Chapter 125 Three tool men

Jiannan Road.

Sun Simiao was wearing a Taoist robe and standing in a tent outside the isolation camp.

Holding a sheet of paper in his hand.

This piece of paper is Feige Chuanshu.

The note is extremely small.

But it says how to prevent smallpox.

Sun Simiao looked at the above method, but he was not sure whether it was a feasible method or not.

Because this thing made him feel a little weird.

This method was unheard of and unseen by him.

No one has ever used this method to treat any disease.

Let's say fight poison with poison.

This is not like, but this thing is written in an ancient book.

The author of this ancient book is Qibo again.

As the King of Medicine, Sun Simiao naturally understood who Qi Bo was.

Even Bian Que and Hua Tuo are fucking younger brothers in front of this guy.

That is a person of the same era as Shennong.

Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and created Shennong Baicaojing.

But this Qi Bo is one of the authors of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic.

Although the first author of the Huangdi Neijing is Huangdi, all the things in it are basically Qi Bo's knowledge.

Huang Di was the one who asked the question, and Qi Bo was the one who answered the question.

The book of this ancient master made Sun Simiao entangled.

He was not sure if this was Qi Bo's technique.

He was worried that Li Shimin accidentally saw an ancient book signed by Qi Bo, and this ancient book was written by someone else.

But at this time Li Shimin made an order, if he didn't follow through, it would be a bit disrespectful to the order.

Moreover, Sun Simiao also wanted to solve the smallpox plague.

Since ancient times, this smallpox has been an incurable disease. It can only be resisted by the body. If it is overcome, it will be able to survive.

As a true doctor, he wanted to solve this problem.

Because this is a doctor's duty.

The real doctor is to cure the disease before it is cured.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Simiao finally made a decision.

He is going to test the poison himself!
He decided to try the method on himself.

He has been practicing Taoism since he was a child. Although he is old, his physical fitness is really not comparable to ordinary people. Even if he was infected with smallpox, he still has full confidence in himself.

He believed he could get through it.


Tai Chi Palace.

"Two tubes!"

"Nonsense, monotonous, all! Give me money, give me money!"

"Your Majesty, you play your cards too well."

"Your Majesty, your card skills are really good, I am no match for you."

"Your Majesty, you can try to make this item known to the public, then hold a competition, and then compete with the world's masters. We are not your opponents at all."

From the day of Li Yuan's birthday, he dragged Samurai Yu and the other three into a fierce battle.

Almost every day in the Tai Chi Palace all night long.

These three people live and eat in Tai Chi Palace and have a great time every day.

There is nothing wrong with the Supreme Emperor.

But the three of them can't go on like this.

Li Shimin should have an opinion.

Especially the samurai Yu, he had to go to Lizhou to take up his post, and he had to wait for the birthday of the Supreme Emperor.

It's not long before departure.

The warrior Yu was panicking.

There are still some important things to do next.

Li Shimin had already discussed with the samurai before that he wanted to accept Fang Qi as his adopted son. Naturally, this matter cannot be delayed, but what about now?
He has been dragged until now, and he has not been able to leave the Tai Chi Palace. It is estimated that Li Shimin will come to arrest him in two days.

It is a bit too much not to go to Lizhou to take up the post.

Especially since Lizhou still had many important things to deal with at this time, especially since Li Xiaochang had just rebelled and Lizhou was in trouble, he was already too late. If it were any later, it would be difficult to deal with the matter.

But Li Yuan's gambling addiction was too great, so he was not allowed to leave at all.

Not only the samurai, but the other two are also a bit too much for this matter.

Pei Ji was getting old, and his body couldn't take it like this.

Tang Jian is also over half a hundred years old, but Tang Jian still has a lot of things to do. He is in an important position. He is playing mahjong with Li Yuan here during this song, and the paperwork to be processed will almost pile up.

"You guys are really meaningless."

Li Yuan looked at the three guys in front of him, he really felt that these three people were not his opponents at all, and playing with them seemed really meaningless.

I don't know how many times I have won in a row.

These three guys didn't have much money in the first place, and now they owed themselves a whole lot of debt if they lost.

There is no desire to win them at all.

"Okay, you three are really meaningless."

Li Yuan thought for a while, and then said to the three people in front of him: "I will let you go, but you have to promise me one thing, to spread mahjong and let the world learn mahjong. Before my birthday next year, I will hold a mahjong game." Competition, the winner, can compete with me."

"According to the order!"

When the three of them heard this, they immediately agreed.

Don't dare to hesitate at all, if the fight continues, the debt owed will be too much.

Not only will I owe debts, but I will also leave a lot of work at hand, and I really don't know what to do by then.

After the three agreed to Li Yuan, they left quickly.

Li Yuan looked at the figures of the three leaving, then silently put away the mahjong, and then found a servant, and ordered him to make multiple sets of mahjong tiles again.

In his harem, there are not many other things, but there are many women. Let these women learn mahjong, and then they can play with him. Playing with these old guys is not interesting at all.

It is still more fun to play with these concubines in the harem, and the bet can be more exciting.

With these old guys, apart from gambling, there is no way to do other things.

After playing for so long, Li Yuan felt that with his own strength, he could kill all directions in this Tai Chi Palace.

Only then did the three tool men go away.

As soon as the warrior Yi left the Tai Chi Palace, he immediately parted ways with the other two, and he went directly to the Imperial Study Room.

"Mr. Ying? Where are you these days?"

When Li Shimin saw the sudden appearance of the warrior, he immediately said, "I have been looking for you for a long time. Seeing that you are about to leave Chang'an City, but you have not yet accepted Fang Qi as your adopted son, I am a little anxious. I heard that you are here on the Taishang Emperor's birthday." After that, you haven’t been back home? Where did you go?”

"The minister was left in the Taiji Palace by the Supreme Emperor, and he just came out today."

The warrior 彠 said to Li Shimin with some helplessness: "I will immediately accept Fang Qi as my adopted son. After this matter is completed, I will go to Lizhou immediately. After all, the matter of Lizhou is not trivial. If I go one step later, many things will happen." It can't be handled."


When Li Shimin heard that the samurai had stayed in Taiji Palace for so many days, he immediately asked with a puzzled expression: "You have been in Taiji Palace these days? What have you been doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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