Chapter 33 The Man Who Lost Hope
Because of a note from Fang Qi, the marriage between Chang Sun Chong and Li Lizhi fell through.

At this time, Fang Qi, like a normal person, came to the general prison.

"How about it?"

Fang Qi found Yan Lide and asked him a question.

"Mr. Fang, I really don't know what to say."

Yan Lide looked at Fang Qi, and immediately became excited: "The production of the Zhenguan plow seems to be chaotic, but why is it so fast?

Mr. Fang, can you tell me the reason behind this? "


Fang Qi said to Yan Lide: "It looks chaotic, but it is not. This Zhenguan plow consists of more than ten parts. If it is done by one person, it needs to change tools constantly, which will waste a lot of time. And When they make each part, they are fast and slow.

When I separate everyone and one person is only responsible for one step, it saves a lot of time, and they don't need to carry these things themselves, which saves physical strength.

Following this step, their speed will increase a lot. "

After Yan Lide heard Fang Qi's explanation, he was stunned. It turned out to be like this!
There is so much time saved in the process, Yan Lide didn't think of this at all, and Fang Qi admired it.

This method is not only for making Zhenguan plows, these things can also be used in other places. This method solves many things for him.

Of course he was grateful to Fang Qi.

"How is the blast furnace going?"

Fang Qi asked Yan Lide, he also knew that the most important thing now was blast furnace steelmaking.

The so-called refined iron is steel, which is why Fang Qi asked Yan Lide to build the blast furnace.

"Duan Shangshu has ordered it to work day and night, hurry up and make it, otherwise, there will be no enough fine iron for the prison."

"Well! If this is the case, I would like to borrow a few carpenters from the general supervisor, do you know if there are any?"

"Carpenter? No problem, there are not many carpenters to use now, how many do you want?"

"Just bring a few."

"Okay, I'll give you ten carpenters!"

"Thank you!"

Without any hesitation, Yan Lide directly gave Fang Qi ten carpenters.

Fang Qi brought ten carpenters directly to his house next to the stables. After arriving in the house, Fang Qi took the carpenters' drawings directly.

Let them start building the items based on the drawings.

As for things like wood, Fang Qi didn't need to think about it, how could the prison be out of stock?


West Market.

People come and go, the traffic is busy, it is very lively.

Chang'an City is the center of the world, and Xishi is equivalent to the center of world trade.

Here, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

In the West Market, there are Hu merchants from all over the world, and they trade here.

The difference from Dongshi is that Dongshi is a place exclusively for princes and nobles, but here it is a mixed bag of dragons and snakes, and there are all kinds of people.

“The price of vinegar cloth has been reduced, it’s only 25 cents a piece!”

Vinegar cloth, this stuff is for people who can't afford salt.

In Chang'an City, although there are many princes and nobles, there are also many common people.

Many of them can't afford salt, because salt is too expensive.

This kind of vinegar cloth, soaked in water, can be used as salt. Tear off a piece every day and put it in the pot to cook with the vegetables, and you can taste a little bit of saltiness.

A middle-aged man, with twenty Wen in his pocket, stood at the door of this vinegar cloth shop, hesitating.

He didn't know what to do.

He came here only when he heard that the price of vinegar cloth had been reduced.

As a result, when I got here, I realized that after the price cut, I still couldn't afford it.

People in the family haven't eaten salt for many days, and if they don't eat any more, something will happen soon.

He only had twenty coins left in his body, and he couldn't afford this vinegar cloth at all.

Still, he was ready to give it a try.

"Shopkeeper, can you make it cheaper?"

The middle-aged man asked the owner of the shop with some embarrassment.

"Where did the poor come from?"

The shop owner glanced at the middle-aged man disdainfully, and then said: "The market price of vinegar cloth is 25 cents a piece, and I only sell it for [-] cents, and you want me to make it cheaper?
I am in business, not doing good deeds, so go back wherever you are! "

"I can work here, I have plenty of strength."

The middle-aged man said to the boss: "Please, sell me one, I only have twenty Wen."


The boss said nothing else.

Twenty words?
Are you kidding me?
Do I need such a manpower?

The purchase price of this vinegar cloth is 25 Wen. The reason why he sold it for [-] Wen is that the batch of vinegar cloth has been a little long.

That's why it's sold at a reduced price.

Sell ​​him twenty pennies, but I can't earn a single penny.

Isn't this doing good deeds?
The boss doesn't want to talk any other nonsense to this guy.

At this time, he has already reduced the price, and these vinegar cloths will be sold soon, so there is no need to worry about dropping them in your hands.

"I beg you!"

The middle-aged man knelt down directly.

"Damn! Someone is making trouble!"

The boss yelled, and suddenly a burly man came out, picked up the middle-aged man, and threw him out.

This kind of thing is very common in the West City, and everyone is not surprised at all.

Anyone who can open a store in West Market does not have a backer.

Therefore, these people will not have any fluctuations at all.

The middle-aged man lay on the ground like a dead dog.

My heart is cold.

There is also a child in his family. If he does not eat salt all the time, the child will die.

He is just an ordinary person, and the twenty Wen is his salary for two months.

However, I simply couldn’t afford a vinegar cloth.

"Baby, daddy is useless, daddy can't afford vinegar cloth."

The middle-aged man got up, left the shop in a daze, and wandered aimlessly in the West Market.

Soon he came to a corner of West City.

This is a dead end, no way out.

He raised his head blankly and looked at the wall in front of him.

"Is there no way?"

The middle-aged man said to himself in despair: "Yeah, I have no hope. If I can't afford vinegar cloth, my baby is useless. What's the point of my life?
Five cents!God, have pity on me! "

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky and cried out in despair.

"What's so good about vinegar cloth?"

At this moment, a voice rang out: "How much salt can a piece of vinegar cloth cost at thirty cents?"

The middle-aged man turned his head and saw a person leaning against a door frame, looking at him: "You are short of five Wen, which means you have 25 Wen?"


The middle-aged man suddenly became vigilant.

There is no one in this place, and there is no road ahead.

This person wouldn't want...

(End of this chapter)

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