Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 1 I am Itachi Uchiha

Chapter 1 I am Itachi Uchiha
Konoha Village Hokage Office Building.

The third Sarutobi Hirizan was smoking a cigarette with his eyes closed. Next to him were Hokage assistant Shimura Danzo, and the two high-level advisors of Konoha Village, Koharu Koharu and Ener Mitomon.

A ninja wearing a cat mask, kneeling on one knee.

"Itachi, tell me your choice!" Shimura Danzo said coldly.

The ninja wearing a cat mask lowered his head and did not speak. At this moment, images and paragraphs of words were flashing through his mind quickly.

In the picture, in a room, a man with a serious expression sat cross-legged on the ground with his arms folded, and said happily, "As expected of my son, you have a bright future if you can enter Anbu!"

"This is Fugaku Uchiha?" Xiao Shenghao from the perspective of God looked at the man in front of him in shock.

Unexpectedly, he actually time-traveled and became Itachi Uchiha!

So, the choice Sarutobi Hiruzen said is to stand on Konoha's side or Uchiha's side.

The picture in my mind continued, Uchiha Fugaku said in a deep voice: "But remember my words, you are not only Konoha's Anbe, but also the Uchiha clan's Itachi."

"Yes!" Xiao Shenghao's Uchiha Itachi respectfully said.

Then the screen turns.

Under the waterfall and by the bridge, a man who lost his right eye and was bleeding from his eye socket reached out to close his only left eye and said with a smile:

"Itachi, I can only entrust you as my best friend. Use my left eye to protect this village and Uchiha's name!"

"Once I die, the situation should change!"

"I also left the suicide note!"

After speaking, the man jumped down!

"Is this Uchiha Shisui?" Xiao Shenghao from God's perspective opened his mouth.

"Stop the water!"

Uchiha Itachi wanted to reach out to stop it, but Uchiha Shisui who fell off the bridge said again: "Don't stop me, Itachi, if you are my friend"

Uchiha Itachi witnessed Uchiha Shisui jumping into the river to commit suicide, and closed his eyes in pain, leaving a trail of blood in his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the Sangouyu Sharingan in his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope!
The screen turns again.

Three Uchiha men blocked Uchiha Itachi in a room, and asked in a bad tone: "About Uchiha Shisui who committed suicide by throwing himself into Nangagawa last night"

"You suspect me, don't you?" In the screen, Uchiha Itachi's three-god jade is opened, his eyes are bloodshot, he has lost the gentleness of the past, and his face is full of violence. For the first time, he killed someone in his family. Heart!
"That's right, brat!" The three Uchiha men Sangoyu Shulunyan opened their eyes and said not to be outdone: "Listen, Itachi, if you dare to betray the Uchiha clan, we will never forgive you!"

"clap clap"

Before a few people could react, they were quickly knocked down by Uchiha Itachi.

"How is it possible?" Several people's eyes were full of shock, with one move, just one move, Uchiha Itachi knocked down the three adults in an instant!
You know, Itachi is only 13 years old!

"You keep saying that the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan, you people don't know my strength, so I knocked you to the ground!" Uchiha Itachi said indifferently.

"Stop, Itachi!" When Uchiha Itachi was about to kill, Uchiha Fugaku's voice sounded, but what responded to him was a Kunai!
A kunai shot out from Uchiha Itachi's hand, flew past Uchiha Fugaku's ear, and shot directly at the Uchiha Clan's emblem behind him, hitting the red heart!

"This" Uchiha Fugaku was shocked.

"I'm already desperate for this boring family!" Uchiha Itachi gave Uchiha Fugaku a hard look.

Uchiha Fugaku saw Uchiha Itachi's murderous, emotionless eyes, his pupils shrank, and his heart trembled.

At this moment of tension, a trembling voice came from the room with a crying voice:
"Brother, stop!"

Seeing the trembling, terrified, and bewildered younger brother hiding behind the door, Uchiha Itachi's eyes flashed a trace of tenderness, and the three-god jade in his eyes disappeared and returned to his usual black pupils.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive." Uchiha Itachi kowtowed to a few people on his knees to apologize, but at this moment the Sangoudama in his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope.

"A young patriarch apologizes to the three Uchiha clansmen who don't distinguish between right and wrong and are weaker than himself. For Itachi, the hatred in his heart will not be less? It is this time, Itachi is determined to destroy this heart Arrogant, a rotten clan, right?" Xiao Shenghao murmured from the perspective of God.

The screen turned again, and a man with a white bandage wrapped around his head said to Uchiha Itachi, "From today onwards, you will be the Anbu's sub-captain!"

"Although it is not the root, but the tasks are basically assigned by me!"

"You don't need to report to Suanshan and the others."

"Uchiha's dissatisfaction with the village has heated up again! The status quo can't be maintained! Now I want you to perform a mission immediately!"

"Don't worry, it's just monitoring the Uchiha clan!"

"Shimura Danzo?" Xiao Shenghao sneered, it was the Konoha Nabe King who bewitched the young and ignorant Uchiha Itachi to slaughter his own clan.

The screen turns again.

Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Fugaku Kaleidoscope Shulunyan turned, and said to Uchiha Itachi in a deep voice: "Itachi, don't run away, this is your destiny as Uchiha!"

"Help the Uchiha clan!"

"You and I, two pairs of kaleidoscopes are enough to control the high-level Konoha, and take the position of Hokage without bloodshed."

"I can't suppress the rioting clansman anymore. If I let the clansman do it, then the whole Konoha and the Uchiha clan will be finished!"

From the illusion screen transmitted by Uchiha Fugaku Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Itachi clearly saw: If the Uchiha clan is allowed to continue, they will tie Uzumaki Naruto and force Uchiha Fugaku to launch the kaleidoscope writing Afterwards, the Nine-Tails raged, and Konoha Village was full of wars, mourners were everywhere, and countless villagers were killed and injured. After that, the Uchiha clan and Konoha were both defeated. Other countries, Ninja Village took advantage of the gap, and the whole ninja world has been in chaos ever since!
Another result is that Konoha strikes first, the Uchiha clan was killed by Hiru Sarutobi, and Shimura Danzo was slaughtered.

"This is the corner of the future I see, Itachi, my son, tell me, how do you choose!" Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Itachi and waited for his answer.

Immediately after the screen turned again, a woman with beautiful long black hair, a beauty mole in the lower right corner, wearing a purple cheongsam, and wrist guards in her hands gently stretched out a string of three-color balls and handed them to Uchiha Itachi smiled and said, "Itachi, no matter what you choose, I will support you."

Itachi Uchiha took the three-color ball in a daze, took a bite, and it was very sweet.

"Is this Uchiha Izumi?" Xiao Shenghao murmured.

Uchiha Itachi likes sweets, but has been bitter all his life.

At this moment, the screen stopped abruptly.

[Ding, the memory has been received, the love and peace system has been successfully activated, and the information is being bound]

【Current World: Naruto】

[Host: Xiao Shenghao, current traveler: Itachi Uchiha, age 13]

[Skills: Fire escape ninjutsu: Jutsu of Phoenix Fire (C), Jutsu of Fire Ball (C), Jutsu of Phoenix Flower Claw (B), Jutsu of Dragon Fire (B);
Auxiliary Ninjutsu: Crow Clone Jutsu (C), Shadow Clone Jutsu (B), Clone Blast (A), Substitution Technique (E);
Time and Space Ninjutsu: Psychic Crow;

Xueji Boundary: Sharingan, Kaleidoscope Sharingan;

Illusion: Magic·Mirrors, Illusion·Bubble, Illusion·Shiranui, Magic·Shahang Zhishu, Illusion·Sharingan, Yuedu.

Pupil Art: Amaterasu, Susano]

【Points: 0】

[Comprehensive evaluation: Shadow grade, Chakra amount: 3 Chakra.Note: 1 Chakra = 1 Kakashi = [-] Elite Jōnin Chakra Quantity]

Sure enough, every time you cross, there must be a system. Since I replaced you, from now on, the fate of your Uchiha Itachi will be inherited by me, Xiao Shenghao!
"Itachi, tell me your choice!" Danzo stared at Uchiha Itachi with a sullen face and said.

Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings. There were more than 20 Jonin ambushing around him, including familiar Chakras, Hyuga Clan, Akimichi Clan, Yamanaka Clan, and Oil Girl Clan.
"It seems that if I don't surrender today, I won't be able to get out of the Hokage Building!" Itachi Uchiha snorted coldly in his heart, wearing a mask on his head, making people feel no emotions.

It's a pity that he's not the [-]-year-old Uchiha Itachi who is easy to be fooled by others.

When Itachi Uchiha opened his eyes again, he looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, and Koharu, and Engong Mitomon said, "The Uchiha clan decided to launch a revolution in Konoha! One month later .”

 Has been internally signed, you can rest assured to invest
(End of this chapter)

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