Chapter 42
"Clap clap clap..."


Ye Xingchen's left hand was as swift as the wind, and he slapped Brother Hong ten times.

Ten slaps, no more, no less!

There were clearly visible slap marks on Brother Hong's face, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But he gritted his teeth and still didn't make a sound.

His eyes were on fire and he glared at Ye Xingchen with resentment.

"It's a man!"

Ye Xingchen was full of disdain, and said in a mocking tone.

"However, I have many ways to deal with people like you, and this is just one of them!"

While speaking, Ye Xingchen's left knee suddenly pushed up and hit the opponent's stomach.


Brother Hong couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

He felt his stomach turn upside down and almost spit out what he ate for dinner.

He shrank tiredly, like a cooked crayfish.

Ye Xingchen didn't stop. He raised his left foot that had just landed, and his knee hit Brother Hong's stomach again.


This time, Brother Hong's stomach hurt even more than before.

It hurt so much that he screamed in pain, his face twitched, his face turned pale, and his forehead was sweating.

Ye Xingchen frowned slightly, the person in front of him should have received professional training, he was definitely not an ordinary gangster.

If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to bear this kind of pain.

"Ask you again, who are you? Who are you instigated by?"

Ye Xingchen said coldly.

"Boy, if you want to... kill me if you want to... think... want to pry me out and dream of your sister!"

"good very good!"

A murderous intent flashed across Ye Xingchen's eyes.

"I want to see if you are really kind!"

As he said that, Ye Xingchen's right hand suddenly let go, but then, he pointed his right hand together to form a sword, and touched two acupuncture points on Brother Hong's body with lightning speed.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Although Brother Hong didn't know what Ye Xingchen had done to him, he realized something was wrong.

"Do you know that there are some acupoints on the human body that make life worse than death, I call them life-worse acupoints!" Ye Xingchen said with a serious face.

Brother Hong stared wide-eyed, looking dubious.

A person like him who licks blood on the edge of a knife also knows some acupuncture points, but this is the first time he has heard of the so-called life is better than death acupuncture points.

"Today, I will let you experience what life is better than death!" Ye Xingchen suddenly smiled sinisterly.

Brother Hong was frightened by Ye Xingchen's expression, but he can be considered a person who has experienced big storms. This kid surnamed Ye must be scaring himself, and then he sneered forcefully.

"Want to scare me? Hmph! I was scared!" Brother Hong remained stubborn.

"Oh, really?"

Ye Xingchen smiled disdainfully.

"I'll count to three, and you'll understand how life is worse than death!!"

As soon as the word "one" fell, Brother Hong really felt some pain.

This pain was nothing compared to being slapped in the face and hit in the stomach with his knee by Ye Xingchen just now.


Within a few seconds, Brother Hong suddenly felt hot and cold in his body.

"You... what did you do to me?"

Brother Hong began to realize something was wrong, and looked at Ye Xingchen in horror.

"Don't worry, this is the beginning."

Ye Xingchen's tone was calm, but to Hong Ge's ears, it was terrifying.

"It won't be long before you're on your knees begging to tell me everything you know!"

After Ye Xingchen's words fell, Brother Hong felt as if his internal organs were being pierced by sharp cones, and a pain that he had never experienced before spread all over his body.

The inside of the body is like being bitten by countless ants, which cannot be touched or scratched.

The heart-piercing pain distorted his face and let out an appalling scream.

His body seemed to have fallen into eighteen layers of hell, as if he was being burned by fire, stabbed by ice, bitten by snakes, insects, rats and ants, and chopped by knives and axes... He felt an unprecedented emptiness and helplessness.

Biting his lip, bloodshot eyes appeared, and his whole body trembled.

In less than ten seconds, he rolled on the ground in pain.

He wanted to die.

Once, he was afraid of death, but now, he wanted to die very much.

Death, to him, was already a luxury.

When the other masked men saw Brother Hong like this, their eyes widened with disbelief and fear.

"It hurts me...please...please...ah...please forgive me...please...please..."

Brother Hong's eyes became empty, as if he couldn't see anything.

His expression was extremely painful and filled with deep fear.

The so-called toughness just now has long since disappeared without a trace.

"It hurts...I...can't take it...ah...Ye...Brother Ye, I...I was wrong...Please forgive me..."

Brother Hong was already in tears from the pain, kneeling at Ye Xingchen's feet like a pug, kowtowing his head.

Ye Xingchen leaned down, pointed his right hand together into a sword, and tapped Brother Hong a few times "duck dunk".

Not long after, the pain in Hong Ge's body gradually eased.

"Say, who are you? What are you ordered?"

Ye Xingchen stared at Brother Hong with a cold tone.

"I...I said, I said."

Brother Hong knelt on the ground, drooping his head.

"My name is Hong Feng. I am a Chinese. I used to serve in the Blackwater Commando of the Beautiful Country. Now I am employed by the Hengyuan Group. I am the personal security consultant of Lu Yuegang, the president of the Hengyuan Group."

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen already understood why these people kidnapped his sister and threatened him to come.

The so-called Lu Yuegang's personal security consultant is actually Lu Yuegang's bodyguard.

The other party claimed to have served in the Blackwater commando of the beautiful country, no wonder he was able to endure the pain that ordinary people could not bear.

If he didn't know how to use certain acupoints to make his viscera, internal and external pain unbearable, and life would be worse than death, he would not easily submit.

"Yes... President Lu ordered us to come and deal with you."

Hong Feng continued to speak, but the pained expression did not completely disappear.

"Is what you said true?"

"Every sentence is true!"

"Forgive me, you dare not lie to me!"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

"stand up!"

Hong Feng stood up timidly,
Ye Xingchen glanced coldly at Hong Feng, his right hand was as quick as lightning, and he touched three acupuncture points on Hong Feng's body.

Hong Feng turned pale with fright, thinking that Ye Xingchen was going to make him suffer the pain of death.

"You...what are you doing? I...I've already said everything I need to say, you can't do this..."

"Don't worry, this time it's not about life being worse than death."

Ye Xingchen put his mouth close to Hong Feng's ear and said in a low voice.

"I ordered your deathbed."


"Don't be afraid. Although you have been stabbed to death, you will not die for a while. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, you will not die."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You don't have to believe me, but you have to believe in yourself. Think about the time when your life was worse than death just now."

Hong Feng was speechless for a moment.

Since Ye Xingchen tapped his own acupoints twice casually, it is not impossible for him to make his life worse than death.

"If you still don't believe it, you can take two deep breaths and feel if your heart hurts."

Seeing that the other party was silent, Ye Xingchen continued to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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