Landlord System

Chapter 5 Hunting

Chapter 5 Hunting
"That's good, then today you go to build a thatched hut with a few people, and the rest will be made into sago, good, everyone will start working!"

Don't worry about being blood-sucked by zombies at night, then there is nothing to say, hurry up and order these troublesome people to work,

"Okay, my lord!"

After hearing Mo Yu's order, all the troublemakers responded in unison.Arrange them at will.

Seeing these unscrupulous people starting to work, Mo Yu had nothing to do, so he wanted to find something to play, so as not to be bored in this place with no electricity or Wi-Fi.After thinking about what he wanted to do, Mo Yu decided to take a walk around the island to see if there were any bird's nests to dig out!
It is said that I have been growing up in the city, and I have never done such a thing as digging out a bird's nest. Now I have time to try it.

After digging out bird nests for a whole day, Mo Yu got 15 eggs from a total of 23 bird nests.Digging out bird nests was tiring and hard work, but Mo Yu had a great time. He didn't even eat lunch, so he kept looking for bird nests and digging out bird nests until he had dug out most of the bird nests on the island. Only then happily walked back to the local rich man's hut holding the bird's eggs.

Walking into the local rich man's hut, Mo Yu saw that beside the local rich man's hut, the thatched hut had been built, and some protective measures had been taken, and the Nasimi had also been made.

"Very well, it's all done, you are very good! So let's finish our work today, let's cook!"

Seeing that the unruly people had completed today's tasks, Mo Yu said that it was very good. These unruly people acted very quickly. After encouraging the unruly people, Mo Yu ordered the unruly people to cook.

The meal was ready, and after dinner, Mo Yu said to everyone: "You guys have a good rest tonight. Starting tomorrow, we will reclaim the 20 acres of land and try to finish it within [-] days."

"Yes, Master Mo!"

Everyone responded in unison, and then went back to rest.

On the third day, when he woke up in the morning, Mo Yu cooked some bird eggs, and after eating the eggs, he went outside to have a look.

When he came outside, Mo Yu couldn't find the group of unruly people. Where did these unruly people go so early in the morning? Mo Yu said he was helpless because he had to go find the unruly people again early in the morning.

It didn't take long to look for it, and Mo Yu saw the group of unreasonable people in the suitable wasteland selected two days ago. It turned out that the group of unreasonable people were reclaiming wasteland and building fields according to his instructions yesterday.

"Master Mo, good morning!"

All the troublemakers who were busy greeted Mo Yu after seeing Mo Yu.

"Uh, you guys are early too!"

By the way, Mo Yu is a little embarrassed, people always get up to work when the sun comes out, but he sleeps until he wakes up naturally, and it is almost noon when he wakes up, can it not be embarrassing for people to tell him early now?

"By the way, have you had breakfast yet?"

In order to ease the embarrassment, Mo Yu changed the subject and asked.

"Master Mo, we are not used to having breakfast."

"Oh, that's good, then you go ahead and I'll go around!"

It is good to skip breakfast and save a meal.Since these gangsters consciously open up wasteland here, there is nothing else to say, let them work.As for Mo Yu himself, in the words of the land rich man system, it is wrong for a land rich man to rob tenants of their jobs.So Mo Yu should not get in the way here, and find something to play with.

But what to play with, Mo Yu thought about it, and decided to make a bow and learn how to hunt like those nobles.

Mo Yu can't make bows, but these gangsters know how, so Mo Yu asked those gangsters who can make bows, and someone immediately replied that he could make bows, and the person who answered him was the middle-aged uncle.

"You know how to make bows. Tell me first, what did you do before?"

"Return, Lord Mo, the little one used to be a hunter."

"Orion? Very good, then you will stay with me for the time being, I need a servant!"

Very good, Mo Yu was very satisfied that he picked up an Orion, but he didn't expect that there was an Orion among these gangsters.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Since you want people to follow you, you must know their names, so Mo Yu asked the middle-aged uncle.

"Master Mo, my name is Liang San!"

"Liang Shan, what a good name!"

Damn, someone actually named this name, it's so awesome that I can't explain it!Mo Yu really wanted to ask your father if he had read Outlaws of the Marsh when he named you.

"Really? I also think this name is good and easy to write, just three strokes!"

Liang San, the middle-aged uncle, had no idea that Mo Yu said that his name was literally different from his.

"Uh, I seem to have misunderstood something. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Go find some materials and make a bow and arrow. Let's go hunting today!"

No matter how he writes, Mo Yu doesn't care, anyway, it's right to call Liang Shan.

"Okay, Lord Mo, let's do it now!"

After Liang San responded, he went to find materials to make bows and arrows.

A quarter of an hour later, when Mo Yu was getting impatient, Liang San made the bow and arrow and handed it to Mo Yu.

"Not bad, Liangsan, well done!"

Mo Yu, who took over the bow and arrow, praised Liang San's craftsmanship very much. This craftsmanship is really good. The body of the bow is made of bamboo, polished, and wrapped with cloth around the grip. The purpose is to make it more comfortable for people to hold.

After trying the tension, Mo Yu felt that it was very suitable for him.

"Go, go hunting!"

The bow is ready, so what is there to say, go hunting!
Although the island is not big, there are many hares and pheasants, so Mo Yu's goal is to hunt the hares and pheasants.However, Mo Yu has never hunted before, so he has been wandering around the island.And Liang San who followed Mo Yu didn't understand what Mo Yu was doing?So he asked Mo Yu out loud.

"Master Mo, what are you doing?"

"I, I'm looking for hares and pheasants!"

Wipe, a little blush!Mo Yu blushed a little. After searching for so long, he didn't find a single pheasant or hare.

"Lord Mo, this is not how you look for pheasants and hares, you come with me!"

Liang San was a little dumbfounded. He thought Mo Yu was wandering around, but he didn't expect that he was looking for pheasants and hares. According to Mo Yu's method of searching, of course he couldn't find pheasants and hares.So Liang San had no choice but to take action and take Mo Yu to find pheasants and hares.

Following Liang San, he soon saw a hare. Mo Yu was so excited that he immediately wanted to shoot the hare with his bow, but Liang San stopped Mo Yu's movement and whispered to Mo Yu: "Master Mo, you are like this!" Shooting is wrong, it will miss the hare!"

"Then how to shoot?"

Archery, to be honest, Mo Yu has never shot an arrow. As an otaku, if he uses the mouse to shoot an arrow, then Mo Yu will definitely do it, but this one!Won't!However, Mo Yu had seen how the characters shoot arrows in the game, so he followed suit, but this was stopped by Liang San, because when Mo Yu shot arrows, the range was very large, and he was far away from the end, so if he shot like this, the hare would be very fast. will run away.

"Lord Mo, give me the bow and arrow, let me show you a demonstration!"


Liang San didn't know how to teach how to shoot, but he could demonstrate it.

Taking the bow and arrow from Mo Yu's hand, Liang San took a deep breath, then bent down and slowly approached the hare. Less than 10 meters away from the hare, Liang San drew the bow and arrow, took aim and fired.

With an arrow through the heart, Liang San shot the hare in the heart, and the hare died on the spot.

"Okay, Liangsan, it's great!"

Mo Yu admired Liangsan's technique very much. He pierced his heart with an arrow. He is worthy of being a professional hunter!

"Lord Mo, it's nothing. Hares are easy to hunt. As long as you draw a bow and arrow well, you can do it too."

Hunting hares. Moreover, hares are not very alert. As long as they are not too close, they can usually hit them, unless they are the kind of people who don’t know how to use arrows. Well, Mo Yu seems to be the kind of person who can’t shoot arrows...

"I'm very talented at shooting!"

Yes, Mo Yu is very talented in shooting, but it is only operated by the mouse.

"That's good, Mr. Mo, you take this bow, and I'll go pick up the rabbit!"

Liang San doesn't know if he has talent, anyway, Liang San has never seen Mo Yu shoot.

After picking up the rabbit, Liang San and Mo Yu went on looking for the hare.After searching for a while, I saw another hare.

This time, Liang San signaled Mo Yu to go up, and Mo Yu didn't scribble. Like Liang San, he bowed close to the hare. Within ten meters away from the hare, Mo Yu drew his bow fully and aimed at the hare to shoot!But, it was so embarrassing, the arrow Mo Yu shot missed, and this time, he was slapped in the face!

"Master Mo, good arrow skills! I didn't see that pheasant just now, Mr. Mo, you have sharp eyes!"

I wipe, it's all right!Mo Yu was speechless, the missed arrow actually hit a pheasant, and Mo Yu said that he was so lucky!
"It's nothing, what a joke!"

Damn, how embarrassing!But for the sake of face Mo Yu had to pretend to be aggressive.

"Go get that pheasant back! Let's go back!"

"Then, Master Mo, have you stopped hunting?"

"Stop hunting, these are enough for me to eat."

Damn, I'm still hunting. It's enough to lose this kind of embarrassing thing once. This time I got lucky and it's not embarrassing. If I hunt again, it will be really embarrassing, so Mo Yu should go back quickly.


As for going back, Liang San didn't want to go. After all, he and those unscrupulous people hadn't eaten meat for a month, and he wanted to eat meat, so he was a little reluctant.But who made Mo Yu the land rich man, everything here belongs to Mo Yu, and they dare not poach without Mo Yu's consent.

"What? You don't want to go back?"

Mo Yu saw Liang San's reluctance, so he asked Liang San.

"Yes, Lord Mo, I would like to ask you to let me hunt some wild rabbits back. We have not eaten meat for a month, and now we really want to eat meat!"

"That's it! That's fine! You go hunting! I won't go with you, I'll go back first, by the way, you take this hare with you, and I'll just take the pheasant back!"

All right!Mo Yu was too concerned about his own face just now, so he ended up eating alone.

"Thank you, Lord Mo! Thank you, Lord Mo!"

Liang San was very grateful to Mo Yu, and said that this would be a very good local rich man. After all, in his image, all local rich men are cheapskates, and they are his things, and he will not share them at all.

"Okay, needless to say thank you, I was the one who ate alone just now, you go! I'm going back!"

Damn, what kind of social concept is this, isn't it just a few wild rabbits without owners?Go and call back and it's over, thank you ghost!At this point, Mo Yu didn't know what to say, picked up the pheasant, and walked back to roast the pheasant!

 Thanks to Xiaoshan Qiasonei for the recommendation votes and encouragement, keep updating every day, and live up to the recommendation votes of all book friends!

  Please collect, recommend and comment!All kinds of requests!


(End of this chapter)

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