the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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