Chapter 86 Forbidden Books
"His Majesty?"

Fang Qi tried to shout again, but Li Shimin still didn't make any movement.

What's going on.
Why doesn't he make any movement?
This is not right!
Whether he was sleeping or not, and Fang Qi knew clearly that Li Shimin would definitely be able to hear him.

But if you don't care about yourself, what's going on?

Fang Qi was a little confused, did he offend Li Shimin?
Why did he suddenly become like this?

After Fang Qi thought for a while, he suddenly woke up.

"Father, my son wants to go to the Hongwen Museum."

Fang Qi changed his address, and said to Li Shimin: "I want to go to Hongwen Library to read books, and I hope my father will approve."

Now Li Shimin finally raised his head: "Screw a few more times, and I will let you go."


Fang Qi suddenly felt a deep malice.

Li Shimin's meaning couldn't be more obvious, he just wanted to deepen his impression.

But there is no way, this thing must be seen, so I just yelled a few more times in this imperial study, and goose bumps fell all over the floor.

In the end, Li Shimin handed Fang Qi a badge, and then said: "Take my badge and go, but you have to pay attention, there are some things in Hongwen Hall that you'd better not look at."

"Can't those things be seen?"

Fang Qi asked Li Shimin curiously.

"You'd better not be curious, what you can't see, Master Yu will tell you when the time comes."

Li Shimin didn't say much, he just told Fang Qi that Yu Shinan would stop him then.

Fang Qi was silent for a while, and then said: "Father, what if I go to the Hongwen Museum just to see these things?"


Li Shimin didn't expect that Fang Qi would say such a thing. After being silent for a while, he said, "Look, if you study more, it might be better for Li Zhen."


Fang Qi was stunned, and then asked Li Shimin: "How do you explain father's words?"

Fang Qi had no idea that Li Shimin would say such a thing. What did it mean?

What he wants to read are banned books, and this should be one of the books that Li Shimin forbids him to read.

So Fang Qi told Li Shimin to read these books.

But what does Li Shimin's last sentence mean?
Is it better for Li Li after reading these books?
What does this mean?
"Don't you want to see those things?"

Li Shimin asked Fang Qi: "Those things that record the affairs of men and women?"


What the hell!

Hold a big grass!
What does Li Shimin mean?

The Hongwen Museum actually has these things?

What are you doing?

Is this the Hongwen Museum or the Huang Wen Museum?

Why is there such a thing?

"Father, my son doesn't look at these things."

Fang Qi said to Li Shimin: "My son is a decent person."

"Go, go, don't bother me."

Li Shimin waved his hand, and then said: "Stop talking, I understand everything, and I came here at your age, go and see."


Fang Qi was a little speechless, this stupid person whose thoughts are not pure can see no one is pure.

Am I that kind of person?

I was already able to achieve the goal of having no code in my mind back then. Who the hell would look at this now? You can't move it, and it's still a drawn thing. What's the point?

But since Li Shimin has already let him go, he can just go to Hongwen Hall to see it.

Find that forbidden book, memorize it, and everything will be fine.

Fang Qi quickly arrived at the Hongwen Pavilion. After handing Li Shimin's waistband to the guard guarding the door, Fang Qi entered the Hongwen Pavilion.

This Hongwen Library is the largest library in the world, containing all the books in the world.

Fang Qi originally thought this was a decent place, but he didn't realize that this place was actually not that serious until after hearing Li Shimin's words.

There are all those things, and this place is really a mixed bag.

The collection of books in Chongwen Museum is very standard. They are classified according to categories, and they are all done very well.

But one thing is that these categories are all large categories, and it is difficult to find these books in them.

For example, history books, these rows of bookshelves are all about history books, there are no small categories, only major categories.

There are other books about various books, and they are not sorted, only these things, Fang Qi looked at these things, feeling a little irritated.

When will this shit be found?
"Who classified this book? It's not organized at all. It's really helpless!"

Fang Qi couldn't help sighing, and then said: "It's really hard to find books!"

"What? Do you have a problem with the old man?"

At this time, a voice came from behind Fang Qi.

Fang Qi felt that this voice seemed familiar.

Turn your head.

Then Fang Qi discovered that he really knew the person standing behind him.

When I was interviewing the prince's servant, this person was responsible for the first pass.

"Scholar Yu."

Fang Qi bowed his hands. Although he didn't know what this person's name was, the old man in the second level called him Bachelor Yu, so he should just call him that. Anyway, I don't know what his name is, so I guarantee that he is right by this name. of.

"You said that there is something wrong with the way the old man organizes?"

Yu Shinan looked at Fang Qi, and said, "Tell me how to sort it out?"

Fang Qi scratched his head, and then said: "Well, it's not easy for me to find books, so I complained, and I hope Bachelor Yu will not be offended."

"What book are you looking for?"

Yu Shinan looked at Fang Qi, and then said: "If nothing else, I know where every book in this place is. Just tell me and I will help you find it."

Yu Shinan actually had a good impression of Fang Qi. At the beginning, he recommended Fang Qi to go to the Imperial College. He knew Fang Qi. Later, he basically heard about everything Fang Qi did.

Zhenguan plow, this kind of thing is taken out, it is a magic weapon that benefits the country and the people.

Yu Shinan especially appreciates Fang Qi, not only for his literary talents, but also for his ability to serve the country and the people.

What a kid this is.

Looking at Fang Qi, Yu Shinan admired him very much, and he was quite calm when he helped find the book.

"Then thank you, Scholar Yu."

Fang Qi bowed to Yu Shinan respectfully, and then said: "I want to read a special book, I wonder if there are any special books here by Xueshi Yu, those special books that can leave a deep impression on people .”

It is naturally impossible for Fang Qi to tell his true purpose, he can only be vague.

After hearing this, Yu Shinan frowned.

special book?

It seems that Fang Qi is about to get married to Princess Changle.

Could it be that you want that kind of book?
Good guy, Yu Shinan also lost his mind all of a sudden, he has a fight with Li Shimin.

"You come with the old man."

Yu Shinan directly brought Fang Qi to a side hall.

(End of this chapter)

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