Chapter 47 Iron Man
Not long after Empress Changsun left, Li Lizhi woke up, saw Fang Qi in front of her, blushed up to her neck, and buried her head in Fang Qi's chest.


Fang Qi is completely stupid, okay?
What the hell is this shit going on!
"Princess, can you let go of your hand, I have a stiff neck."

Fang Qi said to Li Lizhi: "This neck was not chopped off by His Majesty, it was almost broken by you."


After Li Lizhi heard what Fang Qi said, she immediately put down her hand. She was a little embarrassed to look at Fang Qi.

"Princess, get up and go eat."

Fang Qi called out to Li Lizhi, and then said: "Your Majesty and the Empress have prepared meals for us, let's hurry up and eat."


Li Lizhi looked at Fang Qi and didn't know what to say.

Why is this person like this?

"what happened to you?"

Fang Qi looked at Li Lizhi's appearance, immediately raised his left hand, and touched Li Lizhi's forehead: "So hot? Are you suffering from a cold?"


Li Lizhi fell into a speechless state, glanced at Fang Qi, and then asked: "Did the father and mother see us like this?"

"What does it look like?"

Fang Qi said to Li Lizhi: "You mean the way you hugged my neck? I see, His Majesty wanted to kill me, but in the end he decided to marry you to me."


Li Lizhi let out an ah again, then lowered her head again.

"What's wrong with you?"

Fang Qi had no idea what was going on with Li Lizhi. He said a few words and that was it?

It's not like I really have a cold.

This is ancient.

Colds can be deadly.

"His Royal Highness, let me call the imperial doctor for you."

Fang Qi said to Li Lizhi: "If you have a cold, you should get medical treatment quickly, otherwise, it will be bad."

"No, I'm fine."

Li Lizhi said to Fang Qi: "Father and Queen Mother really want to marry me to you?"


Fang Qi nodded, and then said: "Your Majesty said, if I don't marry you, he will chop off my head."

"Don't you want to marry me?"

Li Lizhi looked at Fang Qi, and felt that Fang Qi seemed very reluctant, and immediately she felt that there was something wrong with Fang Qi's favor.

"No, you are so beautiful, why don't I want to marry you?"

Fang Qi was very vigilant.

Because Li Lizhi has a criminal record.

She will snitch.

Li Chengqian was messed up by Li Shimin because of this matter.

Therefore, he must not give Li Lizhi the opportunity to make a small report.

If Li Lizhi made a small report, he would probably say goodbye to his head soon.

"Then why do I feel that you are unhappy?"

Li Lizhi said to Fang Qi: "I don't think you really want to marry me."

"Princess, don't you think we are still young?"

Fang Qi said to Li Lizhi: "We are still young, if only a few years later, we will be fine."

"Then I'll go and talk to my father and queen."

Li Lizhi seemed very sincere. After hearing what Fang Qi said, she was ready to discuss it with Li Shimin and Queen Changsun.

But when Fang Qi heard this, he immediately became furious.

Can this be said?

If you tell Li Shimin about this, do you still want his head?

Fang Qi said to Li Lizhi: "It's okay, we can get married first, and then grow up slowly. After we grow up, we can be a real husband and wife."

"What do you mean?"

Li Lizhi was a little unclear about what Fang Qi meant.

"It means that we can get married first, and then consummate the house when we are old."

Fang Qi said to Li Lizhi: "We are still young and cannot consummate our marriage. This is not good for both of us."


After Li Lizhi heard the word consummation, her face, which was almost recovered, blushed again.

"Princess, why is your face red again? Do you really not want to call the doctor to take a look?"

Fang Qi looked at Li Lizhi's face, and immediately wanted to see the imperial doctor.

"It's okay, Fang Qi, let's go eat first."

Li Lizhi shook her head, and then changed the subject.


Fang Qi nodded, and followed Li Lizhi to the dining place.

When the two sat at the table.

When Datang eats, there is one table for each person.

Although eating together, they are not at the same table.

Fang Qi sat down, raised his hand, and was about to take chopsticks.


Fang Qi took a breath and looked at his right hand.

This right hand is dislocated.

Fang Qi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Before signing in, Fang Qi got a Barrett hand cannon.

This thing is for Fang Qi's self-defense, only ten bullets.

It was just the first time I used this thing that day.

The recoil was like a sinkhole. At that time, one hand was holding the gun and the other was holding Li Lizhi. The powerful recoil directly dislocated Fang Qi's hand at the moment of shooting.

Although it has been bone-setting now, the bone-setting technique is extremely clumsy.

And there was no splint or bandage on Fang Qi.

As long as Fang Qi moved, he could feel a piercing pain.

But fortunately, this gun can only be used by Fang Qi. If he lets go, he will directly take it back into the space of the system.

At that time Fang Qi dropped his hand and fell into a coma. The gun has been taken back.

At this time, Fang Qi looked at the table full of dishes, his stomach was empty, and he naturally wanted to eat, but his hands were weak.

Fang used his left hand to pick up the chopsticks with difficulty, then picked up a mouthful of food tremblingly, and brought it to his mouth.

But when it was about to reach the mouth, the dish fell directly because of the shaking.

Fang Qi's mentality immediately collapsed.

It's like grabbing a claw machine. After finally grabbing a doll, when it is about to be sent to the exit, when it falls, the feeling is the same.

"Fang Qi, what happened to your hand?"

At this time, Li Lizhi came to Fang Qi's side.

She didn't pay attention to it just now, but when she got here, after taking two bites of food, she suddenly saw that something was wrong with Fang Qi's side, so she walked over.

Immediately, he saw Fang Qi's right hand, so he asked a question.

"It's okay, it's dislocated. I was pushed by a wild boar at that time. It will be fine in a few days."

Fang Qi sighed, and then said: "Princess, go and eat, I can do it myself."

Fang Qi put down his chopsticks and used his hands directly.

If I can't pick up the chopsticks, won't someone on my side be able to eat?
What are you kidding?

My right hand is dislocated, chopsticks cannot be used, and my left hand is not broken, so it can still be used, okay?
"Fang Qi, this is delicious, come and try this."

Li Lizhi picked up Fang Qi's chopsticks, picked up some food for Fang Qi, and brought it to Fang Qi's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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