Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 113 Improved Earth Escape·Reincarnation Technique and Dirty Soil Reincarnation Technique (4-

Chapter 113 Improved Earth Escape·Reincarnation Technique and Dirty Soil Reincarnation Technique ([-]-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Damn it, Danzo ran away again." Senju Tomonama and Namikaze Minato gritted their teeth.

What they were most worried about happened. Danzo has Flying Thunder God and time-space ninjutsu. He comes and goes without a trace. It was very difficult, and there was nothing they could do.

"Forget it, let's go back to Konoha first." With a breath in his chest, Senju Tomonama and Namikaze Minato made two swish, swish, and directly returned to Konoha with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

When I got back to Konoha, I found zombie-like human beings crawling out of the ground one by one. Senju Tobima and Namikaze Minato, who were full of anger, just raised their knives and dropped their hands. One knife at a time, a small zombie, Killed directly from the end of the village to the head of the village, not letting anyone go.

Along the way, corpses were strewn all over the field, and the soil flowed into rivers, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

"Block them, even if we die, we can't let the guardian ninjas cross the Konoha Thunder Pond half a step!" Each Konoha ninja desperately resisted the attack of eight people.

However, to protect the powerful power of the ninja, these Konoha ninjas are food delivery for them. Every moment, the ninjas of the Zhuanzhan clan and the Shimura clan are dying.

"Who are the Twelve Guardian Ninjas?" Senju Tomona appeared on the battlefield, asking Minato beside him while slaughtering.

"Reporting to the second generation of adults, the "Twelve Guarding Ninja Warriors" are the twelve elite Jōnin who are responsible for protecting the daimyo of the country of fire. They are the daimyo's private independent and direct troops. They are very powerful. The symbol is the waist cloth with the word "fire" on their waists. .”

"They dispatched this time, obviously wanting to take advantage of our Konoha's infighting, and want to get rid of the third generation and the two major advisors, and nationalize our Konoha." Namikaze Minato replied while killing.

"Is it like this? It seems that Danzang is right. There is a problem with the system of one country, one village." Qian Shoufan's face turned cold. They can still suppress the villages and countries when they are alive. When they die, a group of clowns will jump out up.

Everyone wants to eat up the rich leaves.

Sure enough, Uchiha Madara was right, only by unifying the ninja world can we avoid wars!

"Kill!" Qianshou Feijian issued an order.

"Okay!" Namikaze Minato nodded.

"Flying Thunder God Art! Helix Pill!"

"Water Escape, Water Breaks Waves!"

With the joining of two masters, soon these puppets and corpses were either wiped by Namikaze Minato with Kunai, or blasted to scum by the spiral pill.

In particular, there is a water escape and water breaking wave between the thousand hands, which violently ejects a straight line of ultra-high-pressure water jets from the mouth, turning into sharp water blades, just like laser guns. This powerful cutting ability is within the range of the water jet. These corpses, puppets, were cut into pieces one after another.

This is simply mowing magic!

"Okay, that's amazing. Is this the fourth generation and the second generation?"

"The Guardian Ninja Twelve who blocked us just now and put us in a hard fight were killed by the second generation and the fourth generation in the blink of an eye. This is really strong!"

"Sure enough, Flying Thunder God is a man's romance!"

"Damn it, Flying Thunder God combined with Heliwan Wan is almost invincible! One shot and one guardian ninja, they didn't react at all!"

"Water breaking waves are really strong, okay? When the first line passes, it's like cutting wheat and it's all down. This is the romance of a man!"

Konoha's ninja was stunned, his eyes were full of little stars, and his face was full of admiration.

With the participation of two masters, these puppet corpses resurrected with Tudun are not at all rivals between Namakaze Minato and Senjumon, and will be wiped out soon.

The monks in the Temple of Fire were quickly defeated.

As strong as the guardian ninja twelve warriors, under the attack of the second Hokage of Senju Banma and the fourth Hokage of Namikaze Minato, they are not a single enemy at all.

Then came the massacre.

The people of Uchiha have been ordered, and none of the monks of the Temple of Fire will be spared. Anyone who tries to resist will be killed!
Uchiha Itachi said that from today onwards, the entire Konoha, the entire Fire Nation, and the entire ninja world can only have one belief, and that is the Sun Moon God Sect of the Sun Moon Immortal Palace!

Earth Dun Reincarnation and Earth Dun Creation · Soil of the Dead are known as the ultimate resurrection techniques of Earth Dun. The resurrected dead will have exactly the same appearance, physical ability, and chakra level as before. Make all the strength before birth.

Kazuma used this technique to resurrect three of the "Four Thunderers" alone, as well as five of the dead guardian ninjas, with the purpose of destroying Konoha and eradicating both Koharu and Mitomen direct lineage.

As a result, they were just halfway through the action when they encountered Senju Tomonama and Namikaze Minato who were resurrected with Tudun.

In less than a few seconds, the power that the Fire Nation daimyo is proud of, the Guardian Ninja Twelve, was ruthlessly crushed by the two former Hokages.

"I surrender, I surrender!" Di Lu looked at the corpses on the ground, knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, crying and begging for mercy.

The second generation is not dead, the fourth generation is not dead, they are still native.

He, Ma, and the daimyo were all deceived by the dog thief Danzo.

Danzo clearly wants to cheat the country of dead fire!

Konoha lost a Sarutobi Hiruzen who lost his limbs, but gained so many shadows.

Di Lu felt that the Kingdom of Fire was over, the daimyo was doomed, and even the Sages of the Six Paths could not keep them.

"Come on, drag these monks down. Interrogate the information!" Uchiha Itachi said.

"Obey!" The Uchiha clan came up quickly and tied down the surviving monks of the Temple of Fire.

Those who can survive are the best in the Temple of Fire.

They are all masters of immortality.

The purpose of these people's lives is to write down the cultivation experience of immortal arts and pass them on!

Among them, Luben is an indispensable part of his plan.

Cyan souls are suspended in the air. Uchiha Itachi uses the curse of hell to collect these dead souls, and puts them into the ghost prison, the eighteenth floor of hell, for his own use.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique?" Senshou Feijian said a little surprised looking at Uchiha Itachi.

"Yeah." Uchiha Itachi nodded respectfully.

"That's right, Uchiha has an extra genius, he deserves to be Fuyue's child." Senshou Feijian praised him.

It has been a long time since the reincarnation of the dirt, and it is the first time that Senshou Feijian has seen a young man who can use the ninjutsu he invented so proficiently and superbly.

Whether it's the technique of multiple shadow clones, the technique of Flying Thunder God, or the technique of reincarnation in dirty soil, this kid from the Uchiha clan can use it well.

It is not an exaggeration to say that blue comes from blue and is better than blue.

"Thank you!" Uchiha Itachi saluted excitedly: "You are my idol. I have been aiming at you since I was a child and have been working hard."

"Is it like this? Then I'm really honored!"

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's excited heart beating faster, and the little face with blood rushing up, Senju smiled noncommittally, unexpectedly, not only Minato is my fanboy, but also his apprentice!Not bad.

He has studied this kid named Uchiha Itachi after he was dirty.

Four generations of disciples.

Lu Shu's student.

He went to war at the age of four.

He entered the ninja school at the age of six, and proposed to graduate the next day. Although he was not approved, he stayed in the ninja school for a year before graduating. During this year, the shadow clone went to school for him.

That is to say, Uchiha Itachi has learned this B-level ninjutsu shadow clone technique at the age of six, and has learned and used it flexibly.

At the age of seven, he was able to think from the perspective of Hokage.

He was promoted to Chunin at the age of ten, becoming Konoha's first ninja who took part in and passed the Chunin exam alone.

Joined Anbe at the age of 11 and became a double agent for Konoha and Uchiha.

At the age of 13, he was promoted to the captain of the dark section, and was incorporated into the root by Danzo, and became a spy for Hokage, the root, the Uchiha clan, and the three parties.

According to intelligence, it was Uchiha Itachi who asked Uchiha Fugaku to suppress the Uchiha clan radicals last night to prevent the Uchiha clan from going to war with Konoha.

Uchiha Fugaku also awakened the kaleidoscope because of this, abdicated to let the virtuous, and made Uchiha Itachi the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

And he also witnessed the high-level infighting, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the three generations of Hokage brothers were chopped off, and the villagers awakened the kaleidoscope after the tragic death.

This resume is just like cheating.

Especially at tonight's meeting, what Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Tajima said, the notes they took were all from Uchiha Itachi's hand, which shocked Senshou Feijian even more. The arrogant Uchiha clan, the whole clan is convinced, this method, this prestige, is no less than his brother Senju Zhuma's prestige to Konoha!

Thinking that this child is only 13 years old, whether it is strength, prestige, or means, he far surpasses Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, which makes Senshou Feijian feel terrified and grateful at the same time.

Fortunately, Uchiha Itachi accepted the "Will of Fire" handed down from the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Mirror, and stood on Konoha's side with a transcendent and narrow ethnicity just like Mirror and Shisui since childhood.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

There is also the most fortunate thing for Senshou Feijian, that is, the awakened Kaleidoscope Sharingan of Uchiha Itachi is an existence that restrains the soul.

He is also the caster of the reincarnation of himself and others.

But he didn't use these two techniques to forcibly control them. This was what made him most grateful and surprised.

Whether it's heart or strength, this child is really just like what Kakashi and Minato said, he is a child who convinces people with virtue and makes people respect him from the bottom of his heart.

With him in Konoha, revival is expected, and it will be a matter of time before he unifies the ninja world.

Konoha Ye tortured the interrogation department.

This is Konoha's department that specializes in interrogating captured enemy ninjas, especially spies and those who escaped surveillance and torture.

Since most of the above-mentioned tasks are in charge of the Anbu, the sub-departments often cooperate with the Anbu, and the information obtained from the interrogation is not disclosed to institutions and individuals, but is directly handed over to Hokage.

Morino Ibiki served as the head of the interrogation department.

Uchiha Itachi saw that Uchiha Izumi was frightened, and had gone back to rest with his little girlfriend.

However, Senjubashima, Senjubanma, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Quanna and others are in the dirt, and they don't need to rest at all, so they interrogated Hema and Lu Lu, the people of the country of fire overnight.

Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara shared a single room, spent the two-person world together, interrogated Ji Lu together, and the others were driven out to interrogate Kazuma.

As for Asma, who was tortured badly, she was sent to the Konoha Medical Department for treatment. It is still a question of whether she can wake up.

"Let's talk, be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist. Did you take the initiative to confess, or did we directly obtain information by violence?" Two geniuses, Senju Tomonama, Namikaze Minato, and Uchiha Shisui, sat on a chair and looked at each other. The two scrolls of Earth Dungeon Reincarnation, Earth Dungeon Creation · Soil of the Dead were interrogated directly without raising their heads, with a look of confidence, obviously not worried, and the question of not explaining to the horse.

Seeing Mori Ibixi's eagerness to try, He Ma felt a chill in his heart: "."

Morino Ibiki is known as the "sadistic examiner". He can thoroughly understand the other party's psychology and is good at manipulating the other party's spirit.

The shadow of the famous human tree, Kazuma, who is also in the country of fire, also knows the horror of this abnormality.

"It's okay if you want me to recruit, but can you let Kong go, he is innocent." Hema glanced at Kong who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and said to Qianshou Feijian.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with us." Qianshou Feijian said lightly, without raising his head while speaking, he continued to look at the scroll, taking notes from time to time.

The earth escape reincarnation technique is very similar to the dirt reincarnation technique.

The earth escape reincarnation technique uses the corpse of the deceased to be resurrected as a medium, and uses soil to completely construct the body of the deceased to be resurrected and become a puppet of the caster. It is exactly the same as before, and can even use all the power before birth.

Earth Dungeon Creation·The Soil of the Dead is known as the ultimate resurrection technique of Earth Dungeon. After preparing the soil full of the breath of dead bodies, the dead bodies in the soil are resurrected to become puppets of the caster.

The technique of reincarnation is to extract a certain amount of body from the dead, use the body of the living as a container for the soul of the dead, and then call the soul of the dead from the pure land of the underworld to the present world, let the soul of the dead attach to the container, and cover the living with dust. The body of a person is thus transformed into the appearance of the deceased.

Earth Dungeon Creation·Dead Soil is very simple to cast.As long as you master the changes in the nature of Earth Dungeon and find a battlefield or cemetery, you can summon this land and resurrect the people who died on the battlefield for your own use, but the dead it summons are not very strong. It is completely walking dead, and the resurrected people are completely unconscious, so it should be good to use in crowd tactics.

The Earth Dungeon Reincarnation Art is a bit more advanced than the Earth Dungeon Creation·Dead Soil. The resurrected people are as powerful as they were in life, but there is a fatal flaw, that is, they will die with one blow, just like the shadow clone art. In, injured, will disappear.

Finally, the most powerful is the technique of reincarnation. He can call the soul of a ninja who has passed away back to the world, and resurrect him in the form of a physical body. The resurrected person can be manipulated by the caster, but the caster can release the control , In addition, if the caster knows the seal of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, he can take the initiative to cancel the contract of the dirty soil reincarnation.The people summoned by the reincarnation of the filth cannot be killed by ordinary methods, that is to say, the dead who are reincarnated by the filth will get an immortal body with endless chakra.

Qianshou Feijian drew the art of reincarnation of the dirty soil and the art of earth escape and reincarnation together.

What he has to do now is to combine these two techniques, so that the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil not only has the technique of earth escape reincarnation, but also has the appearance and physical abilities of the dead after resurrection, and has all the strength before birth.

It must also have the characteristics of the technique of reincarnation, immortality, and endless chakra.

If the improvement is successful, he is equivalent to resurrection.

(End of this chapter)

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