Landlord System

Chapter 36 Building an Island 7

Chapter 36 Building an Island 7
"Dear player, regarding your question, after systematic testing, it has been determined that this crater is about to erupt. The eruption time will be 18 hours and 12 minutes later, and the eruption time will be 26 hours. This eruption will trigger a 7.8-magnitude earthquake. This system recommends that players leave the island and reach a safe area to survive this danger."

After paying the system one hundred gold coins, Mo Yu got the answer he wanted, but the answer made Mo Yu sweat instantly, and immediately called anxiously: "Everyone, pack up quickly, the volcano is about to erupt, we Get out of here before the volcano erupts, hurry up, everyone, pack up quickly, let's go!"

"No! Damn it!..."

Mo Yu's words instantly ignited everyone's emotions, and they all expressed their disbelief, but thinking that this was what their young master said, they would not be wrong, so they all rushed down the mountain in a panic to pack their things.

"Brother Yu, I'm scared!"

The volcano was about to erupt, and Li Man was very scared, afraid that he and others would not be able to leave the island when the volcano erupted.

"Man'er, don't be afraid. With Brother Yu here, the volcano will not erupt immediately. It will take about 18 hours, so we still have time to leave here."

"That's good!"

Knowing that the volcano would not erupt for a while, Li Man felt relieved.

"Let's go! My Lady Queen! Let the little one carry you back!"

"Very good, Xiao Yuzi, you are very sensible!"

In the midst of the joke, Mo Yu was led back to the local rich man's hut by Li Man.

After returning to the rich man's hut, Mo Yu had nothing to pack, so he sat in the hall and watched Li Man's busy figure.

"Don't sit there like an idiot, come and help me pack these things."

Looking at the leisurely Mo Yu, Li Man couldn't bear it, so he asked Mo Yu to help her pack her things.

"Okay, I'll pack it for you now. Let me tell you, Man'er, where did you get these cosmetics? Didn't you buy them in a mall?"

Mo Yu complained while helping Li Man clean up.

"What's wrong with the ones you bought at the mall? Quickly pack them up for me, the queen!"

Li Man was dissatisfied with Mo Yu's complaint, and after saying something to Mo Yu, he continued to tidy up.

After everything was packed, Mo Yu put Li Man's luggage into the space backpack, and then took Li Man out of the local rich man's hut.

When he arrived at the login point, Mo Yu saw a group of people watching around the speedboat.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and get on the boat, it's important for us to escape!"

Seeing that this group of people still had leisure time to observe the speedboat, Mo Yu shouted angrily.

"No, master, we want to get on the boat, but we found that all the sea boats have been pierced with a big hole, and they can't be used now. The only one that can be used is this strange boat, but this one has no oars. How would a guy without a sail sail?"

"What, who sabotaged our ship? Forget it, now is not the time to dwell on this problem. Everyone, hurry up and get on the ship. Let's get out of here first."

What is this called? When the volcano is about to erupt, someone destroys the ship. This is driving people to a dead end.But Mo Yu knew that it was better to get on the boat quickly instead of worrying about who caused the damage. Fortunately, the speedboat Mo Yu bought was a 10-seater version, and the people here were just enough for ten people, and it was just full.

After everyone boarded the boat, Mo Yu started the speedboat and hurriedly drove the speedboat out to sea.

"Where do we go now?"

After sailing out of the open sea, Mo Yu didn't know where to go, so he asked everyone on the boat.

However, Mo Yu's question was destined to be unanswered, because everyone's attention was not on Mo Yu, but they were very curious about how the speedboat ran so fast on the water without oars or sails?

"Master, what's going on with this ship? How can it run so fast?"

Mo Zaiti consulted Mo Yu on behalf of everyone, the questions they wanted to ask.

"This, that, don't rush to understand this question, we are running for our lives now, or think about where to go first?"

Damn!How to answer this, compared to the speedboat is a modern handicraft, it is very difficult to explain it to the ancients.Mo Yu didn't even know how to explain it!

"Oh, well then, young master, let's discuss it!"

Don't think about it again, now is not the time to think about it, so I responded to Mo Yu and discussed it with everyone.Not long after, they discussed the result, and Mo Zaiti said to Mo Yu: "Master, we agree that the place we can go now is the island where the pirate is. We think it is more suitable for us to set up camp temporarily."

"No, no, not with the pirates! I forgot to tell you that when the volcano erupts, it will be accompanied by an earthquake, and the earthquake will cause the formation of a tsunami. The tsunami will spread to a radius of several hundred kilometers, and the pirate The island is within this range, so it is not suitable, so I think about it, where else can I go?"

Going to Pirate Island, Mo Yu disagreed. After all, Pirate Island is too close to here. If an earthquake occurs and a tsunami occurs, then Pirate Island is within the range of the tsunami, so it is impossible for Mo Yu to agree.

"How about we go to Huanglong Island? What do you think?"

After Mo Yu disagreed, Li Man mentioned a place, but Mo Yu didn't know the place she mentioned, so Mo Yu asked: "Huanglong Island? Where is it?"

"Huanglong Island is an island close to Hangzhou, where the royal family and nobles have resorted."

The person who answered Mo Yu was Mo Zaiti. Mo Zaiti was very familiar with Huanglong Island. After all, those who engage in intelligence must know these things clearly.

"Yes, Huanglong Island is a holiday resort for the royal family and nobles. When I was young, I often lived on Huanglong Island with my mother and queen. I miss that time very much now, the carefree life! Brother Yu, let's go to Huanglong Island !"

Huanglong Island, for Li Man, was the most relaxing and happiest place when he grew up, so now Li Man wants to go there again.

"Okay, then let's go to Huanglong Island."

Li Man has said so, it is impossible for Mo Yu not to satisfy his woman's request.

The speedboat was very fast, and when it was completely dark, Mo Yu and the others arrived near Huanglong Island, but for safety reasons, Mo Yu did not approach Huanglong Island, but stayed on the sea surface, and spent tonight on the speedboat One night, go to the island again.

There was no conversation all night. Except that because there was no place to sleep on the speedboat, everyone could only sit and sleep, moving around uncomfortably, and there was no such movement.

In the morning, after the sun rose, Mo Yu drove the speedboat to the pier of Huanglong Island.Then, he got off the speedboat with everyone.

"Everyone, we have arrived at Huanglong Island now, but the problem is that there should be zombies on Huanglong Island, so our next job is to clean up the zombies on Huanglong Island and use this Huanglong Island as our temporary Camp. Now, then, whoever has no weapons, tell me, and I'll prepare them!"

After getting on the pier, Mo Yu called everyone over to see which weapon was worse.

 The first update, I was too tired, I didn’t sleep well last night, and I drove to another city early this morning, and I’ll give you code words when I come back, which makes me very sleepy now, everyone, hurry up and give me a recommendation ticket to cheer me up!

(End of this chapter)

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