Landlord System

Chapter 9 Bravely Entering the Zombie Lair (1)

Chapter 9 Bravely Entering the Zombie Lair ([-])

"Okay, Wang Er, needless to say! Whether the land is dangerous or not, let's not talk about it, just talk about how we can get to the land? There is no boat! Don't think about going to the land."

"Alright then! Master, I'm out to work!"

Since Mo Yu didn't want to go to land, what else could Wang Er say, and he went on with his business.

After Wang Er left, Mo Yu thought that no matter how small the meat was, he simply went hunting pheasants and hares to recycle. The quality was not enough, but the quantity was small!

So Mo Yu went to look for Liang San with a bow and arrow, and told Liang San that he needed a lot of pheasants and hares.After that, I went out hunting with Liang San every day, and even within a week, I recovered all the hunting on the island, and only earned 3120 gold coins. Adding the gold coins rewarded for completing the task, the total was only 6120 gold coins. Still short of 3880 gold coins.The problem now is that everything that can be hunted on this island has been hunted, and there is nothing to hunt.

"Fuck! Go to land, isn't it a zombie? I killed one of them, and I'm afraid of ghosts!"

Mo Yu had no choice but to go to land to fight for not enough [-] gold coins. Anyway, if he couldn't get [-] gold coins, he would be exiled, so what else could he say.

To go to land, you need a boat, even a bamboo raft.Therefore, Mo Yu ordered his subordinates to make stronger bamboo rafts, while he prepared food and weapons, and after the preparations were completed, he and Wang Er set off for land exploration.

After drifting at sea for five days, Mo Yu and Wang Er finally saw land.

Seeing the land, Mo Yu was very excited, drifting on the sea like this for five days, without any green, without any change, anyone would feel bored and hopeless.So when Mo Yu saw the skyline of the land, he immediately paddled the bamboo raft and approached the land excitedly.

When he came to the shore, Mo Yu even felt that the bamboo raft was too slow, so he jumped into the water and swam directly to the shore.

Wang San, who has been following Mo Yu, saw Mo Yu's actions and expressed his helplessness. Wasn't it just drifting on the sea for five days?Are you so excited to see land?

Wang Er will never understand how desperate a person who has never gone out to sea in a boat is in the face of the unchanging sea, let alone drifting on a bamboo raft.Five days, five days of drifting on the sea, that feeling of never being able to see the land, no hope of survival, Mo Yu didn’t want to experience it again for a moment (uh, Mo Yu seems to have forgotten, when he went back , have to go through it again!).

Swimming ashore, Mo Yu kissed and kissed the ground, and then laughed out loud, looking like a lunatic.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Fuck, is this the young master I know?Wang Er's heart is broken at this moment, if this young master goes crazy, should he go back or take this crazy young master back?

"Uh... I'm fine, Wang Er, I'm fine, young master! I'm just too excited, I'm fine!"

Damn, I'm a little overjoyed!Seeing Wang Er's strange gaze, Mo Yu knew that he had gone too far, so he got up and patted the dust on his body, suppressed his excitement, and responded to Wang Er's words as if nothing happened.

"That's good, that's good!"

Thinking that Mo Yu was going crazy, Wang Er almost wanted to return to the voyage and tell everyone the unfortunate news.

"Okay, don't worry about it, let's go!"

Damn, it's a bit embarrassing!Mo Yu still left quickly.

"Then, Wang Er, where do you think the gold is buried?"

Just as he was about to walk, Mo Yu suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten to ask where the gold was buried.

"Uh, master, it seems that we lost our way!"

Wang Er was embarrassed, he drifted with the tide, and he didn't know where he drifted. How did Wang Er know where he buried the gold when he left the land.

"My Nima!"

Mo Yu didn't know what to say, what the hell, came to land, Wang Er actually said that he couldn't find a place to bury the gold?How cheating is this!
"Master, how about we search along the seaside?"

Seeing Mo Yu's disappointed expression, Wang Er suggested.

"Looking along the coast? Wang Er, you're out of your mind! With such a long coastline, if you want to find the Year of the Monkey, forget it, don't look for it, let's scrape around nearby, maybe we can collect enough gold coins."

Looking for it along the coast?This brain must be flooded to think like this.So Mo Yu vetoed Wang Er's method, but revealed his plan.

"Sorry, master, for wasting your time!"

Although Mo Yu didn't blame himself, Wang Er still felt sorry for Mo Yu.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Mo Yu knew that Wang Er could not be blamed for this. It was not bad to be able to reach the land while drifting with the bamboo raft.

The two left the seaside one after the other, and less than a kilometer into the land, Mo Yu saw a village, but the village was very dilapidated, and it seemed that no one had lived there for a long time.

"Master, don't go near that village!"

When Mo Yu saw the village, Wang Er also saw the village, and immediately reminded Mo Yu not to approach.

"Why can't you get closer?"

A dilapidated village that doesn't look dangerous, why can't it get close?Mo Yu doesn't say he understands it well.

"Master, do I know where this is?"


"Master, have you seen that village? That village is Muba Fishing Village. It is said that there is a very scary dragon-scale zombie in the village, so no one approaches that village!"

When it comes to dragon-scale zombies, Wang Er's teeth can't help shaking.

"Dragon scale zombie? What are you afraid of? If you come out, just kill it!"

"Uh, master, are you planning to break into that village?"

My mother, I don't know if I should say something or not!Wang Er didn't even know that Mo Yu's self-confidence was not afraid of the dragon-scale zombie, which was an existence that could not be killed.

And Mo Yu's self-confidence naturally comes from the fact that he now has enough gold coins, which can buy a few weapons made of obsidian to destroy dragon-scale zombies.

Opening the mall, Mo Yu chose obsidian weapons. After checking for a while, Mo Yu selected an iron-inlaid obsidian sword and a spear with obsidian as the tip. The two items cost Mo Yu 500 gold coins in total.In addition to these two weapons, Mo Yu bought another brimstone for two.Another 1000 gold coins were spent, and a total of 1500 gold coins were spent.

"Damn, I hope this investment will not lose money!"

After spending so much gold coins in total, Mo Yu naturally wanted to enter the dilapidated village to find gold jewelry.

"Yes, Wang Er, we just broke in like this, here you are, take it, this is sulfur, that is, the thing that was sprinkled on the neck of the snake-scale zombie that time, you smear it all over your body, and this It's a sword made of obsidian, as for what obsidian is, you don't even know, anyway, this sword can kill dragon-scale zombies!"

"so smart?"

Facing the two things Mo Yu handed over, Wang Er didn't even know that there was something in this world that could kill dragon scale zombies. That was really awesome!

"Yes, it's that powerful! Take it and apply it quickly. We'll take advantage of the zombies not moving around during the day, so we'll hurry to collect a wave!"

After Mo Yu handed Wang Er the things, he quickly smeared sulfur on himself. After the smearing was completed, he brought Wang Er, who had also been smeared, close to the village.

Just before arriving at the village, Mo Yu felt a creepy aura, and the direction of this aura was in the center of the village.

"Young master, let's not go in, I'm afraid!"

Faced with such a terrifying aura, Wang Er was terrified, his feet kept trembling, and he couldn't speak fluently.

"Don't be afraid, we have weapons in our hands, and we have coated them with sulfur. Ordinary zombies dare not approach us, not to mention it is daytime, and those zombies are hiding in the house and dare not come out. There is nothing to be afraid of."

To be honest, Mo Yu was also afraid, but it was useless to be afraid. Within a month, if he collected less than [-] gold coins, the punishment for mission failure was very bad. He was exiled to the kingdom of zombies.Hearing this, he knew that the country of zombies was not a good place, it must be much scarier than the village he was facing now!
Looking at the village in front of him, Mo Yu decided to start searching from the two-storey house in the front. When he got close to that house, Mo Yu saw the open door of the house, and the furnishings inside were clear at a glance. This should be an inn, okay? , The inn usually puts all the money in the counter, and the counter is in the middle of the first floor, and Mo Yu can see it at a glance.

"Wang Er, come in with me!"

After adjusting his breathing, Mo Yu was ready to enter the inn, and called Wang Er to follow him in.

The two entered the inn together, and Mo Yu signaled Wang Er to be alert with his eyes, while he went behind the counter to search for silver and other things.After searching for a while, Mo Yu found some broken silver from one of the boxes in the counter, which was worth about 500 gold coins. After choosing to take it back, Mo Yu and Wang Er left the inn.

"Damn it, this inn has so little money, Wang Er, let's go to the next one!"

When he came outside, Mo Yu cursed, and then went on to look for another house to start.

The door sign of the house near the inn says cloth shop, which indicates that this is a shop selling cloth, but the door of the shop is closed, and it seems that there must be zombies in the shop.Needless to say, Mo Yu would not choose this house. Although he is not afraid of zombies now, there is no need to fight zombies.

Continue to look for the next one, the next one, Mo Yu saw the tea house.The door of the tea house is open, but there has been a battle inside, and things are in a mess, so it is very difficult to search.Therefore, the tea house pass!Keep looking for one.

After walking a little into the village, Mo Yu saw the bank in the center of the village, and his eyes lit up immediately!A bank, that means that the wealth in it will definitely meet the requirement of [-] gold coins, and there may be a lot more.But, the problem now is that Mo Yu clearly felt that the creepy aura came from the bank!

"Damn, man dies for money, bird dies for food! How can you get a tiger's cub if you don't enter the tiger's den! Fight!"

Although the creepy aura came from inside, but whoever called money could move people's hearts, Mo Yu decided to go all out for the gold, silver and jewelry that might exist!

"Wang Er, I want to enter the bank, if you are afraid, then wait for me at the door!"

Although Wang Er is his dog's leg, Mo Yu doesn't want to embarrass Wang Er and let Wang Er make a choice!

 I woke up suddenly in the early morning and couldn't sleep, so I coded a chapter. Readers, after seeing the author Ruo's hard work, don't be harsh on the recommendation ticket in your hand, just give me one!

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(End of this chapter)

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