chapter 59

"Hey! What are you pretending? Don't you know? You told the hospital to expel me, but you opened your eyes and told nonsense!" Lin Shujie interjected.

"If you say I am talking nonsense, you are the one talking nonsense!"

"Xiaojie, since you keep saying that Boss Lu asked the hospital to fire you, do you have any evidence to prove that what you said is true?" Long Zheng's gaze returned to Lin Shujie's face.

"Grandpa Long, I have evidence." Lin Shujie said without thinking, "Vice President Wang I mentioned just now can testify."

"Okay, you call Vice President Wang now."

Lin Shujie heard what Long Zheng said, and immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the other party answered the phone.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"I'm Lin Shujie!"

"Oh, it's Miss Lin, hello! What can I do?"

"Where is Vice President Wang?"

"That's right!"

"Is it convenient for him to answer the phone?"

"Okay, wait a minute."

Lu Yuegang's expression changed from surprise to doubt.

Everyone present stared at Lin Shujie expectantly, wondering what would happen next.Could it be that the Vice President Wang she mentioned could really confirm that what she said was true?

"Hello, who is looking for me?"

Not long after, Vice President Wang's voice came from Lin Shujie's mobile phone.

"It's me, Lin Shujie!"

Lin Shujie spoke lightly, while turning on the hands-free function.

She wants everyone to hear what Vice President Wang is going to say next, so as not to suspect her of making small moves.

"So it's Miss Lin, hello, hello!"

Vice President Wang's voice was somewhat respectful and timid.

"Miss Lin, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that before. I was wrong. I was really wrong. Please give me a chance. I didn't know you were from the Yanjing Lin family..."

"Okay, save these words for later." Lin Shujie interrupted Vice President Wang's words.

"Let me ask you, did Lu Yuegang pressure you to fire me?"

"This is..."

"Yes or no?"

"Yes Yes!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Really, it's absolutely true! At the beginning, Lu Yuegang held a grudge because you slapped his son and didn't give him the face of the Lu family. He came to me and asked me to punish you."

"As the vice president, why do you listen to the words of a group president?"

"Because Lu Yuegang donates property to our hospital from time to time, Lu Yuegang threatened me that if I don't punish you for him, I will stop donating property to our hospital in the future."

"Are you sure that what you said is true?"

"True, true! I can swear to God, everything I say now is true!"


"Miss Lin, I had no choice but to do that. Please, sir, don't care about such a small person as me. I will definitely apologize in the future..."

Lin Shujie stopped listening to his nonsense and hung up the phone.

When she looked at everyone, she found that everyone was silent and looked at her quietly.

Everyone looks different.

Some people were astonished, some were puzzled, some were surprised, and some looked unbelievable...

Not only were they surprised that Lu Yuegang bullied a girl because he thought he was rich and powerful in Yuejiang City, but they were also surprised that a vice president was respectful and submissive to a girl.


Some people also noticed that Vice President Wang mentioned Yanjing Lin's family.

Although Lin Shujie interrupted Vice President Wang's words in time, some caring people still noticed.

This woman is also surnamed Lin. Could it be that she has something to do with the Yanjing Lin family?
Long Zheng also mentioned just now that this woman is the granddaughter of his old friend. So, is she really from the Yanjing Lin family?
When Lu Yuegang heard that Vice President Wang testified against himself, his face changed drastically, and then he was a little embarrassed.

The anger in him disappeared and turned into restlessness.

Lu Yuegang also noticed the "Yanjing Lin family" mentioned by Vice President Wang, and he also suspected that Lin Shujie had a relationship with the Yanjing Lin family.

If she was really from Yanjing Lin's family, then she would have made a big mistake.

One Ye Xingchen was enough for him to drink a pot, and there was also Lin Shujie.

Ye Xingchen is now protected by the Long family, but where is this Lin Shujie?Are they really from the Yanjing Lin family?

At this moment, Lu Yuegang didn't dare to say anything else, so as not to cause more trouble.

"Mr. Lu, Vice President Wang has confirmed what you have done. What else do you have to argue?"

Lin Shujie cast her eyes on Lu Yuegang, and said disdainfully.

Lu Yuegang rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "About this matter, what I did was really wrong, it was all because I loved my son so much, I believed my son's lie, and thought it was you who slandered him first.

Miss Lin, I am here to apologize to you on behalf of my rebellious son!sorry! "

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard Lu Yuegang apologized in front of everyone.

I thought he would get angry, and then find excuses to quibble.

When Ye Xingchen heard that Lu Yuegang blamed his son, he cast a disdainful look.

When Lin Shujie heard that Lu Yuegang apologized to her in public, she was surprised, and the anger in her heart disappeared without a trace.

She is a kind and soft-hearted person. When she sees others showing weakness, she can't bear to go on.

"I'm not an unreasonable person. Since you apologize, I won't pursue it."

Lin Shujie pouted.

"He's not the type to be forgiven."

Lu Yuegang was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Ye Xingchen said suddenly.

"Obviously he himself was at fault, but he put all the responsibility on his son."

Lu Yuegang stared, and cursed secretly in his heart, sister, this kid surnamed Ye is going to make it hard for him!
However, now is not the time for him to get angry.

Endure it now, and find a chance to take revenge in the future.

"Forget it, you have to be forgiving and forgiving!"

Long Zheng coughed dryly, and said unhurriedly.

"Boss Lu is willing to apologize to you juniors in front of everyone, it's not easy!"

Long Zheng thought that everyone came here today to save face, and he didn't want to make things too big.

The purpose of today is to take this opportunity to thank Ye Xingchen, not to hold a criticism meeting against someone.

Besides, Lu Yuegang's apology had already saved Ye Xingchen and Lin Shujie a lot of face.

Hearing what Long Zheng said, Ye Xingchen and Lin Shujie didn't pursue further.

Lu Yuegang felt that it was meaningless to stay any longer, so he said goodbye to Long Zheng, Ma Tao, and Xu Baoyin, and left with a dark face.

Ma Tao and Xu Baoyin felt very embarrassed. Originally, they devoted themselves to holding this banquet, and invited famous people to participate. They could not only flatter Long Zheng better, but also take this opportunity to communicate more with celebrities in Yuejiang City.

If the banquet is well organized and Long Zheng is happy, they will have more face in Yuejiang City in the future.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

But the dragon is about to borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

This is not the point, the point is Long Zheng's benefactor, but the granddaughter of Long Zheng's old friend made such a trick at the banquet, which made the guests unable to get off the stage.

It was a trivial matter for Ye Xingchen to humiliate the Su family in public, but it was no small matter for him and Lin Shujie to embarrass Lu Yuegang.

Lu Yuegang's status in Yuejiang City is much higher than that of the Su family, and his business is bigger than that of the Su family. Even Ma Tao and Xu Baoyin have cooperated with him, so they want to give him some favor.

But things have come to this, Ma Tao and Xu Baoyin can only admit that they are unlucky.

They wanted to give Lu Yuegang some thin noodles, but they dared not offend Ye Xingchen and Lin Shujie.

These two young men were both related to Long Zheng, offending them was tantamount to offending Long Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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