Chapter 147

These people are all stupid.

When did you hear this stuff?
"Since you said it was an electrical discharge, what about the thunder?"

Li Tai, as a master, naturally asked everyone's questions.

Fang Qi just said it was a discharge, but he didn't say it had a sound.

When it thunders, it is very loud.

"good question."

Fang Qi nodded, and then said: "As for the thunder, it is because the voltage formed by the discharge is very high. In a short period of time, the temperature in the entire lightning channel rises rapidly, the air expands rapidly, and then shock waves are generated. , making a roar.

In fact, you should have heard this voice before.

What the prince did before is actually based on the same principle as the sound of thunder. It is the rapid expansion of the air that produces shock waves and roars. "


Li Tai was stunned immediately after hearing Fang Qi's explanation.

What the hell can really fool you.

That's right, Li Tai thought that Fang Qi was fooling around, how could this thing be like this?
These should all be Fang Qi's nonsense, he doesn't believe it at all.

"I know you don't believe me."

Fang Qi said: "Let's do an interesting experiment next."

Fang Qi put the things he brought over on the podium, and said: "Li Tai, you are leaving soon. Before you leave, I will leave a deep memory for you. Come here."

Fang Qi called out to Li Tai, and Li Tai walked in front of Fang Qi, and then Fang Qi said to Li Tai, "Did you see those two copper wires? Pick them up with your hands."

"These two?"

Li Tai picked up the copper wire, glanced at it, and said, "What does this mean?"

"You'll find out later."

Fang Qi smiled, then stretched out his hand, held down a square box with one hand, and then quickly turned a pole on the box with the other hand.


Li Tai trembled all over, and then dropped the two copper wires in his hand: "What is this, why is it so painful all of a sudden?"

"Apart from pain, what else do you feel?"

Fang Qi looked at Li Tai and said, "Do you have that numb feeling?"


Li Tai nodded: "More than that, I don't seem to feel anything in my hands now."

"now it's right."

Fang Qi smiled, and then said: "Just now you were electrocuted, how do you feel?"


Li Tai was stunned for a moment: "Impossible? If it was electricity, would I still be alive?"

"Electricity also has strengths and weaknesses. This little bit of electricity just makes you feel a little pain, and there is nothing else."

Fang Qi said: "The electricity you feel is not as strong as one ten-thousandth of lightning, so you will be fine at all."

After finishing speaking, Fang Qi said: "The rest of you should also come over and give it a try."

Everyone came over to try one by one. Basically, as soon as Fang Qi shook the handle, these people got rid of the thread.

Soon everyone felt the feeling of being electrocuted, even Yuan Tiangang was no exception.

Fang Qi began to tell these people what current is and what voltage is, and popularized some basic knowledge.

A pleasant lesson that refreshed everyone's three views.

Especially Yuan Tiangang, at this time, he has already begun to doubt life.

Yuan Tiangang felt that his Dao heart was really unstable.

Being told by Fang Qi, I feel like a fool for sticking to it all these years.

Yuan Tiangang left.

Li Tai hadn't left yet, and the troops Li Shimin had given him hadn't arrived yet, so he still had a few days to pack his bags.

At this time, it happened to be the day when the Wu brothers and sisters were assessed.

Li Tai really invited an old master from the palace, holding a sharp knife, and stood at the assessment site.

The Wu brothers' calves were trembling.

This is for real.

The assessment will begin soon.

Li Tai's guess was correct, this time the assessment was the ninety-nine multiplication table.

This thing counts as the most basic thing.

The Wu brothers answered the questions quite well.

As for the Wu sisters, the answers to the questions are considered okay, so this matter is over.

Li Tai was about to leave next, and the homework of these four people was taught by a person randomly assigned by Fang Qi.

When Li Tai left, he said a word to the Wu brothers.

When he comes back, he will personally give the two brothers a paper.

Whoever passes the test will be eunuched.

Now the Wu brothers didn't dare to say anything.

They still have to study, who knows what papers Li Tai will give them when they come back?

If they don't study well, the price will be beyond their imagination.

After Li Tai left, the whole Huangzhuang became quiet.

A year has passed like this, and the New Year is nothing special for Fang Qi, because he is alone and has nothing to be happy about.

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, Li Shimin distributed [-] Zhenguan plows to the ten ways of the Tang Dynasty.

After the New Year, the drainage system in Chang'an City was also completed.

All of a sudden, the whole Huangzhuang became lively.

Fang Qi let all these refugees come to Huangzhuang to build houses, and they can settle in Huangzhuang from then on.

This Huangzhuang originally only had thousands of acres of land, but this time during the Chinese New Year, Li Shimin allocated all the fields around Huangzhuang to Fang Qi.

Because Fang Qi solved the problem of refugees in Chang'an City, this problem is a big one.

For the officials of Chang'an City, these refugees are a very serious problem for them. The daily relief is a waste of money. It is also a merit to finish these refugees.

They are very happy to distribute all the surrounding fields to Fang Qi and let Fang Qi manage these refugees. If any trouble happens to these refugees, it is Fang Qi's problem.

Besides, these lands were given to Fang Qi, and Li Shimin would make up for them in other places.

They won't lose at all.

One winter, plus the time of Chinese New Year, because of the severe cold, everyone seldom went out and stayed at home, and something became popular.

Mahjong is the most suitable thing for this kind of weather to have a game with three friends at home.

Starting from Tang Jian and Pei Ji, gradually the whole city of Chang'an became popular.

Up to the princes and nobles, down to the traffickers and pawns.

Basically everyone has started playing this thing.

Because it's easy to learn and a lot of fun.

When everyone is doing nothing, they start playing with this thing.

Because there were too few entertainments in ancient times, this thing became popular.

The only difference is the material of the mahjong they play, everything else is the same.

It is worth mentioning that this thing became popular and affected the business of Pingkangfang.

Many princes and aristocrats were full of interest in this new product, and they engaged in two rounds if they had nothing to do, which caused the business of Pingkangfang to plummet.

(End of this chapter)

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