Chapter 98 Find a way

"Shopkeeper, I brought the pig you asked me to buy for you, and the person you want."

Liu Mang asked someone to pull ten sows to Huangzhuang in a bullock cart. Fang Qi asked Liu Mang to buy these pigs.

"Is it strong?"

Fang Qi didn't know much about pigs, so he asked the person Liu Mang brought over.

"It must be strong. These ten pigs are absolutely strong. The old man has raised pigs for most of his life. You can tell at a glance whether the pigs are strong or not."

The old man brought by Liu Wei said to Fang Qi: "If you don't believe me, you can kill one on the spot."

"Trust it."

Fang Qi nodded, and then said to the old man: "You raise this sow in this yard first, just tell me what you need."

Fang Qi didn't pay much attention to it, and just let the old man raise pigs in the courtyard of Huangzhuang.


The old man looked at Fang Qi in surprise, a little confused: "There are pigs raised in this yard?"

"That's right, it's all right. The place for raising pigs hasn't been built yet. When it's done, we'll send these pigs there as soon as possible. Let's raise them here first."

Fang Qi didn't feel anything, such a large yard is usually not used.

This is just the backyard, Huangzhuang also has the front yard, Fang Qi lives in the front yard anyway, so it's no big deal.

Fang Qi didn't care about these.


The old pig farmer nodded. He didn't care. Since he gave the order, he would just keep raising pigs here.

"When these pigs are in heat, you can just find me."

Fang Qi gave an order, and then left directly.


After the old man heard Fang Qi's words, he suddenly felt a shock in his body.

What the hell!

will play!
But Fang Qi didn't pay attention to the old man's opinion.

It's just because of his system before, he signed in and delivered ten test tubes of pig essence.

This thing can be used for one pig, so Fang Qi got ten pigs, ready to try it out.

The children of fifty tenant families, together with the children of the refugees who were building drainage canals in Chang'an City, would come to Huangzhuang soon.

After these children came over, Fang Qi naturally wanted to teach them to read and write.

Fang Qi has already counted the number of children. There are about 500 people in total. Fang Qi will never be able to complete it alone.

He could only let those who followed him to Huangzhuang teach them to read and write.

These people in Mingshu are not only good at mathematics, they also know normal reading and writing.

It's just that they just don't understand the classics very well.

These people are enough to teach these children to read and write. Besides, Fang Qi has already compiled the textbooks, how to teach these children to read and write.

It depends on how these people teach.

After Fang Qi finished handling the matter of raising pigs, he directly arranged these people into the hall of Huangzhuang.

"A new group of students will come to Huangzhuang soon. In addition to listening to my classes, you will also be responsible for teaching those students to read and write."

Fang Qi got straight to the point and explained the matter to these people.


Li Chengqian looked at Fang Qi with a dazed expression, he was still studying, why did he want to teach others to learn?
"What's wrong? Any questions?"

Fang Qi looked at Li Chengqian, and said, "You guys already know how to learn by reading and writing, but they are all children who don't know a single character. Can't you become teachers and teach them?"

"No, we don't know how to teach them this."

Li Chengqian said to Fang Qi: "This enlightenment should be learned first. If we teach it directly, it will not be very simple. The process is quite complicated."

Li Chengqian gave Fang Qi an analysis. The main method of reading and writing is to use the Fanqie method, using two familiar Chinese characters to piece together the unknown character.

But now it's enlightenment, these children don't know a word, what are they doing?
This thing is very difficult.

After Fang Qi listened to Li Chengqian's description, he smiled lightly. He naturally knew this. Back then, he was doing odd jobs in a private school, so he naturally understood this.

There are so many children, not because they are not serious, but because it is too difficult to learn Chinese characters, so many people are not willing to learn these things.

To learn these Chinese characters, you must first memorize a lot of Chinese characters forcibly, and then when you encounter Chinese characters you don’t know, use Fanqie to learn Chinese characters you don’t know.

The first step is to memorize a bunch of Chinese characters forcibly, which is very difficult for these beginners.

That's why Li Chengqian and the others didn't want to teach them. This thing is really too difficult. If it weren't for being a teacher who has been learning for a long time, no one would have the patience to teach it.

"You know the reason, have you thought of a way to change this situation?"

Fang Qi looked at Li Chengqian and asked him: "Since it is so difficult to learn, have you ever thought about what method should be used to make reading and literacy easier?"


After Fang Qi asked this question, everyone fell silent.

They have never thought about these things at all, they have always learned this way.

Everyone has come here like this, why change?

They didn't think about it at all.

"Teacher, do you have a way?"

After Li Tai heard Fang Qi's question, he immediately thought that Fang Qi might have a solution. Fang Qi said: "Teacher, you have worked as a handyman in a private school, so you must be familiar with this situation. It is said that if you When you find a problem, you will immediately think about how to solve it. Since you mentioned this problem today, does it mean that you have already thought of a solution? "

"I have a way, but I want to know, can you think of a way!"

Fang Qi said to these people: "If I directly come up with my own method, will you still think about it? I am your teacher. I will not give you the results directly, but let you learn to think for yourself. Some things , if you figured it out by yourself, the result would be very different.”


The crowd fell silent.

After hearing Fang Qi's words, they were speechless, not knowing what to say.

In what way?

Almost everyone started thinking at the same moment.

But everyone is frowning, completely clueless.

After a long time, Li Tai suddenly raised his head, and Fang Qi said: "Can some of the fixed characters be used as Fanqie? When learning, learn this part first, and then you can use it directly. I learned other characters using the Fanqie method, so can I get twice the result with half the effort?"

(End of this chapter)

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