Chapter 49, Chasing Girl Raiders

"Little girl, which department are you from? It's best to call the director of your department. Your boyfriend hasn't asked his drone to come down yet." The security captain with a loud voice threatened while reasoning. Also call down Shi Yue's leader.

"It's over, this has to be called Shi Yue's leader. This shouldn't be criticized." After Zhao Chuan finished speaking, he wanted to open the car door and go out to help.

"I'm dizzy, what are you doing?" Hu Wenjun dragged Zhao Chuan back and asked.

"Of course it's to help Shi Yue..."

"Help your sister, there is Gao Yuan, he is a returnee, it's none of your business. Close the car door." Hu Wenjun said angrily.

Zhao Chuan is not a fool, of course he knows that Hu Wenjun wants him to sit on the sidelines, and it is in his best interest to sit on the sidelines in this situation.But he still couldn't bear it and said: "Brother Hu, I know what you mean. But when Shi Yue and her leader come, there must be a scolding..."

"Isn't that good? The more fiercely the leader of Epic Poetry scolds, the more useless Gao Yuan will be."


After some negotiations, Shi Yue was obviously embarrassed. At her request, Gao Yuan finally recovered his drone.Shi Yue was a little sad to be told by the department leader, and his eyes were red.This confession scene that was supposed to combine high-tech and romance turned upside down.God is not as good as man. Facts have proved that a high-quality returnee man can kill all the losers in an instant, but he may not be able to do it as well as the security guard.Gao Yuan returned home in defeat, and Shi Yue returned to the ward building aggrievedly.

"I'll go and comfort Shi Yue." Zhao Chuan felt distressed, and planned to push the door out again.

"Come back, you. How can you comfort me? Let me tell you, Epic Poetry is in an extremely bad mood right now, especially against her suitors. It would be dead for you to appear in front of her now." Hu Wenjun Pulling Zhao Chuan back again, he kept asking questions.

"The situation is so bad...then what should I do?" Zhao Chuan didn't know what to do for a while.

"After looking at it for so long, did you notice anything about your epic poem?"

"Well, I feel that Xiao Shi has been wronged a lot, as if he is about to cry..." Zhao Chuan sighed.

"I'll go, you just pay attention to these? Didn't you pay attention to the work badge on her chest?"

"Well, the nurses' badges in their hospital are all hung in that position."

"Of course I know that nurses' badges are hung like that on the pocket. I mean, are you the only one who pays attention to the work badge in that position? Didn't you pay attention to anything else?" Hu Wenjun said as he tried to remind him, and used one hand to I put my chest on my chest.

"Brother" Zhao Chuan blushed instantly.

"Fuck! Why is it so hard to teach you how to fall in love. I didn't see your epic breasts. It's almost A, and at most it's B. What's so interesting. I mean you didn't see it. Does she still have a gadget pinned to her badge?"

After being reminded by Hu Wenjun, Zhao Chuan knew that he had misunderstood, so he thought about it carefully and said, "Oh, you mean the other doll on her work card, right?"

Hu Wenjun lay back with his forehead on his back and said, "That's called a doll, not a doll! Your sister, I, a post-80s generation, can understand it. How did you become a post-90s generation..."


The two were silent for a while, and Hu Wenjun continued to ask: "Does your Epic always wear dolls?"

"Brother Hu, don't tell me, since we met at the blind date meeting, I have seen her wearing all kinds of dolls, no... it's a doll..." Zhao Chuan suddenly reacted.

"That's right. You are like this. Now you go to buy a doll, then order a takeaway milk tea, tie the doll to the milk tea, and then ask the deliveryman to help you run errands to send it to your epic. Then send a WeChat, That's the only way to go today." After thinking for a while, Hu Wenjun came up with the next plan.

"Oh, ok, then I'll go buy it. But... there is no toy or doll store around here..." Zhao Chuan suddenly felt suspicious again.

"The small supermarket has claw machines, grab them! Grab the cute and cute ones!" Hu Wenjun said impatiently.

After being instructed, Zhao Chuan ran quickly towards the small supermarket. Looking at Zhao Chuan's still somewhat reserved look, Hu Wenjun couldn't help sighing: "What's the situation with the students now? They're still high-achieving students, chasing after a girl will make such an accent. Four years of college were in vain.”

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Zhao Chuan rushed back again, holding several caught dolls in his hands.Hu Wenjun chose one based on his feeling, and then ordered a cup of milk tea as planned, and charged the delivery boy for running errands, and asked him to send it directly to the department where Shi Yue worked in the ward.Then Hu Wenjun instructed Zhao Chuan to edit a WeChat message.

Because Zhao Chuan should not appear again, Hu Wenjun also went up to see what happened to Shi Yue after receiving the milk tea.Originally, Shi Yue was lying listlessly in the nurse's station with a dejected look on her face, and the delivery guy brought milk tea.

Originally, Shi Yue was a little impatient when she saw that someone was giving her something again.But the moment she took the milk tea out of the milk tea bag, the little girl finally had a long-lost smile on her face.She held the doll in her palm and looked at it horizontally and vertically, looking in a good mood.

Hu Wenjun breathed a sigh of relief and retreated to the corridor to call Zhao Chuan: "Your Epic Poetry is very happy to receive your milk tea. Follow the original plan and send the WeChat message we just discussed. Remember! Only Send the WeChat message we discussed just now, and don't overdo it." Zhao Chuan on the other end of the phone insisted.

When it was finally over, Hu Wenjun only felt that Zhao Chuan was not chasing girls, but he felt extremely exhausted as if he was chasing girls himself.

"Oh, Brother Hu. Thank you so much for today. Let me treat you to dinner." When Hu Wenjun returned to the car, Zhao Chuanxi smiled and said.

"Okay, I've done too much work today...I'm tired, and you haven't caught up with Epic yet. I'll take care of you after the good deeds are done." Hu Wenjun looked at his watch and said with some fatigue.

"Yes, yes, thanks to Brother Hu, please give me more guidance in the future." Zhao Chuan said very respectfully, you must know that Hu Wenjun is now a love mentor in his eyes.

"Hey, if you really want to thank me, you can find a way to help you get excellent graduates majoring in spot welding from Hu Ge. Your brother is from Guochang Company, and now he is worried that he can't find someone."

"Oh, it turns out that Brother Hu belongs to Guochang Company. This matter is easy to handle. I am doing this job, and I will take care of it. Brother Hu, your business is my business. I guarantee to satisfy the employment of your Guochang Company. need.

"Okay, then I'll contact you at work tomorrow to discuss the company's welder recruitment."

"Brother Hu, it's Shi Yue, not Epic Poetry. Why do you always like to call people Epic Poetry..."

"Oh, this is a personal habit. When I was chasing girls in college, I was used to naming them after goddesses or female stars with similar looks and characteristics. This way of pursuing also has motivation and faith. Speaking of which, I was chasing so-and-so Tang Yan from a certain department, Ma Su from a certain department, what a shame to say this."

"This is a very interesting technique. By the way, Brother Hu, you said earlier that your goddess is Tong Liya. The sister-in-law must look like Tong Liya, right?" Zhao Chuan asked sincerely.

"Order! Order! Aren't you hungry?" Hu Wenjun frowned and flipped through the menu.

(End of this chapter)

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