Chapter 39 Exciting

Outside Chang'an City.

A group of people gathered together, and they were divided into two groups. One group was the elite soldiers prepared by Li Shimin for Fang Qi, and the other group was the queens of the princes who were unwilling to learn from the Imperial Academy.

At this time, Fang Qi stood in front of the two groups of people, holding a simple horn rolled up with iron sheets in his hand.

"Training starts now for everyone! I will teach you the first move now!"

Fang Qi took a loudspeaker and said to everyone: "Stand at attention! It's called standing like a pine tree. Everyone's heels are close together and their toes are pointed outwards.

The legs are straight; the lower abdomen is slightly retracted, and the chest is naturally raised.

The upper body is upright, slightly leaning forward, the shoulders should be flat, slightly stretched back.

The two arms hang down naturally, the fingers are close together and naturally slightly bent, the tip of the thumb sticks to the second joint of the index finger, and the middle finger sticks to the seam of the trousers.

The head should be upright, the neck should be straight, the mouth should be closed, the mandible should be slightly retracted, and the eyes should be looking forward.

Just like me!Did everyone see clearly? "

After Fang Qi finished speaking, he put down the speaker and stood at attention.

Immediately everyone looked at Fang Qi, and quickly adjusted their posture.

Then Fang Qi picked up the whip in his hand and began to patrol.

This action of standing at attention is very simple, but for these people, it is a little difficult to perform this action for the first time, Fang Qi corrected each action one by one.

At this moment, Fang Qi suddenly saw a man raising his hand and scratching his head.


Immediately, the whip in his hand swung across, and directly gave that person a whip.

This person is none other than Cheng Chumo.

"Did I let you move?"

"Scratch it."


Fang Qi whipped a whip casually: "Did I let you talk?"

"Cheng Chumo, let me tell you, if you don't want to study, I'll take you out of the Imperial College. In the past six months, you must abide by orders and prohibitions. You guys who don't want to study, let me tell you, I will assess you every day for the past six months. You guys, if you can't do it, then go back to the Imperial College for classes, and don't talk about fighting in the future."

Fang Qi said to Cheng Chumo: "You don't even know the most basic things, but you still want to join the army? Are you qualified? If you are not Lu Guogong's son, you are a waste, do you know that?"

"Everyone of you, please listen to me clearly. Here, you are soldiers, just ordinary soldiers. Just like them, your status is worthless in my eyes!"

Fang Qi said to all the people who came out of the Imperial College: "I will treat you all equally. If you people can't meet the standards, go back to where you came from!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Qi looked at everyone, and said: "If there is anything in the future, before you want to speak, you should call for a report. I am not an unreasonable person, but if you are like Cheng Chumo, who has no rules, you have to accept it." punitive.

Now, Cheng Chumo stepped out! "

Following Fang Qi's shout, Cheng Chumo walked out.

Fang Qi said: "Next, I will make a movement, you follow it!"

Fang Qi decisively followed the standard, did a push-up, then stood up, and said to Cheng Chumo: "Do you understand?"


Cheng Chumo had no idea what Fang Qi meant.

He is too familiar with this action.

It was too similar to how he rode his horse in Pingkangfang before.


Cheng Chu answered silently, stammering.

"Didn't you eat?"

Fang Qi looked at Cheng Chumo and asked again: "Do you understand?"

Cheng Chumo immediately shouted: "I see!"

"Okay, let's start. Let's make a hundred first."

Fang Qi gave the order directly.

Then Cheng Chumo started doing it.

"Why are you raising your butt so high?"

"How do you put your arms?"

"Are you doing push-ups or doing something shady?"

"At such a young age, if you don't learn well, you want to learn this? You are going to God!"

Fang Qi saw the movement of Cheng Chumo's hot eyes, and immediately began to curse.

What Cheng Chumo was doing were push-ups.

This is just a restricted level action.

"Body straighten, don't move your buttocks, only your arms are allowed to move, what does your butt move like?"

"Aren't you blushing when you perform in front of so many people in broad daylight?"

Fang Qi cursed, and at this time the crowd burst into laughter.


Fang Qi looked up at the crowd and immediately saw the smiling person.

Yes, this person is Li Huairen.

"Li Huairen, come out!"

Fang Qi yelled, and then said: "Lie down, Cheng Chumo, stand up for a while, let Li Huairen lie under you, and then continue to do push-ups for me!

Laugh, I want you to laugh enough!Each and every one of them has dirty and dirty thoughts, and they don’t know what they are thinking! "

After Fang Qi finished speaking, the expressions of Cheng Chumo and Li Huairen changed drastically.

What the hell!

What does this damn guy want to do?
Not far away, Cheng Yaojin, Li Xiaogong and other generals were standing on a hillside, looking at this place.

Their children are training in this place, so they naturally want to see how the training is done.

Fang Qi said he could train soldiers, but they hadn't seen it, so they didn't believe it, so they came to have a look.

"Li Xiaogong, what do you think this is doing?"

Cheng Yaojin turned his head, looked at Li Xiaogong who was at the side and asked a question.

"Looks like she's having sex."

Li Xiaogong looked surprised: "How come this training soldier is having sex? Also, are there women in this barracks? No, aren't you ashamed in front of so many people?"

"That's weird, why don't they take off their clothes?"

Cheng Yaojin curled his lips: "It's really hard not to see such an exciting thing clearly!"

"You'd better not see it."

At this time, Yu Chigong who was on the side said to Cheng Yaojin: "It's a good thing for you if you can't see clearly, well, it's also a good thing for you, Prince Hejian."

"Can you see clearly?"

Cheng Yaojin and Li Xiaogong immediately looked at Yu Chigong.

"Yes, I can see it very clearly. It's exciting."

Yuchi Gong said to Cheng Yaojin and Prince Hejian with a smile on his face: "My condolences."


Cheng Yaojin and Li Xiaogong were stunned immediately.


What do you mean?
"What do you mean by that?"

Cheng Yaojin was stunned and had no idea what Yu Chigong meant: "Do you mean our eyes can't do it?"

"Oh, I don't know how to tell you this."

Yuchi Gong scratched his head, and then said: "Old Cheng, Old Li, while you are young, let's have more legitimate sons."

"Yuchi Heizi, you are not mistaken, are you?"

Cheng Yaojin said: "I went to Pingkangfang to catch this kid several times! Doesn't he have such a hobby?"


Li Xiaogong understood Cheng Yaojin's meaning in an instant, and ran down the hillside, shouting as he ran, "You son of a bitch! I beat him to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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