Chapter 153 Goal
After Fang Qi settled Wang Lingyun, he went to discuss things with the tenants and refugees.

Although this Huangzhuang has been expanded a lot by Li Shimin, the number of these refugees is really too many.

A part of this expansion is simply not enough for these people to cultivate.

One must know that Fang Qi has taken over all the refugees in Chang'an City, and the fields in this Huangzhuang are limited.

Although this group of people can be supported, farming does not require so many people.

These tenants plus refugees can liberate half of the people to do other things.

It's all labor.

And these people can be regarded as Fang Qi's personal labor force, they can be regarded as his own people.

These people can't waste their time here. If they want to develop faster, they must increase their productivity. Besides, these people work for themselves, and no matter what they do, I will give them a suitable price.

Before these refugees became refugees, some could forge iron, some could carpentry, and some could build houses. Many of these people had crafts.

Those who can only farm, Fang Qi will leave them to farm, and those who have other skills, Fang Qi will naturally take them all away.

Of course, there are many people who only know how to farm. Fang Qi selected some people who want to learn crafts from these people, and made an agreement with them. When the construction of the new palace starts, all these people Bring it over.

After Fang Qi arranged all this, he waited for those people to finish the final finishing of the Princess Mansion. When the finishing touches were completed, Fang Qi would install windows for these houses. going crazy.

But Fang Qi didn't move at all.

Fang Qi returned to the old days, but it was the time of spring plowing, and those children went home to help.

At this time, Fang Qi was quite boring, and he didn't have much to do.

Soon a person found Fang Qi: "Brother-in-law."


Fang Qi raised his head and saw only one person, this person was like a small transparent person, at this moment he was a bit introverted and shy.

But Fang Qi still knew him.

After all, Li Shimin got all his princes to his side.

Naturally, he was able to recognize all these princes.

That's right, the person who came to look for him was Li Shimin's fifth child.

Li You, King of Yan, is the son of Li Shimin and Concubine Yin.

Concubine Yin had to mention Concubine Yin's father, that was the ruthless man who killed Li Shimin's brother and dug up Li Shimin's ancestral grave.

Therefore, the grievances between the Yin family and the Li family are quite big.

Although Li You is Li Shimin's son, but because of these problems.

In Li Shimin's heart, Li You's identity is more sensitive than Li Ke's.

Although Li Ke is Yang Guang's grandson, the enmity between the Yang family and the Li family is different from the enmity between the Yin family and the Li family.

One is that the Li family is sorry for the Yang family, and this is that the Yin family is sorry for the Li family.

Under such circumstances, even though Li You was his son, he would definitely not have much affection for Li You.

After all, his grandfather dug the Li family's ancestral grave, which is not small.

"Is there any problem for you to find me?"

Fang Qi looked at Li You, wondering why Li You was looking for him.

But Fang Qi still knew that Li You, a guy who didn't know how deep he was, dared to rebel against Li Shimin.

Because Li You's treason led to the discovery of Li Chengqian's treason, that's why Fang Qi knew about it.

This guy came to find me, what is it?

"Brother-in-law, I think the eldest brother, the third brother and the fourth brother have all found their goals, and I want to find one too."

Li You said to Fang Qi: "I don't know brother-in-law, can you set a goal for me?"


Fang Qi looked at Li You, not knowing what to say.

Set goals?
You want to ask me this kind of thing?

Wouldn't it be good if you set a goal yourself?
Still want to ask me?
"If you want to set goals, you should not ask me, but you should ask yourself."

Fang Qi looked at Li You, and said, "Tell me, what do you want to do the most?"


After Li You heard Fang Qi's words, he immediately didn't know what to say.

When he came to look for Fang Qi, he didn't have any goals at all. Looking at Fang Qi, he didn't know what to say.

"What are you?"

Fang Qi looked at Li You, and said, "You wouldn't come to me without thinking about anything, would you? They all have their own goals, do you know that?"


When Li You heard Fang Qi's words, he immediately became nervous, and then said: "The thing I want to do the most is to let the people have enough to eat."

Li You's words were just casual words because he saw that this was the time for spring plowing.

Fang Qi looked at Li You, a little speechless.

Let the people have enough to eat?

This is but empty talk.

You are not the emperor, you can make every common people full?
What are you kidding?

"Your goal is too ambitious."

Fang Qi looked at Li You and said: "Let the people in the world have enough to eat, this is the goal of everyone in the court, but since ancient times, has anyone accomplished such a thing?"


Li You didn't know what to say.

He felt like he was a little careless.

He shouldn't have come here, but he was thinking about one thing, since his birth, his father didn't treat him very much, no matter how he behaved, Li Shimin's attitude towards him was always so indifferent.

So he wants to show off, and wants Li Shimin to know his existence and his efforts.

So he came to Fang Qi, hoping that Fang Qi could give him some advice, but after coming here, he found that he was careless.

"If you really want to accomplish this goal, I have an idea."

Fang Qi looked at Li You, and said after a while: "One porridge and one meal should be hard-won, half a thread, half a thread, and the constant memory is difficult.

If you want to accomplish this, let the children of the Tang officials work and harvest together with these common people. After they have passed their labor and obtained the harvest, they will be able to understand the importance of these things. Rarely, at that time, they will know these things.

Maybe this goal can be achieved, of course, not only the children of these officials, but even those officials who live above the temple, and even the father, let them experience the lives of ordinary people, and they will not be so extravagant and wasteful .

Whether you can persuade them depends on whether you can complete this matter.

If you can do this, you are also considered a great achievement. "

After Fang Qi finished speaking, Li You's eyes dimmed.

Convincing the emperor?

Is this possible?
Is it possible that they will listen to me?
Li You didn't have any confidence in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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