Landlord System

Chapter 86 Population Issues

Chapter 86 Population Issues
"Yes, Maner, with this power generating device, no matter where we go in the future, we can receive power through this power receiving device."

This wireless power receiving device is so easy to use, I thought that when I go to the mainland to build Dinglu City in the future, I won't have to worry about electricity anymore.

"Let's go! Man'er, let's connect the electricity here."

Of course, the sooner such a good device can be installed, the better, so Mo Yu removed the power receiving device installed on the road, restored the original condition of the street lamp, put away the power receiving device, and took Li Man to Mo Haicheng power distribution room.

The power distribution room of Mo Haicheng is at the gates of Guancheng and the main city, and the power distribution room is inside the city wall. Mo Yu temporarily asked the system to transform the power distribution room here.For this reason, Mo Yu was charged [-] million gold coins by the system.

When we came to the power distribution room, the facilities here were very simple. There was just a power access point. This power access point was the access point for the power receiving equipment. As long as Mo Yu put the power receiving equipment in, it would be fine.

After Mo Yu came to the power distribution room, he put the power receiving equipment into the input terminal, turned on the switch, and instantly the street lights in the whole Mo Hai City turned on.

"Brother Yu, is it that simple?"

Seeing that Mo Yu put the power receiving device into the access terminal and it was OK, Li Man did not expect this kind of device to be so convenient.

"Well, let's go! Man'er, let's go back to have breakfast, I'm so hungry!"

Last night, he drank a lot and didn't eat a bite of food, which made Mo Yu so hungry that he could eat a cow.

"Okay, Brother Yu, let's go back!"

After Li Man finished speaking, he drank Mo Yu and returned to Mo Mansion together.

Entering the Mo mansion, Mo Yu saw Xiao Mo waking up and observing everything in the small park in the front yard.

"Master, am I still drunk? Why did everything change when I woke up in the morning?"

Originally, after Xiao Mo woke up drunk, he found that the door of Mo Yu's room was not closed, so he wanted to see if Mo Yu was still in the room, but after entering the room and not finding Mo Yu, Xiao Mo went outside to look for Mo Yu , I searched the back garden and walked out the gate of the back garden without finding it.However, after pushing open the gate of the back garden, I realized that everything had changed. The originally devastated Mo Mansion was gone, replaced by an extremely strange small garden, which made Xiao Mo instantly dumbfounded. After being dumbfounded, Xiao Mo Wanting to see if I was dreaming, I carefully observed the small garden.And when he first started to observe, he saw Mo Yu, so he asked Mo Yu directly.

"System, what's going on?"

Hearing Xiao Mo's question, Mo Yu felt very strange, why the system didn't modify the memories of Xiao Mo and others.

"Hello, player! Since modifying the memory too many times will cause the human brain to become an idiot, we will not modify the memory this time when we rebuild Mohai City. Please explain yourself!"

"Holy crap! Explain yourself? How?"

If you modify your memory too much, you will become an idiot. This makes Mo Yu speechless. After all, the system only modified the memory of Xiao Mo and the others once. How could it be too much?Mo Yu guessed that this was an excuse made by the system, because the system did not want to modify it. After all, modifying the memory also required gold coins, and the system could save as much as it could.

However, the question before Mo Yu is: how to explain to Xiao Mo?
After thinking for a while, Mo Yu said, "Director Xiao, do you believe me when I say that I conjure the things here with the magic technique?"

"I believe, Master, you are an immortal, so you will naturally know these little tricks!"

Xiao Mo firmly believed Mo Yu's nonsense, because in his consciousness, Mo Yu had a lot of strange things, and it was not impossible to conjure up a whole city.

"Uh! Forget it, just believe it! Okay, today, in the morning, everyone hasn't had breakfast yet, Xiao Mo, you go make breakfast, I'm hungry!"

Believe it all, Mo Yu didn't know what to say, so he had to ask Xiao Mo to make breakfast.

"Yes, master! I'll go right away!"

Hearing that Mo Yu was hungry, Xiao Mo immediately responded to Mo Yu, then turned and walked back to the back garden to prepare breakfast for Mo Yu.

Watching Xiao Mo go back to make breakfast, Mo Yu shook his head helplessly, and then followed Xiao Mo back to the small living room with Li Man, waiting for breakfast to be ready.

Today's breakfast is millet porridge with dried radish. The breakfast is not rich, but it is very suitable for Mo Yu's stomach. After drinking a few bowls of millet porridge, Mo Yu walked into the study with Li Man who was also full.

"Brother Yu, what are we doing in the study?"

When they came to the study, Li Man asked Mo Yu what they were doing in the study.Mo Yu replied: "Man'er, come to the study, I want you to discuss with you about the population of Mo Haicheng."

"Mo Haicheng's population problem? Brother Yu, where did our Mo Haicheng population come from? It's just an empty city now!"

Li Man felt that the population had nothing to say. Mo Haicheng only had her, Mo Yu, and Xiao Mo, so there was nothing else to say.

"It's because Mo Haicheng is an empty city, so I want to say, Maner, I plan to quickly recruit residents of Mo Haicheng directly from the system. After all, Mohai City is in urgent need of people. When will I wait, so I will quickly recruit people and form a corps quickly, and after the corps is formed, I can go to build Dinglu City."

The reason why Mo Yu wanted to quickly recruit people was because Mo Yu wanted to quickly form a corps, protect Mohai City, and protect Dinglu City after going to the mainland to build Dinglu City, so that the system tasks can be completed as soon as possible.

"Recruit people? Yes! Brother Yu, since you can directly recruit people from the system, then you should recruit more. Isn't Dinglu City going to be built? We will directly recruit more than 8 people, so that after Dinglu City is established, We can directly send 5 people to Dinglu City, and in this way, our mission can be completed!"

Since the population can be quickly recruited from the system, Li Man felt that one step was in place, so he even recruited the population of Dinglu City.

"Hey! That's not bad, but, Maner, our Mo Haicheng can accommodate more than 3 people at most, and you directly recruited more than 8 people, our Mo Haicheng can't accommodate so many people."

It is not impossible to directly recruit more than 8 people, but Mo Yu thinks that Mo Haicheng cannot accommodate so many people, even if the streets are full.

"Brother Yu~ Ni is so stupid, Mo Haicheng can't tolerate it, but don't forget that there is Dinglu City, as long as you build Dinglu City well before the recruits arrive, then we can quickly divide some people Go to Dinglu City!"

Li Man was speechless. It is easy to build a Dinglu City, just leave it to the system. As long as Dinglu City is built, there are only 8 people, which is completely affordable for both cities.Why didn't Mo Yu think of this?

"Er, well! My mind went into the ditch!"

Mo Yu had been thinking about how to pack more than 8 people into Mohai City just now, but he hadn't thought about the construction of Dinglu City for the time being, and only realized it after Li Man mentioned it.

(End of this chapter)

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