Landlord System

Chapter 212 Gala Chapter

Chapter 212 Gala Festival

In the Southern Continent, the Gala Festival held once every ten years will be held tomorrow.

Mo Yu's residence, Xu's family is preparing for tomorrow's Gala Festival.

"Xu Yinglong, how is the statue doing? Tomorrow is Gala Festival, don't let Gala God down, or our tribe will be finished."

Where the Xu family lives, the head of the family, Xu Baoying, is inspecting the production of Gala statues.

"Clan leader, it's almost finished. It's almost done."

Xu Yinglong is in charge of the statue of Gala God. Gala God is an evil god, so its statue is not a human being, but a demon with the upper half of a human and the lower half of a scorpion.

In fact, everyone in the Southern Continent is afraid of the God Gala. In ten years, the God Gala will dispatch its army of scorpions to sweep the Southern Continent. Years of constant attacks by scorpions.

The sacrifices of God Gala are very special, a pair of sisters, a baby boy and a girl, a cow, and ten sheep.Among these tributes, sisters are tied up, babies are put in baskets, cows are slaughtered and cut into pieces, and sheep are penned together.After all the sacrifices have been processed, they are placed in front of the Gala statue outside the village.When everything is finished, all households are not allowed to go out until the next day.

Everyone should be able to see that Gala God is an evil god from the sacrifices of Gala God!Sister flowers, babies are all human beings, if God Gala is not an evil god, why would he need human life.

"Well, that's good, then you hurry up, I'll go see how the altar is doing!"

Xu Baoying was relieved to be able to finish the Gala statue tonight. He was afraid that Xu Yinglong would not be able to finish it. If he waited until tomorrow to finish it, then Gala God would be unhappy. Fortunately!

After leaving Xu Yinglong's place, Xu Baoying came to the altar outside the village. The altar was not high, it was just a small high platform, and there was a sheep pen around the small high platform, which was used for sheep.

After the altar was completed, Xu Baoying checked it and was very satisfied. He praised the person in charge and went to check the situation of the sacrifice.

The first tribute is a pair of sisters, not from the Xu family tribe. Sacrifice.

After the pair of sisters were bought, they were locked in a thatched house and no one was allowed to touch them.This is not for anything else, but for accidents. After all, the women who can become tributes are all beautiful, and it is difficult for the Xu family to fall in love with the pair of sisters, thus ruining the sacrifice ceremony.

"How's the situation inside?"

Arriving at the thatched house where the sisters were imprisoned, Xu Baoying asked the Xu family members who were looking after the sisters.

"Nothing, everything is fine!"

"Well, that's good, watch it, don't let people get close!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

As long as the sisters are fine, Xu Baoying heaved a sigh of relief and went to the next sacrifice.

The next offering was a pair of babies, still just one year old.

This is the species of the Xu family, there is no way, God Gala has a rule that the baby must be a member of the tribe, and Xu Baoying dare not violate this aspect.

But Xu Bao should have countermeasures. Although these two babies are from the Xu family, they are wild species. Why are they wild species?This is easy to explain. The Xu family specially buys milk for the family to have fun. While having fun, if a woman accidentally becomes pregnant, and it happens to be the year of the Gala Festival, the child born in the woman will be used as a sacrifice. Taste.

The two babies are the children of the mother, so Xu Bao should not worry too much, as long as tonight is over, it doesn't matter whether the babies are alive or dead tomorrow.

After the little baby saw it, it was time to go to the next sacrifice, the cow. The cow was killed tonight. The tribe was breaking down the beef. After the decomposition, it was placed on a large wooden board, and the cow should be displayed in its entirety.The beef arrangement is also about to be completed.When Xu Baoying saw this, his heart was relieved again. Everything was almost ready, and the last sacrifice was left alone. Ten sheep were easy.

One night passed, and the Gala Festival officially began. In the morning, everyone in the Xu family wore black hooded jackets. Xu Yinglong and the three young men carried them out, and carried them out of the village and placed them on a small high platform amidst the shouts of the tribe's gate.After the Gala statue was placed on the small platform, the members of the Xu family surrounded the small platform, singing and dancing for an hour, and then the patriarch announced the first sacrifice of ten sheep.

The ten sheep were all carried on their shoulders. They took a step and took half a step back. They arrived at the sheepfold very slowly and put them into the sheepfold.

The first offering of sheep was completed, and the second offering of cattle was completed. The cattle were decomposed cattle, and they were sent to the high platform by eight big men carrying a large wooden plank three steps forward and two steps back.

In the morning, the two missions of offering sacrifices were completed. At noon, they took a break, and then delivered sacrifices in the afternoon.The sacrifice is the pair of sister flowers, who were carried to the altar and tied to the pillars on the left and right sides.After tying up the pair of sister flowers, everyone sang and danced around the altar for a few more times, and then presented the last sacrifice of two little babies.The two little babies were placed in a basket at the feet of the sisters.

After releasing the baby, they sang and danced for a few more rounds, and then all the people dispersed and went back to their homes. After dinner, they all closed the doors and windows, not daring to show their heads.

And Mo Yu saw all that the Xu family did, and didn't try to stop anything, but wanted to take this opportunity to see the evil god Gala.Of course, with Mo Yu's character, he wouldn't let the pair of sisters and the baby have an accident, Scorpion, Mo Yu has plenty of ways to deal with it.

After Xu's family hid in the room, Mo Yu commanded the guards to scatter lime near the altar. The purpose of this was to keep the scorpions from approaching the altar and ensure the safety of the sisters and babies.

After spreading the lime, Mo Yu also asked the guards to make some cages for catching scorpions. Scorpions are good things, they can be used to make wine or to eat. Mo Yu will not waste such precious food.

After everything was prepared, Mo Yu and the guards lay in ambush nearby, watching the situation happen.

At midnight, the scorpions came out. I don't know when there were many more scorpions near the station. At a glance, they were densely packed, rolling towards the altar.

But when they approached the altar, they found that there was an unpleasant smell here, and they dared not approach the altar one by one, and circled around the altar.

And when they were circling around the altar, Mo Yu and the guards wanted to take action and collect these scorpions, but just when he was about to do it, he saw half-human, half-scorpion creatures walking towards the altar.

"Is this the evil god?"

Mo Yu didn't expect an evil god to appear, so Mo Yu wanted to see what this evil god would do next.

(End of this chapter)

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