Landlord System

Chapter 40 Building an Island 11

Chapter 40 Building an Island 11
"Oh, I see, Master!"

He said it clearly, but in his heart, Mo Zaiti still couldn’t figure it out. In this absurd world, no matter who it is, anyone can occupy any place and take it as their own territory. island.

When they arrived at the place where the local rich man's hut was, Mo Yu and the others saw that the original local rich man's hut was in ruins.

"Master, the house is ruined, what should we do now?"

Seeing the rich man's hut in ruins, everyone didn't know what to do next, so Xiao Mo asked Mo Yu on behalf of everyone.

"It's okay! If the house is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Anyway, it will be demolished in the future. Now let's set up a few tents and spend tonight."

The destruction of the local rich man's hut was within Mo Yu's expectation, so Mo Yu didn't care about the destruction of the house. Anyway, after tomorrow morning, the system will complete the construction of the island according to the plan given by Li Man.

"Okay, everyone heard it! Let's hurry up and set up the tent."

The tent was bought by Mo Yu after going up the mountain on Huanglong Island to avoid the tsunami. After setting it up once, Mo Yu didn't have to tell them how to use the modern tent.

The tent was quickly set up. After the tent was set up, Mo Yu let everyone move around freely. Then, he took Li Man to look around the island.

"Brother Yu, have you noticed? This island seems to be much bigger!"

After walking around, Li Man discovered that the island was much larger because of the magma flowing out after the volcano erupted.

"Yes, I found out too. Wait a minute, I'll ask the system to see how big this island is!"

Mo Yu also found that the island was much bigger, but he didn't know how much bigger, so he asked the system, and after deducting Mo Yu's 300 gold coins, the system told Mo Yu that the area of ​​the island is twice as large as before. In other words, before, the island was more than 600 mu, but now it has become more than [-] mu!

"Damn it, is it such a big area? Maner, it looks like your plan has to be changed."

More than 600 mu, if such a large area is built according to the previous planning, it will definitely not work, and there is another point, now all the fresh water on this island is in the crater, but now because of the volcanic eruption, the island has no water. Water is available, so when re-planning the island, it is necessary to plan the source of fresh water, so Mo Yu and Li Man need to study carefully where the source of fresh water should be placed.

"Brother Yu, I think the source of fresh water should be placed in the crater. After all, it is the highest point of the island, so it will be convenient for our follow-up arrangements."

Li Man thinks it is good to put the fresh water source at the crater. She thinks that by putting the fresh water source there, the eruption of the volcano can be temporarily suppressed, and the fresh water can also flow down along the former creek. You don't need to change much.

"No, Maner, my idea is to put the fresh water source on the mountainside of the volcano, that is, there, and plan a stream from there, let this stream pass through the planned rice field, and then pass through Residential area, and then discharge the sea along that piece of land."

Mo Yu felt that it was inappropriate to put the fresh water source in the crater, because it was still in the volcano, and it would cost a lot of money for the system to change the environment there, so Mo Yu did not choose to put it in the crater, but put Halfway up the mountain, because when he asked the system to open the hologram of the island, he saw a huge cave on the inner wall of the volcano, and there was still some fresh water in it. The fresh water probably flowed there before the volcano erupted. Yes, so it is just right to put the water source at the bottom of the cave halfway up the mountain, and it can save money.

"Hey, Brother Yu, your plan seems to be very good! This not only solves the problem of rice field irrigation, but also solves the water problem of residents. This design is really good. Well, I will make changes as you say."

Li Man felt that Mo Yu's changes were very good, so he modified the plan according to Mo Yu's ideas. Since there was no paper and ink, Li Man directly opened the holographic map and modified it directly.

After Li Man revised it, he asked Mo Yu to read it again. After Mo Yu had no objection, he asked the system to estimate how many gold coins it would take to build the island according to this holographic map.

After receiving Li Man's instruction, the system calculates the cost of building the island according to the holographic design map Li Man gave.

"Based on the calculations of this system, 350 billion gold coins are needed to completely build the island according to this plan!"

"Fuck, system, you are robbing! You want so many gold coins!"

Hearing that the system quoted more than 8000 billion yuan, Mo Yu jumped up and immediately blamed the system.

"This system has been carefully calculated and there is no robbery. The reason why so many gold coins are needed is that in order to prevent the island from encountering another volcanic eruption, this system directly modifies the underground conditions of the island so that the island will be If a volcanic eruption occurs again."

"I'll wipe it! System, you are awesome!"

Mo Yu didn't know what to say. This system is so awesome. Even the underground situation can be changed. So what else can't be changed in the system?

"Brother Yu, what should we do now?"

More than 8000 billion, not more than 8000 million, Li Man really didn't know what to do, because the total amount of gold coins she got now was less than 3000 billion, and now she needed more than 8000 billion, where to find so many gold coins, so Li Man asked Ask Mo Yu.

"I do not know either!"

Mo Yu was annoyed by the more than 8000 billion. Where can I collect so many gold coins? Is it to the imperial city?Stop it!With his current power, he went to the imperial city to deliver food.

"In view of the current lack of gold coins for players, it is impossible to build the island according to the plan. The system decided to allow players to pay in installments. There are four installments in total. Each installment lasts for one year, and the repayment for each installment is 100 billion. May I ask the player, do you choose to pay by installments? ?”

Just when Mo Yu was worried about more than 8000 billion, the system proposed its installment plan.

"Damn! There is still such an operation, let alone, the system installs labor and management!"

The installment plan given by the system made Mo Yu's eyes shine. Installment payment is very suitable for his current situation. Although each installment has to pay more than 2000 billion, and the total repayment amount is even more than the one-time payment, Mo Yu He doesn't care, because he thinks that as long as he goes to the mainland very diligently to search for valuable things, his more than 8000 billion gold coins will be paid off soon.

"Instalments have been made for you, please pay the first installment!"

"Man'er, you heard me! Pay me!"

Hearing that the system asked him to pay the first installment, Mo Yu looked at Li Man and asked Li Man to pay the first installment.

"I heard it, the system will deduct it!"

More than 2000 billion was instantly deducted by the system, which made Li Man feel heartbroken.

 Today is 520, I wish all lovers in the world get married!
(End of this chapter)

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