Chapter 150 Announcing Probability
Why Fang Qi can be so sure is because of some unspeakable things that happened between the end of the sale and the middle of the lottery.

Boling Cui.

Several people are gathering around a table to prepare.

"What's going on? Why did this happen? Last time there were only more than 1 copies, and a first prize was given out. This time, a total of 100 million copies were sold. How could there be a first prize?"

The few members of the Boling Cui family were very unclear about what was going on.

They discussed secretly, because they contributed a lot of money. Among the more than 100 million lottery tickets, they contributed [-] lottery tickets. Originally, they thought that they could win the lottery once. Winning the big prize, just a few small prizes.

After redeeming the prize, the amount they spent was not as much as they spent. After spending two hundred guan, they only won about ten guan in the end, and lost 190 guan in vain.

"Patriarch, do you think Fang Qi did something wrong with this matter?"

At this time, a member of the Boling Cui family expressed his thoughts.


The Patriarch of the Boling Cui family said: "I have investigated, the guy who won the lottery these two times, the first beggar named Zhang Wei is a real beggar, and after he won the lottery, he went directly to Pingkangfang It didn't come out, and it took nearly a thousand pens for a day and a night, which is very in line with the psychology of an upstart, and this person cannot have communicated with Fang Qi.

The second person is from the Wang family. Do you think Fang Qi might cooperate with the Wang family?And the Wang family also spent more than 200 guan to win such a prize just now. "


This person has nothing to say.

The beggar Zhang Wei can't say anything more. After winning the lottery, he stayed in Pingkang Square for a day and a night and spent a thousand pennies. Even if Fang Qi cheated, the price was too high. Spend more money.

It's impossible for Fang Qi to buy a beggar with so much money, right?

And the second award was won by the Wang family of Taiyuan, and the Wang family of Taiyuan and Fang Qi had a grudge against each other.

How could it be possible to collude together?

Taken together, it all seems, and could really be, a case of luck.

"Shall we still buy it tomorrow?"

This person asked the Patriarch of the Boling Cui Clan.

"Buy! This time, let's buy [-] guan!"

The patriarch of the Boling Cui family said: "I've done some research, and this lottery ticket can be doubled. Let's bet ten times the numbers we bought today. If we lose, it's only two thousand. For us, this is a lottery. It's just a small amount of money, but if it wins, it will be one hundred thousand! Let Fang Qi die!"


The clan leader of the Bolingcui clan has already stated his plans, so naturally they won't say anything more.

There is nothing wrong with what the patriarch said.

It's only two thousand guan, not a lot of money, to them, it's just a drop in the bucket.

But if he wins the lottery, it will be a big loss for Fang Qi.

For them, this can make a lot of money. Besides the [-] guan, there are various small prizes. If they add up, they won't lose money.

These aristocratic families are discussing these things.

Almost every household has the same idea as Boling Cui's.

I'm going to do this, if I don't win, I won't buy it in the future.

Only the Taiyuan Wang family has a different idea. Their family just got hit by a wave, and they feel very comfortable. Originally, they had a grudge against Fang Qi. At this time, Fang Qi's wool was plucked, and they were naturally very happy. Two hundred Can you not be happy after making Fang Qi [-] pennies?

Since you can get [-] rouges with [-] guans, let’s continue to double, anyway, you’ve already got [-] guans, so it’s not a loss, add more bets, and make a wave!
People from various aristocratic families were all touched and continued to buy lottery tickets.

Two thousand guns smashed down.

On the third day, the sales of lottery tickets came up immediately.

The sales directly broke the [-] mark and rushed to the top.

By the time the sale ended, Fang Qi had already seen the final statistics.

The people responsible for these statistics are all Fang Qi from Mingsuan Kela. They made the statistics, and Fang Qi was very relieved. After looking at the statistics table, Fang Qi suddenly smiled, and then said: "Really It's interesting, these aristocratic families will bet ten times their bets, it's a bit interesting."

"Since you are so strong, then I will not be polite."

Fang Qi smiled slightly, and then went to do something.

Things like big data are just to ensure that you don't lose money.

Fang Qi looked at the last data and gave them a heavy hammer without thinking.

In the third round, there is no jackpot!

When the lottery results come out.

Everyone is stupid.

With so much investment in this issue, no one won the first prize?

This is too incredible, right?

"You're lying!"

The aristocratic family couldn't accept this reality at all, so they yelled directly.


Fang Qi looked at these people from the aristocratic family, and then said: "What evidence do you have that I am a fake?"

"The first issue only sold more than 1 copies, and one person won the lottery. The second issue sold more than 100 copies, and one person won the lottery. This issue sold more than [-] million copies, and no one won the lottery. , isn’t this fake? What is it?”

Someone asked hysterically: "Please give us an explanation!"


After Fang Qi heard this question, he laughed immediately, and then said: "Does this lottery have anything to do with how many copies are sold? You all heard clearly, let me explain to you, this lottery, the first prize won What is the probability of , have you calculated it?

This probability is one in 410. If you buy all these two thousand, 410 possibilities, then I will be responsible for not winning, but as long as you don’t buy all of them, I will not be responsible.

There are more than 100 million copies, many of which are double voted.

Just like that, you want me to guarantee you win the lottery?Do you want me to fake it?

Let someone of you win the lottery every issue?If you ask this question, it means you are a ridiculous and ignorant idiot! "

After Fang Qi announced the probability, everyone was stunned.

410 [-] possibilities?

If you buy all of them, you need at least 4 strings. If you win a lottery, you can only win one first prize, plus other small prizes. If this is the case, you will lose at least half.

But Fang Qi was right.

There are more than 2000 million possibilities, and people like myself have only sold more than 100 million copies in total, and many of them are double votes, and there are still the same numbers between each company.

This way the possibility is greatly reduced.

The first two times may have really been luck, so someone won.

It's normal to miss this time!
(End of this chapter)

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