Chapter 58
The game was played until late at night. Tired of playing, Mo Yu lay on the bed, wanting to rest, but before he fell asleep, he heard someone shouting something outside.So Mo Yu could only get up, planning to go outside to see the situation.

"Master, master, it's not good, there are a few zombies attacking outside, and we lost a few men!"

Just when Mo Yu wanted to get out of the tent, Mo Yu saw Mo Zaiti rushing in and heard what Mo Zaiti said.

"What, there are zombies in such a remote place? Don't mention it again, do you know how many zombies there are?"

Mo Yu couldn't believe it, in such a remote place, without any villages around, he could meet zombies in such a place, Mo Yu didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

"Young master, I don't know. It's too dark to see clearly. At present, I only know that three zombies came out to attack our patrol personnel and were killed. But according to the patrol personnel, they saw dozens of zombies in the dark. Bright eyes are staring at them."

Don't mention it again, I don't know how many zombies there are. Although he is leading the night watch tonight, he can't patrol the whole night. He arranges his men to patrol in batches, and the one who was attacked happened to be the second one. patrol.

"Holy shit! Dozens of pairs of glowing eyes? So many zombies! Hurry up and get everyone ready for battle!"

Dozens of pairs of eyes represent dozens of zombies. Where did so many zombies come from, Mo Yu was puzzled.But now is not the time to study this, Mo Yu must mobilize everyone to defend against zombies.

"Yes, master! I'll make arrangements now!"

Mo Zaiti hurried out of the tent to get everyone ready for battle.

"Master, are you okay!"

As soon as Mo Zaiti left, Su Yang rushed into Mo Yu's tent and asked Mo Yu for advice.

"It's okay! Young master, I'm well protected by you, what can happen!"

"You'll be fine!"

Zombie attack, Su Yang was most worried about Mo Yu, so he rushed to Mo Yu's side immediately when the zombie attacked.

"Su Yang, let's go out with me and see what's going on outside now?"

Honestly staying in the tent, not knowing what was going on outside, Mo Yu felt that this was not good, so he asked Su Yang and himself to go out and have a look.

"Master, no, you can't go out! It's too dangerous outside, you should stay in the tent."

For Mo Yu's safety, Su Yang disagreed with Mo Yu going out, so he blocked Mo Yu's way.

"Is it safe to stay in the tent? Don't be stupid Su Yang, this tent is just a piece of fabric, it can't stop the claws of the zombies, but it will block our sight, which is not good for us to observe whether the zombies are attacking us!"

In the current situation, staying in the tent is more dangerous than staying outside, because you don't know from which direction the zombies will attack the people staying in the tent.

"Okay, young master, after you go out, you have to be careful. For your safety, you have to stay behind me."

Su Yang didn't want Mo Yu to go out very much, but Mo Yu was right, the tent was made of fabric and couldn't defend against zombies.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Su Yang stepped aside, Mo Yu walked out of the tent first.

When he came outside the tent, Mo Yu saw that Mo Zaiti and Wang Anran organized men to guard the tent.

"Master, why did you come out? Get into the tent quickly, we are guarding you outside."

Mo Zaiti saw Mo Yu coming out of the tent, so he hurried up to stop Mo Yu and let Mo Yu go back to the tent.

Mo Yu saw that they surrounded the tent and felt that such a defense was not enough, so Mo Yu said: "Don't mention it again, don't stop it, it's useless to enter the tent now, the tent is not made of iron, so you can't stop it." Zombie's claws, and you can't defend by surrounding the tent like you are now. The tent is too big and blocks the line of sight. A circle of defense, you and I, Wang Anran, Su Yang, and Su Yang and his two men are in the middle of the circle to support, hurry up!"

"It's the young master!"

Through Mo Yu's analysis, Mo Zaiti realized his wrong arrangement, so he quickly followed Mo Yu's arrangement and gathered his subordinates to form a circle.


But when the defense circle shrinks, the zombies attack, and the people behind the tent are the first to be attacked.

When the people behind the tent received Mo Zai’s call to shrink and defend, they turned around and walked to the front of the tent, when they were suddenly attacked by zombies. In an instant, several people were bitten by the necks of the zombies, and lost their resistance, just like that. Suck blood.

And when those few people were sucked blood by the zombies, the other people beside them saw this scene, they panicked instantly, and rushed to the front of the tent collectively, regardless of mentioning it again and again, emphasizing that they formed a circle, desperately trying to squeeze into the middle .

"Don't panic, don't be chaotic, form a circle, hurry up, if anyone tries to squeeze in the middle again, I'll kill him!"

Wang Anran saw that this group of people did not obey orders and squeezed desperately into the middle, so he directly shot and killed the first person who squeezed into the middle. This action instantly calmed down those who were desperately squeezed into the middle.

"Quick, form a circle!"

Mo Zaiti saw Wang Anran kill one of his subordinates, and knew that Wang Anran was trying to calm these people down. Mo Zaiti did not blame Wang Anran, but made his subordinates form a circle again.

This time there was a warning from Wang Anran, and all the subordinates honestly followed Mo Zai mention yes, and formed a big circle.

"Everyone, turn your weapons outward!"

All the people watching formed a circle, and Mo Yu hurriedly asked them to point their weapons outwards to defend against the attack of zombies.

"Su Yang, you and your two men, keep an eye outside. If you find any zombies, don't say anything, just shoot!"

"It's the young master!"

A defense circle was formed, and the main defense method relied on Su Yang and the others, because only Su Yang and the others had weapons that could attack from a distance.

After arranging Su Yang's mission, Mo Yu waited for the zombies to attack.

The zombies didn't keep Mo Yu waiting for long, and soon, they found that there were zombies hiding in the dark, first one rushed out, and then Mo Yu saw many zombies rushing out.

Without Mo Yu calling, Su Yang and his two men opened fire directly. First, the first zombie that rushed over was brought down, then the second, third, fourth, countless, how many were killed Su Yang couldn't count the downed zombies, or he didn't have time to count them, because there were too many zombies. Some zombies who didn't have time to shoot rushed to the defense circle, and were stabbed to death when they came into contact with Mo Zaiti's weapons.But let’s not mention that their weapons are all made of obsidian, and there is only one chance to kill a zombie, so after some people kill a zombie, they don’t know that the weapon is disposable, so they want to continue to assassinate the second one, but they have no choice. The weapon doesn't work, and soon the man is caught blood-sucking by zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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