Chapter 127 Can You Fry Furnaces?
Chapter 127

Fang Qi listened to Li Ke's theory quietly, and the others were also listening to Li Ke's explanation.

Everyone was basically in a state of bewilderment, of course Fang Qi still felt that Li Ke was thinking something right.

The main reason is that Fang Qi hasn't talked about it yet, he can think of so much, which is already good.

So Fang Qi began to explain to everyone.

Regarding some things about pressure, after explaining a few times, he said to everyone: "Think about these things carefully, pressure is something that can be used in all aspects if it is used well.

For example, I don’t know if you have ever boiled water. When the water in the kettle is boiled, the lid of the kettle may be pushed open. This is the use of pressure. You can think about it carefully. Does it work. "

Fang Qi assigned a homework, in fact, he didn't expect these people to really make anything.

After all, steam engines are difficult to do with these people, but slowly, as they impart more and more knowledge, these people may be able to come up with some surprises.

Take Li Ke as an example, didn't he just give himself a surprise?

As soon as we finished talking about the hot air balloon, the guy took off. Although he almost died, there was nothing wrong with him.

Now the hot air balloon has almost been researched, so Fang Qi also has a little expectation for these people, hoping that they can come up with something, instead of being useless as they are now.

Useful is the best. If you don't think of anything else, wait until these people can think of something after more and more knowledge and mastery.

After Fang Qi left, the students of Mingshu Department and the princes all left, and they all went to digest the knowledge that Fang Qi told them today by themselves.

Li Chengqian was different. When he looked at Li Tai and Li Ke, he felt a little bad.

Li Tai is better at arithmetic than he is, and Li Ke is better than him at performing these tricks.

He has no face as a big brother.

As the eldest, he is not as good as the third and fourth in terms of study, this is unbearable.

Li Chengqian secretly clenched his fist and looked at the two people angrily.

But there was nothing he could do. Although he was the prince, he was not the emperor after all.

"I must surpass you!"

Li Chengqian thought of Li Ke and Li Tai, and suddenly his whole body seemed to start to change.

Pressure, pressure, kettle for boiling water!
Li Chengqian thought for a while, and then decisively went to find a kettle.

Then start boiling water.

As a prince, he must have never boiled water before. After hearing Fang Qi's words, he decisively started to boil water.

The water boiled, and then the lid on the kettle was flipped violently.

Li Chengqian looked at the kettle and thought for a long time.

No clue at all.

What's the point of this thing?
Suddenly, Li Chengqian had a flash of inspiration, and then blocked all the holes on the kettle, and then sealed the lid.

"See if you can bounce it again."

Li Chengqian thought to himself, then lit the fire again and started to boil water.

In fact, it wasn't just Li Chengqian. After class today, after returning home, several people used kettles to boil water.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in Li Chengqian's yard.

Because the burning time was long enough, the lid of the kettle that was sealed by Li Chengqian was blown off by the huge shock wave.

Just broke a hole in the roof.

Li Chengqian was in it, and was hit on the head by a tile that fell from it.

Everyone was stunned.


After Li Chengqian was hit on the head, he was suddenly blessed.

He thought of what happened at the hunting ground back then, and the situation at that time seemed a bit similar to this.

There was a loud noise, accompanied by rising white smoke, and then half of the wild boar's head was lost.

Is it...

Li Chengqian suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

Then I started to recall.

Regardless of the fact that his head was already smashed and bleeding.

"what happened?"

There was such a big commotion in Li Chengqian's room, so naturally it couldn't be concealed.

Soon someone rushed into Li Chengqian's house.

Seeing Li Chengqian's appearance at this time, the scene suddenly got out of control.

"No, the prince's head is bleeding. Hurry up and send him back to the palace. There is an imperial doctor in the palace."

Someone made a suggestion, but soon someone said: "The gate of Chang'an City is now closed. Send it to Zhongnan Mountain quickly and let Taoist Yuan save it."

In the end, Li Chengqian was sent to Zhongnan Mountain.

In fact, there is not much problem with Li Chengqian's head.

Yuan Tiangang saved Li Chengqian easily, but Li Chengqian had fallen into dementia at this time.

"Could this be a dementia?"

Yuan Tiangang looked at Li Chengqian and fell into silence. It seems that this disease is not easy to cure.

This is the loss of soul disease caused by external force, and it is really not curable.

But this Li Chengqian is the crown prince, and he was sent to him, so he can only bite the bullet and treat him.

"It would be great if the senior brother was here, but unfortunately, the senior brother is treating the smallpox epidemic in Jiannan Road!"

Yuan Tiangang thought of Sun Simiao, and finally he sighed, and then said silently: "In that case, let me make a pot of elixir and try it."

Yuan Tiangang started to prepare immediately when he thought of this.

Li Chengqian was not suffering from a loss of soul, but was thinking about what happened in the hunting ground without distracting thoughts.

He always felt that his experiment this time was different from the original hunting ground.

Although the phenomenon is basically the same, there seems to be a slight difference.

But Li Chengqian couldn't figure out what the difference was.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang prepared the alchemy furnace and started alchemy.

This kind of alchemy is very risky.

Yuan Tiangang is naturally cautious.

Suddenly, Li Chengqian's nose moved.

This smell is so unpleasant.

and many more!

By the way, there seemed to be a burning smell at the time, and a bit like sulfur!

It's just that I don't have this taste this time!
There are burnt marks on the wild boar's head!

Following the taste, Li Chengqian quickly ran to Yuan Tiangang's side.

Seeing Yuan Tiangang concocting alchemy, looking at this alchemy furnace, and then thinking of the kettle he was burning at that time, I felt a similar feeling.

Li Chengqian suddenly asked: "Master Yuan, will your alchemy furnace explode?"


Yuan Tiangang looked at Li Chengqian in surprise.

Isn’t this guy suffering from amnesia?

Why did you come to me suddenly?

He knows who I am?

What the hell!

I misdiagnosed it!

This guy is not amnesia!
Yuan Tiangang was embarrassed, but he forced himself to calm down, and then said to Li Chengqian: "Others may explode the furnace when making alchemy, but I can't!"

(End of this chapter)

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