Landlord System

Chapter 61 Noodle Cake

Chapter 61 Noodle Cake

"By the way, who of you knows that arrogant guy outside?"

Li Man didn't know anyone outside, so he asked the people present.

"do not know!"

Everyone shook their heads and said they didn't know each other.

"I know!"

When everyone shook their heads and said they didn't know each other, Yunyue directly said in Li Man's mind that she knew her.

"Yue'er, you know, who is that person?"

Yunyue knew, so Li Man asked Yunyue directly.

"He is Wang Er!"

"What, he is the Wang Er who betrayed Brother Yu, I didn't expect it to be him!"

Li Man didn't expect that the guy outside who could command zombies was Wang Er, so he was very surprised!When she was chatting with Mo Yu, Mo Yu mentioned Wang Er.So Zai Yunyue was very surprised when she said Wang Er's name!
"No, no! That person is Wang Er, Young Madam, Your Royal Highness, it's my fault, I didn't check it well, and let this person sneak into our team."

When Xiao Mo heard that the person was Wang Er, he remembered that the last person's name he registered yesterday was Wang Er. He did not expect that Wang Er turned out to be an alien.

"Mr. Xiao, it's not your fault. No one knows Wang Er. This is an opportunity for Wang Er to take advantage of. Well, let's not talk about it. It's almost dawn, everyone should go to sleep in a tent first! In this backyard There are tents, as for the attack of zombies, don't worry, in this backyard, zombies can't come in!"

After emphasizing again that the backyard is safe, Li Man asked them to rest. Anyway, there is nothing they can do now, so let's go back to sleep first...

It was getting brighter, and at 8 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Mo was the first to wake up. For the sake of the manager, Xiao Mo naturally had to get up early to prepare everything, but now, in the backyard, Xiao Mo was not familiar with the backyard at all. I don't know why, so I just waited obediently until everyone else got up.

"Hey~, good morning, Manager Xiao!"

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Yi Yang was the second one to wake up. As the accountant of the Mo Mansion, he naturally had to get up early. He woke up very late today. Who told them to go to bed at 4 o'clock yesterday.

"Hey~, what a morning, hey, Manager Xiao, Manager Yi Yang, you are all awake!"

After Yi Yang said hello, Xiao Yutian woke up immediately.Xiao Yutian was worried about zombies attacking last night. He didn't sleep when the others were sleeping. He didn't sleep for three hours until after dawn.

"Morning, everyone!"

Andu was the last one to wake up. Like Xiao Yutian, Andu was afraid of a zombie attack. He didn't sleep all night. He didn't sleep for two hours until he couldn't hold on anymore, so he woke up late.

"I said, everyone, it seems that we forgot to bring something to eat and came in."

Xiao Mo, who woke up very early in the morning, originally wanted to look for food, but he found that the backyard was bare, except for the grass, it was a rockery, and there was not even a single fruit tree.

"How about we go out and get some food?"

No food, it's scary, and I don't know when Mo Yu will come back, so Xiao Yutian suggested.

"Let's go outside and get something to eat!"

Xiao Yutian's suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone, so they all went outside with Xiao Yutian to get food.

But just when they were about to open the door to the backyard, they saw Li Man open the door of the small living room, looked at them and said, "Where are you going? Come here, I made breakfast, and it's in the kitchen, Come and have breakfast with me."

"My, my God! Young Madam, you are trying to ruin us! As a master, how can you cook breakfast for our servants? Breakfast should be what our servants do, Young Madam, yes The villain's fault! We kowtow to you!"

Li Man made breakfast for Xiao Mo and the others, which was a kind of punishment for Xiao Mo and the others, so Xiao Mo, An Du, Xiao Yutian, and Yi Yang all knelt down and kowtowed to Li Man in great panic.

"Uh, forget that this is in ancient times, forget it, you all get up, in fact, I haven't made breakfast yet, you follow me to the kitchen, and I will teach you how to use the kitchen utensils in the backyard kitchen."

In fact, Li Man didn't make any breakfast, she just took out the instant noodles she bought in the mall these days, and when she was about to soak them in a bowl, she suddenly saw Xiao Mo and the others on the monitor wanting to go out, so she guessed it Xiao Mo and the others wanted to go out to find food, so they came out in a hurry to stop Xiao Mo and the others, and lied that they had made breakfast, trying to keep Xiao Mo and the others from going out. After all, she saw that the situation outside the surveillance was very bad. Zombies are piled high, even the half-destroyed living room has zombies.

"Oh, I'm scared to death. Then, young lady, you take us to the kitchen, and I will use the kitchen utensils myself."

Xiao Mo felt relieved, he was really afraid that Li Man would prepare breakfast for them. After all, Li Man, as the master, prepared breakfast for his subordinates, which meant that the subordinates were deceiving the master. If the dynasty was still alive, he would be beheaded.

"Okay, you come with me!"

Hearing Xiao Mo's words, Li Man wanted to see if Xiao Mo could use modern kitchen utensils, so he led Xiao Mo and the others into the small living room, walked to the kitchen separated from the small living room, pointed to the modern kitchen Said: "This is the kitchen, Xiao Mo, didn't you say you know how to use these kitchen utensils? Go!"


This is the kitchen?Xiao Mo didn't believe it, but he had to believe it, because he saw the pot head, the cutting board, and the kitchen knife, all of which meant that this was a kitchen.But the problem is, Xiao Mo doesn't know how to use this kitchen, and Xiao Yutian probably doesn't know how to use it either.

"Okay, okay, I see that none of you have seen anything. Xiao Mo, go get those packets of instant noodles that are on the cupboard. Andu, go to the cupboard and get some." Come here with a bowl, the cupboard is that cabinet, Xiao Yutian, Yi Yang, you go and help!"

There are several packs of instant noodles on the cabinet, which Li Man bought before and put in the kitchen for spare.

"Young Madam, I brought them all!"

After bringing all the things that Li Man ordered, Xiao Mo said to Li Man.

"Okay, I brought them all, right! Then you watch me do it. First, tear off the bag of instant noodles, put the instant noodles inside into a bowl, tear up this small package, and pour it into the bowl. After finishing, pour hot water, hot water is contained in this thing, after pouring hot water, wait for a while and then you can eat!"

Li Man introduced the method of eating instant noodles and also gave a demonstration. Fortunately, she brought a pot of hot water and put it on the table, otherwise, she would not be able to demonstrate how to make instant noodles.

"Young lady, I have something to ask. You call this instant noodles? Isn't this noodle cake?"

In this game world, there is also a kind of noodles similar to instant noodles, that is, noodle cakes. The shape of this noodle cake is the same as that of instant noodles, but the difference is that the noodle cakes are made of flour kneaded into thin strips, and then rolled into a ball. Put it in an oil pan and fry it. After frying, it becomes a noodle cake. This kind of noodle cake is the military ration in this world. Every time soldiers go out for a long distance, they will bring this noodle cake to satisfy their hunger.So when Xiao Yutian saw the instant noodles, he felt like noodles.

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(End of this chapter)

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