Landlord System

Chapter 189 Siege and kill corpses

Chapter 189 Siege and kill corpses

Temporary sharpening is not fast and light!Before Mo Yu and others collected enough materials to make firecrackers, the zombies under the city had a new change.

The zombies under the city actually formed a large phalanx, and the zombies were quickly stacking Arhats, stepping on each shoulder, quickly turning the phalanx into a cube, and soon the cube composed of zombies was flush with the city wall, and soon The zombies behind the cube built a human ladder again, and soon a large group of zombies rushed from the human ladder to the cube, and rushed along the cube to the city wall.

Seeing this situation, Mo Yu knew that if he quickly solved the cube made up of zombies below, he would not be able to defend in Vientiane City.So Mo Yu immediately mobilized all his forces to suppress the zombies rushing from the phalanx, so that Wan Jian and the others could make the firecrackers well.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the city wall is not very large, and the zombies that jumped on the city wall were killed by soldiers before they could change their positions in a hurry.In this way, Mo Yu and the others withstood the attack of the zombies, and waited until Wan Jian made the firecrackers.

After Wan Jian and others made the firecrackers, they ran up the city wall alone, lit the firecrackers and threw them into the zombie cube.The explosion of firecrackers immediately collapsed the zombie cube, killing and injuring countless zombies in an instant.

The third-level leader zombie sees the collapse of the cube, and understands that the situation is over, so he can only retreat first and make another plan!

The zombies have retreated, Mo Yu can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief, but Mo Yu did not let the soldiers relax their vigilance, because Mo Yu knows that the zombies are only temporarily retreating, and the next wave of attacks is expected to be more violent.

This is indeed the case, the third-level leader zombie is plotting a big event, it is going to let the low-level zombies dig a tunnel to enter Vientiane City.With the hard nails of the zombies, it doesn't take much time to dig a tunnel to get to Vientiane City, two hours is enough.It just so happens that there are still two and a half hours before dawn, and when the tunnel is dug, the zombies here don't have to go back to the town twenty kilometers away to avoid the daytime, but just lie in ambush in the tunnel to avoid the daytime.

Two hours, 4 hours, the sky is slightly bright, the tunnel dug by the zombie army has been opened to the bottom of Vientiane City, but the third-level leader zombies did not let the zombie army dig through the tunnel to the entrance of the ground, but kept the status quo and let everyone All of them entered the tunnel and waited for tomorrow after dark before breaking out of the ground.

Mo Yu didn't know that the zombies were digging tunnels, so he and the soldiers guarded until dawn.At dawn, the zombies could not be attacking, so Mo Yu asked the soldiers to rest.

After a morning's rest, the mental outlook of the soldiers returned to normal, so Mo Yu asked them to investigate outside the city to see where the zombies were hiding.Mo Yu wanted to take advantage of the daytime, when the zombies dare not come out, to wipe out all the zombies.

But what Mo Yu didn't expect was that the soldiers sent out searched the entire 30-mile radius, but they didn't find any traces of the zombies, as if the zombies disappeared out of thin air.

"No trace was found, how is this possible? Let me ask you, when you were exploring the outside of the city, is there anything different outside the city?"

Zombies disappear out of thin air, Mo Yu does not believe such a thing, zombies are not a system, they can teleport people away at any time.Mo Yu suspected that the zombies were hiding, and the most likely hiding place was underground, so Mo Yu asked this question.

"Is it different? Yes, my lord envoy, when we explored the outside of the city, we found an extra mound of earth. The area of ​​the mound is very large, estimated to be 1000 cubic meters. My lord envoy, could it be those Did the zombies dig holes and hide?"

"Probably, Wan Kekefu, I order you to lead a team to dig out these zombies hidden in the ground for me, go!"

Do zombies simply dig holes to hide themselves?Mo Yu felt that it must not be that simple. The zombies should be planning something, so he ordered Vanke Keefu to dig out all the zombies hiding underground.

"Yes, Lord Divine Envoy!"

After receiving Mo Yu's order, Wan Kejifu exited the temporary war room, ran to the city gate and mobilized an army to follow him to the mound to dig up zombies.

But what Wan Kekefu didn't expect was that no matter how hard he dug, he never saw the shadow of zombies.What I saw was a hole buried in the mud, extending all the way to Vientiane City.

After discovering this situation, Wan Kejifu immediately went back to Vientiane City and told Mo Yu about the situation.

"Well, it seems that these zombies are planning to dig tunnels to sneak into Vientiane City. Fortunately, we found out early and ordered, left and right holy envoys, to withdraw all soldiers from Vientiane City, and we will give Vientiane City to the zombies. Wan Jian, you Lead the guards to fill Vientiane City with firecrackers, and we invite the zombies to watch a fireworks display."

Mo Yu was very fortunate to have discovered it early, so he immediately arranged for the soldiers to withdraw from Vientiane City, arranged for Wan Jian to place firecrackers, and set up traps outside the city again.This time, Mo Yu is going to let these zombies be buried in Vientiane City.

As night fell, zombies broke out of the ground and immediately occupied Vientiane City.But the zombies found that although they occupied the Vientiane City, there were no humans in the Vientiane City, and these humans ran outside.So groups of zombies rushed to the city gate, trying to squeeze out of Vientiane City.

And just when they reached the gate of Vientiane City, Mo Yu asked Wan Jian to detonate the firecrackers.The firecrackers exploded, killing all the zombies near the city gate immediately, and the explosion continued towards the Vientiane City, and soon the entire Vientiane City was ablaze, and all the zombies suffered, half of the zombies were blown to death and burned to death. The remaining half of the zombies rushed out of the wall regardless of the lives of their companions, intending to kill the humans, but before they could go far, they stepped on the trap set by Mo Yu, and soon another group of zombies died.

And in the process, the third-level boss zombie stepped on the firecracker very unluckily, was blown up and fell into the trap dug by Mo Yu's people, and just happened to be stabbed by a sharp spear that had been treated with sulfur. into the eye, pierced the brain, and caused brain death.That's it, this third-level boss zombie went to the underworld to get a lunch box.

And after this third-level leader zombie died, all the other third-level zombies under it were in a mess. They immediately gave up commanding the zombie army, turned around and wanted to escape.

But how could Mo Yu let them escape? He immediately surrounded the third-level zombies with his soldiers, and then he went up to fight those third-level zombies with the giant axe of the god of war.Soon, those third-level zombies lost to Mo Yu and were instantly killed by Mo Yu.

After all the third-level zombies were killed, the remaining zombies struggled for a long time before they were all dealt with by soldiers.This is how tonight's battle came to an end.

After the battle, Mo Yu asked the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, while he took Wan Jian and the others back to the camp to discuss the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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