Chapter 178 Doing Experiments

"The center of gravity is about to move towards the new city."

Fang Qi looked at the newly drawn map of the new city in his hand, thought for a moment, and then said silently: "After the new city is built, it will not only be the new city, but also Chang'an and Luoyang. After all, the distance from these two places to the new city is the same. .

If the three cities want to strengthen their connection, they must develop transportation.

But what should I do now? "

Fang Qi thought about it for a while, and then felt a little fucked up. He didn't understand anything about trains, let alone airplanes.

He doesn't understand all these things.

But Fang Qi understands that if he wants to get these things done, he must be industrialized.

If you want to industrialize, you first need a steam engine.

But now, no one has developed a steam engine at all.

After he assigned the task, Li Chengqian was the only one who produced his results.

As a result, this result is still a wrong result.

There is no one to engage in steam engines and bombs.

But Fang Qi didn't know how the steam engine was made.

After assigning this task, Fang Qi didn't know what to do.

These people have no research results at all.

"Young master, there is a letter."

At this time, the housekeeper came to find Fang Qi.


Fang Qi frowned, who would send him a letter?
Take a look at the envelope.

Li Junxian?
How did this guy send a letter to himself?

Yeah, it seems like I haven't seen this guy for a long time.

Where did others go?
Fang Qi was a little curious, it was really a long time since he saw Li Junxian, this person seemed to have disappeared suddenly.

But he was not an important person, and Fang Qi didn't care if he disappeared.

What is this guy doing to send himself a letter?

Fang Qi quickly opened the envelope.


After seeing the contents of the envelope, Fang Qi frowned.

It seems that this letter was not written by Li Junxian.

The content here seems to be Li Ke's notes.

Fang Qi took a closer look and was immediately stunned.

This Li Ke broke into the interior in Goguryeo?

Became a guest of the Prime Minister of Goguryeo?
Now you are making gunpowder, and then burying the gunpowder under the capital of Goguryeo?

Fang Qi's face suddenly showed a hint of confusion.

Is it that simple?
Are you ready to send the capital of Goguryeo to the sky in one wave?
Is this what Li Ke did so terribly?

But Fang Qi didn't say much. This kind of thing mainly depends on Li Ke's approach.

He is the most free at this time, the goal of the mission is to kill Goguryeo, play freely, it depends on his ability.

He wants to take Pyongyang directly, so let him do it himself.

After reading this paragraph, Fang Qi continued to look at the next paragraph.

Suddenly stunned.

The following paragraph made Fang Qi feel stupid.

"Steam engine!"

Although Fang Qi didn't know what a steam engine looked like or how to make it.

But Fang Qi recognized Li Ke's structural diagram at a glance.

This is the schematic diagram of a steam engine.

The structure diagram is out, that is to say, the steam engine can be made.

Of course, Fang Qi didn't know how to use this steam engine.

But as long as it is built, it can be used.

So, Fang Qi directly found a few relatively reliable craftsmen and asked them to build this steam engine.

These craftsmen are all born as generals and supervisors, and they are all experienced masters.

After seeing the drawings drawn by Li Ke, the brows of these old masters were frowned.

"what happened?"

Fang Qi looked at these old masters and asked a question.

"My lord, this is a bit difficult."

One of the master craftsmen, Fang Qi, said: "These things are relatively precise. It is a bit difficult to make these hollow tubes airtight."

"It's okay, just do your best."

Fang Qi didn't force these people, and said directly to them: "It doesn't matter if it can't be made in a short time, as long as it can be done in the end."

Fang Qi asked these craftsmen to make according to this blueprint.

Then he changed the blueprint of the new city again.

The steam engine is out, can anything else be far behind?

This drawing must be changed!
There has to be enough space, some other things need to be added.

This Li Shimin is really too much, he sent Li Ke out, if Li Ke is here, then there is nothing to worry about.

Li Ke was so powerful that he could design steam engines as far away as Goguryeo.

Although I don't know if this steam engine can be used, but after all, he has already created this thing.

It is no small achievement.

If it continues to develop, maybe Li Ke can come up with an internal combustion engine, or maybe a train or something.

He was taken to a dangerous place like Goguryeo by Li Shimin.

No one knows when there will be no more people.

In this case, the change of Datang will be much slower.

"No, I can't dawdle like this anymore, I have to develop these things well, I can't be compared to others."

After thinking about it, Fang Qisi suddenly realized that all he had in his hands was glass and a generator, and it was a hand generator.

But when the steam engine is manufactured at this time, is it possible to make a steam generator?
Then I use the glass to make an electric light?

Wouldn't it be perfect if this new city was equipped with electric lights?

After Fang Qi thought for a long time, he finally decided to conduct these experiments by himself.

Soon Fang Qi encountered another difficulty.


This Nima is a very difficult problem.

What's going on here?
Fang Qi's whole body is not well.

He hasn't started the experiment yet.

He immediately thought of a difficult problem, which he has no way to solve right now.

He really couldn't do something like vacuuming.

However, Fang Qi did not give up. Instead, he thought about feasible solutions and then began to experiment.

Fang Qi wanted to create something by himself, after all, he was a time traveler, so he couldn't be defeated by the natives.

So Fang Qi studied and constructed the blueprint of the new city.

Soon he developed a method to vacuum the light bulb.

But he found that he didn't know what tungsten was in this era.

But that didn't stop him from making light bulbs.

In addition to the tungsten filament, there is also a carbon filament. Although this thing has a short lifespan, Fang Qi doesn't mind it, as long as it can be used, it doesn't last long enough, at worst, it will be replaced after a while.

Once you find tungsten, then you can use tungsten filament.

Fang Qi quickly made these things.

After the first light bulb was completed, Fang Qi used it directly.

Fang Qi has a hand generator, so naturally he can light up the light bulb.

After looking at the light bulb, Fang Qi suddenly laughed: "The electrical age will start from my hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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