Chapter 39, counterattack

"Spray some water on it to cool it down and measure it again. This time the size should be within the tolerance range." Zhou Jianfu was very confident after drying it with a flame gun for about 10 minutes.

After hearing this, the assistant immediately poured the water prepared in advance on the place where Zhou Jianfu was baking just now, and there was a sound of water vapor and white smoke from the baking place immediately.

After waiting for a while, Tian Shuangshuang jumped up excitedly when Tian Shuangshuang measured the size with a tape measure again and found that the results were all qualified.Hu Wenjun, Chen Xijian, Xia Mingze and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of people headed by Wu Fei couldn't believe that such a difficult product was so successful.You must know that for this product, half of the technical backbones in the welding field of Guochang Company pounced on it. The problem that so many people had never solved was solved by an ugly drunkard.

A strange scene happened in the workshop. People like Wang Weimin were never happy because the sample was successfully trial-produced. Instead, they used various measuring tools such as a tape measure to measure the No. [-] sample again, trying to find unqualified points to deny the success of the sample. .

Zhou Jianfu had already taken off his welding suit at this time, he came behind Wang Weimin with a cigarette in his mouth and his hands behind his back, patted his shoulder and said, "Did you measure out the unqualified size?"

Wang Weimin gave Zhou Jianfu a white look, but did not respond.

"Then you measure this one first, but I have something to reply to you. I have never welded rockets, but I happen to have welded aircraft carriers." Zhou Jianfu proudly spit out a circle around his eyes.

Zhou Jianfu's words caused commotion again, but Wang Weimin was already sweating profusely.

"You don't need to measure it, they are really superior. Although this method is wild, it works very well." While Wang Weimin and others were still re-testing the data of No. [-] sample, Huang Xidong said slowly from the side.After Huang Xidong said so, everyone stopped, stopped measuring sample No. [-], and retreated to the side.

Huang Xidong slowly came to Zhou Jianfu, and said in a tone of admiration but unwillingness: "This master's welding technology is really novel, and his skills are really extraordinary. He must have presided over a lot of projects in the welding industry." .”

"It's okay, there are about 30 projects every year, and I have been working on them for about [-] years." Zhou Jianfu explained while smoking.

"You have completed fifteen hundred welding projects?" Huang Xidong said in an almost unbelievable tone.

"more or less……"

After hearing this, Huang Xidong bowed his head and remained silent.We must know that the number of welding projects completed by Zhou Jianfu in Lushun Shipyard is several times that of Huang Xidong.Huang Xidong has always relied on his high qualifications and rich experience, but he does not know that compared with Zhou Jianfu, the biggest difference between him and Zhou Jianfu is experience.

"I told my acquaintances in the Lushun Shipyard earlier that several national super welding engineers have the habit of drinking first and then holding the welding torch. Military projects are mostly tackled by these national super welding engineers. Today is a lesson." Huang Xidong said slowly. Slowly commented.

"You're showing your ugliness." Zhou Jianfu waved his hand and wrote lightly, as if he had long been used to this kind of affirmation and praise from professionals in the industry.

After Huang Xidong had a brief exchange with Zhou Jianfu, he led his people to leave the welding division.

"Boss Huang, are you leaving now? Don't you want to wait a while to see the overall measurement results?" Seeing that Huang Xidong was leaving, Wu Fei hurried up to say hello.Of course he didn't want Huang Xidong to leave just like that. Huang Xidong's departure meant that no one would support Wu Fei.

"There is no need to test, most of the sizes will pass the test. There is basically no technical problem with this product." After finishing talking, Huang Xidong and Wu Fei greeted each other, and turned to walk towards the office building.

Being directly slapped in the face in front of so many people in his company, Huang Xidong felt a bit uncomfortable, so he didn't stay too long to participate in further product discussions...

Seeing that Mr. Huang has no intention of staying, Wu Fei naturally has no choice but to stay at Nuo Sen's station.But when he and Wang Weimin were about to leave, Hu Wenjun called Wu Fei to a stop.

"Minister Wu, please stay."

"What, is there anything else?" Wu Fei asked impatiently.

"According to our agreement with Nuosen Group. Once we complete the sample trial production, we need to start mass production and delivery as soon as possible in the next time. Ge Dien from Nuosen Group will sign to us soon Issue mass production orders."

"If there is an order, let's work hard to meet the delivery date. What is there to discuss?"

"Hehe, Minister Wu, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear. In the next two months, the Nordson Group will try to transfer orders from Europe to us as much as possible. However, the manpower and production capacity of the Nordson project team are insufficient. I suggest If it doesn’t work, we can allocate personnel and equipment from the JCF project to rush the Northam Group’s order first.”

"Manager Hu, what do you mean? Could it be possible for us to talk to JCF Group about delayed delivery and give priority to the allocation of production capacity to your Nordson project?" When he heard that he would take up the resources of his own project, Wang Weimin naturally jumped up in a hurry. come out.

Wu Fei waved her hand, frowned and said, "If you talk to JCF Group at this time to delay delivery, from a business point of view, it will leave a bad impression on customers, Hu Wenjun, don't you know that? .”

"Of course I understand this truth, but I always keep in mind the philosophy you instilled in us, Minister Wu. You have always advocated focusing on the big and letting go of the small in business work, and considering everything from the maximization of the company's interests. Both the sales and profit of the project have increased. Now the order of the Nuosen project is twice that of the JCF project, and both the sales value and profit are much higher than the JCF project. It is up to Minister Wu to make a decision on which of the two businesses is more important." Hu Wenjun Seriously imitating Wu Fei's accent.

"Minister Wu, I just promised that JCF will start batch delivery next month. At this time, let's talk about delayed delivery with the other party. What will happen to JCF after you ask JCF..."

"Manager Wang, we are in business, and the company wants to make money. I think you should focus on the overall situation. You know Minister Wu's style. He has a good bowl of water, and it is impossible for you to give up because of your personal factors. For the company's benefit." Before Wang Weimin could finish protesting, Hu Wenjun interrupted him again.And the words and sentences that Hu Wenjun moved out are also Wu Fei's classic "quotations".

Wu Fei is not a fool, of course she knows that Hu Wenjun is targeting him.With a gloomy face, he pushed his glasses and said, "The specific production and the capacity scheduling of the entire department will ultimately be decided by Minister Chen. At most, I can only give some business suggestions."

"In the final analysis, the company still needs to operate to make money. Whichever makes more money, we should do it first. After all, the [-]th person in the department has [-] mouths. My suggestion is also consistent with your previous proposition, Minister Wu. We must strive to maximize the company's interests. , we still have to strive for the opportunity to earn more profits through higher sales. Of course, the customer side also needs to do a good job of explaining. This is my opinion. I wonder if Minister Wu has any other opinions?" Chen Xijian is also a veteran of the world for many years, and his beautiful words kicked the ball back to Wu Fei.

"Then I'll think about it again and see how to communicate with customers." Wu Fei had a gloomy face, and after a long time, she squeezed out a tepid sentence and left the workshop...

(End of this chapter)

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