Landlord System

Chapter 92 Economic Recovery

Chapter 92 Economic Recovery
"Forget it, Manager Xiao, they don't know me, it's understandable!"

Mo Yu was still angry at first, but when he heard that Xiao Mo was going to fire them, Mo Yu decided to forgive them. After all, if Xiao Mo fired them, they might not be able to get along in Mo Haicheng.

"Yes, young master, did you hear that? Why don't you hurry up and thank you, young master!"

"Thank you young master, I won't make this mistake again."

After Xiao Mo responded to Mo Yu, he asked the two guards to thank Mo Yu.

"Well, Manager Xiao, where is the Young Madam?"

After responding to the two guards, Mo Yu asked Xiao Mo where Li Man was going.

"Master, the young lady is in the back garden, it seems like she is playing chess with someone!"

Xiao Mo had just come out of the back garden, so he naturally knew of Li Man's whereabouts.

"Play chess, who are you playing chess with? Forget it, I don't know if you ask me, go get busy! I'll go find the young lady."

Mo Yu originally wanted to ask Xiao Mo, but seeing Xiao Mo didn't know who Li Man was playing chess with, so he asked Xiao Mo to go to the back garden to find Li Man.

Walking through the front yard and into the back garden, Mo Yu found Li Man on the rockery gazebo in the back garden.

At this time, Li Man is indeed playing chess with someone, and it is Zhinao Yunyue who is playing chess with Li Man.

"Man'er, I'm back, are you happy or surprised?"

The first time he saw Li Man, Mo Yu shouted loudly and opened his arms, wanting to hug Li Man.

"Brother Yu, you're back! Hurry up and help me, I lost five games!"

Li Man was not surprised at all by Mo Yu's return, because she had known that Mo Yu was back for a long time, and she knew it when Mo Yu was near Mohai City.


Mo Yu didn't expect this result, he thought that Li Man would jump over to hug him, but he didn't expect that Li Man didn't even have any intention of getting up, and asked him to help him play chess.

"Li Man, are you kidding me? Play chess with Zhinao? My God, it's impossible to win. Every time you make a move, Zhinao has already calculated the pieces you will play next. Forget it, Maner, don't Play with Zhinao, if you want to play chess, I will play with you!"

Playing chess with Zhinao Yunyue, Mo Yu felt that Li Man was too idle. If she could win, then Mo Yu would swear that he would run naked on live broadcast.

"It seems to be right, Yunyue, you are too stupid, why don't you let me order, forget it, Yunyue, you go back! Brother Yu and I will play a game."

After listening to what Mo Yu said, Li Man realized that she had made a low-level mistake, that is, she mistakenly treated Yunyue as a normal human being.

"Uh! All right then!"

Li Man told her to go back, but Yunyue responded to Li Man and disappeared.

"Come on! Brother Yu, let's play the next game!"

After Zhinao Yunyue disappeared, Li Man invited Mo Yu to sit down and play against her.

"Okay, let's play the next game. By the way, Man'er, before we play chess, I want to tell you something."

Even Li Man sent out an invitation, so Mo Yu would rather obey than be respectful.But before playing chess, Mo Yu still wanted to finish what he wanted to say.

"Oh, you have something to tell me, Brother Yu, tell me!"

Since he had something to say, Li Man would put aside the chess game and finish talking before playing.

"It's like this, Man'er, I think there are so many people in Mohai City now, it's not okay for you to always provide them with lunch boxes. If you keep doing this, after a long time, you will find that everyone They will all become lazy, and they will become extremely dependent. If you don’t provide them with lunch boxes in the future, they will think you damn it. You stopped their lunch boxes. So, Maner, we have to make a change now, it can’t be like this .”

Mo Yu expressed his thoughts about Li Man providing box lunches.After listening to what Mo Yu said, Li Man realized that she was wrong. He thought that if the people had to eat well, they would thank him. Now after listening to what Mo Yu said, he realized that his idea was wrong, so Asked Mo Yu: "Well, Brother Yu, what do you think we should do now?"

"What to do, of course, is to restore economic circulation, commodity trading, stop box lunches, and let those people cook for themselves!"

Restore economic circulation and commodity trading, so as to promote the development of Mo Haicheng. After all, if they always eat from the big pot, then the recruits will be lazy and slippery, and they will not work. Anyway, for them, they have a job whether they work or not. Eat, then why work.

"Restoring economic circulation and commodity trading is feasible, but Brother Yu, have you ever thought that those new arrivals are refugees, and refugees mean that they have no money on them. If economic circulation and commodity trading are restored, and There is no free meal, so can they stay in Mo Haicheng?"

What Mo Yu said is good, but Li Man thinks that the economic circulation and commodity trading will start to resume now. Those who have just come to Mo Haicheng are poor people. Who will buy and sell commodities when the commodity trading is opened, so Li Man Man felt that it was inappropriate to open commodity trading now.

"Maner, in fact, we can solve this problem in another way. Just tell me that it is not good to provide boxed meals for a long time. In fact, we can give everyone 1000 gold coins at a time, and then let them buy food by themselves, and wait After they use the thousand gold coins to buy food, they will realize that they must have money to live in Mohai City. , that is to go to work, and when they start working, our economy will be unblocked, and after the economy is unblocked, our Mo Haicheng can develop. Maner, what do you think of this?"

"Brother Yu, it's good to do this, so let's do it, but the problem is, Brother Yu, it seems that there is no bank in the newly built Mohai City, where do we get the gold coins?"

The solution Mo Yu said was very good, but Li Man still had a question, so he asked Mo Yu.

"Well, I forgot. I'll let the system transform a store into a bank immediately, and let the system enable the physical store mode. Now that there are too many people, if we don't enable the mall physical store, then our plan will fail. System, you You heard it! Start the transformation directly, no quotation is required, you can deduct as much as you want and you're done!"

Mo Yu forgot to re-establish the bank, and after talking to Li Man, he let the system start to be rebuilt.

"Under renovation, estimated to take 8 hours!"

After receiving Mo Yu's order, the system began to renovate the shops in Mo Haicheng's business district.

"By the way, I'll go find Yi Yang and ask him to find another person to manage the bank. Man'er, I'll play chess when I come back!"

Speaking of the bank, Mo Yu thought of Yi Yang, and decided to go to Yi Yang and ask him to choose a few trustworthy ones to manage the bank with him.

"Oh, then, Brother Yu, go!"

It was agreed to play chess, and now after talking about it, Mo Yu wants to leave. Li Man has no choice but to let Mo Yu go.

"Well, Maner, I'm leaving!"

Responding to Li Man again, Mo Yu got up, left the rockery pavilion, and went to find Yi Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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