Landlord System

Chapter 199 The choice of the battlefield

Chapter 199 The choice of the battlefield
Nanfang Guangcheng, this is a famous city in the south, with a large population base, reaching 1000 million people. This is the largest city in the dynasty except the imperial city, so this is where the zombie southern camp is located. Commanding the army of zombies here is the southern general zombie, Yang Mouyang.

Yang Yang was originally a subordinate of the zombie king, but since the zombie king was killed by Mo Yu, Yang Yang obeyed the command of the zombie leader and became the subordinate of the zombie leader, in charge of the zombie army in the south.

Today (the day when the army of the North Road entered Quancheng), Yang received a mind message from the zombie leader (the mind message is the unique way of transmitting information of the zombie leader, and the mind message means that the zombie leader can travel without limit distance. What I want to say is transmitted to the mind of the third-level zombie that I want to transmit.), the idea message is to ask Yang Mouyang to organize 2000 million troops to support the imperial city.After Yang Yang received the information, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately acted, and asked his men to go to each city to mobilize manpower, and gather 2000 million troops to go to the imperial city.

A 2000 million army is not easy to gather. It took Yang Yang a full two months to gather a 2000 million army.After assembling the 2000 million army, Yang Yang commanded the 2000 million army to march westward, bypassing the Linghe River, which is [-] kilometers away, and enter the north from the western plateau.

The army of 2000 million zombies marched like a rainbow, passing through the wilderness along the way, disturbed countless animals, knocked down countless trees, forcibly pressing out a road leading to the western plateau.And behind this avenue, that is, in the Guangcheng area, the 500 million army led by Mo Yu was sent here through the system.

"My lord, the city ahead has been identified. This is Guangcheng, a famous city in the south. It is the largest city in the dynasty except the imperial city. The population here is more than 1000 million, and the number of zombies is no less than 800 million. But my lord, we When investigating Guangcheng, it was found that the number of zombies in Guangcheng is very small, probably less than [-], my lord, will there be an explosion?"

In the 500 million army camp led by Mo Yu, Wan Jian is reporting the collected information about Guangcheng to Mo Yu.

"A fraud? No, there is no explosion. We appeared suddenly. The zombies in Guangcheng could not have known about it in advance, so my guess is that the zombies in Guangcheng must have moved, and the direction of their movement must be to the north. Check Check out the surroundings and report back immediately if you find any abnormalities!"

It is impossible to hide all the 800 million zombies, so Mo Yu suspects that these zombies are probably transferred, and the biggest transfer location is facing north, because the north is where the zombie leader is, and the zombies here are probably affected by the zombie leader. call.

Soon, Wan Jian returned to the camp again and reported the new discovery to Mo Yu.

"What, the zombies are heading west? What's there in the west? Show me the map!"

The zombie was walking towards the west, which Mo Yu didn't expect, so he immediately asked Wan Jian to bring the Dynasty map, checked it carefully, and soon saw the problem.

"It turned out to be like this. If you go straight to the west, there is a big river blocking there. They can't get through, so they have to take a detour. This is very good. Wan Jian, Feige sent a letter to inform Zhanyang who is far away on the western plateau that the army of zombies is coming towards them." Went there."

Zombies want to bypass the Linghe River and head north. Mo Yu thinks this is an opportunity to wipe out the zombie army in the south. I don’t know how many zombies there are in the southern cities, but Mo Yu estimates that there will be no less than 1000 million. This is known from the transfer of all the zombies in Guangcheng, no less than 1000 million, although the number is large, but Mo Yu is not afraid, there are 800 million troops in Zhanyang, plus the 500 million troops he brought, the total With an army of 1300 million, it is easy to fight zombies with less than 2000 million. Even if it exceeds 2000 million, Mo Yu can still eliminate them.

After letting Wan Jian go to Feige to pass on the book, Mo Yu immediately let the army set off to chase the zombie army.

On the western plateau, Harvey and the prairie, the South Army led by Zhan Yang is temporarily stationed.When Zhan Yang got up today, he felt that the weather was a bit cold, so he added a fur jacket to the tent. Speaking of this fur jacket, it was the fur of a bear that Zhan Yang hunted on the Harvey prairie.

After adding a fur coat, Zhan Yang walked out of the tent and saw a flying pigeon walking back and forth in front of his tent. Zhan Yang picked up the flying pigeon, saw the letter tied to the flying pigeon's leg, and opened it. I saw the content of Mo Yu's Feige message.

"What? Thousands of zombies, this is all right! Guards, call the senior officers quickly, we have urgent information!"

Zhan Yang was taken aback by the content of Feige's letter, and immediately asked the guards to gather all the senior officers and soldiers.

After summoning all the senior soldiers, Zhan Yang discussed with everyone where to stop the tens of millions of zombies.

"Warmaster, I think we are stopping the zombies in this river valley. This is the only way to go north. These zombies will definitely pass by here. As long as we stop these zombies in this river valley, we can fight with the Lord. We should work together inside and outside to eliminate these zombies here."

In front of a sand table, Roger, one of Zhan Yang's deputy, pointed to a place on the sand table and expressed his opinion.

"It's not good here. The area here is small, which is not conducive to our army to fight. Our army is tens of millions of people. This valley is so small that it cannot accommodate so many troops. What's more, zombies can jump. The height of this valley is not enough. Level [-] Zombies can easily jump up, and it is not easy to lay an ambush. The subordinates feel that the battlefield should be an open place with sufficient sunlight, such as here, and this place is very suitable."

After Luo Jie finished speaking, he was opposed by another general, Jia Yu, who was also Zhan Yang's deputy.

"Jia Yu is right, the battlefield should be in the open. I, Wan Kejifu, agree with Jia Yu and put the battlefield on this grassland to fight with those dark creatures!"

As a person from the Western mainland, Wan Kejieff prefers to be direct and straightforward.

"I also agree to put the battlefield here on the grassland."

Anmerdi also agreed to put the battlefield here, and you must be tough when fighting a war, and you should not lose the traditional thinking of Westerners.

"Well, how much obedience, then put the battlefield here. It's just right. Before the zombies arrive, let's dig some traps for the zombies on this grassland. Jia Yu, Roger, you two are in charge of this place. Digging traps, Lao Wan, Lao An, you two are responsible for digging traps here, remember, the more traps the better, act now!"

Since the battlefield was set here, Zhan Yang immediately arranged for everyone to dig traps here, waiting for the arrival of zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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