Landlord System

Chapter 186 Turmoil in the Western Continent

Chapter 186 Turmoil in the Western Continent
He didn't expect Sioux City to be so dangerous. The entire city of Sioux City fell, and more than 300 million people were all transformed into zombies. Among the more than 300 million people, there are hundreds of third-level zombies, and it is estimated that there will be more than 300. This is what the spies can see, and there are more things that cannot be seen.

The question Mo Yu is thinking about now is whether to attack Sioux City.After thinking for a long time, Mo Yu decided not to fight. The main reason is that there are too few people on his side. It is completely one-to-ten, and one person can deal with ten zombies. If he can't fight, he should guard the Vientiane City first and wait for the next group of fanatics. Call again when you arrive.

The next batch of fanatics didn't know when they would arrive. Mo Yu asked the system, and the system replied that the system was launching a land grab war against the remaining two countries, and there was no manpower available for the time being.And this battle for territory will determine the status of the system in the western continent...

In the western continent, on the border of the Mariday Kingdom, the three kingdoms of Tu Neihua, Mani, and Desheng jointly attacked the Mariday Kingdom.This is a battle between nations, but also a turf battle between temples.The whole country of Mary's Day Kingdom believes in the Sea God. If the system wants to win the Mary's Day Kingdom, it must let the three kingdoms jointly attack the Mary's Day Kingdom.

The army composed of the three small kingdoms has more than 2000 million people. Relying on the quick healing effect of the temple, these troops launched a daring attack on the Mariday Kingdom. The soldiers of the Mariday Kingdom were defeated and defeated.Soon the combined army of the three small kingdoms tore through the gap of the Mary Day Kingdom and entered the territory of the Mary Day Kingdom.

After the coalition army entered the territory of the Mary's Kingdom, it quickly occupied a city in the Mary's Kingdom and destroyed the Sea God Temple in the city, allowing the system to build the Light Temple in the newly occupied city.After the establishment of the Temple of Light, believers who originally believed in the Sea God here saw the building of the Temple of Light and immediately converted their beliefs to the God of Light.

After the joint army occupied the first city, they then occupied the second city. One month later, half of the territory of the Mariday Kingdom fell, and the Mariday Kingdom had to turn to the Garcia Empire for help.The Garcia Empire, for its own benefit, agreed to send troops to crusade against the United Army.

When the Garcia Empire and the Union Army collided, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides, and this battle was called the Battle of the Temple in the history of the Western Continent.This war determines the future of the Temple of Light.The result of the battle was that the coalition army won. The coalition army defeated the Garcia Empire army of more than 2000 million people with 3000 million people.

After this battle, the Kingdom of Mary's Day was unstoppable, and the joint army quickly took down the Kingdom of Mary's Day, and the soldiers pressed the border, preparing to rush into the Garcia Empire in one go.However, the United Army encountered fierce resistance from the Garcia Empire when it crossed the border of the Garcia Empire. In the end, there were less than 2000 million soldiers left alive.As a last resort, the system can only temporarily truce the three kingdoms, and stabilize the newly occupied land first.

The temporary truce of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms made the Emperor Garcia temporarily relieved, but the Emperor of the Garcia Empire knew that if the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were not defeated, then the Garcia Empire would fall into war forever.Therefore, for the stability of the country, the Garcia Empire sent all the troops to the border, and stepped up the recruitment of soldiers, forming 8000 million soldiers to attack the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms.

8000 million against 1000 million, there is no suspense about the outcome. The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms couldn't stand it, lost the newly occupied Mary Day Kingdom, and let the war burn to the mainland of the Three Kingdoms.

Faced with this situation, the system decided to use its secret weapon, which is Mo Yu.

"Why did you ask me to destroy an army of 8000 million people? System, are you kidding me? How is it possible for me and 20 guards to fight 8000 million people? Even if you give us an invincible state!"

The last time I used the invincible state, killing tens of thousands of people almost made Mo Yu and the Guards crazy, and almost became a killing machine. Now I want to kill 10 million people, and Mo Yu will not do it.

"It is not for you to directly deal with the 8000 million army, but for you to capture the emperor of the Garcia Empire and the Pope of the Catholic Church. As long as you capture these two people, the 8000 million army will collapse on its own."

"Oh, that's it, let's say it earlier, then okay, I'll go! However, the system, I'm on the side of Dynasty Continent now, and it will take two months at the fastest to reach the Western Continent, two months, when I arrive In the Western Continent, it is estimated that those three kingdoms have been wiped out by the Garcia Empire. System, otherwise, forget it, the Western Continent is gone. We can develop in the Southern Continent. After conquering the Southern Continent and the Dynasty Continent, we can then clean up the Western Continent. The mainland is also possible."

Mo Yu didn't want to go, after all, he got a report from the spies a few days ago that more than one million zombies in Su City had assembled and were about to attack Vientiane City. Whether the 10,000+ fanatics can resist this battle.

"Forget it, this time you don't need to go to the western continent by boat, this system will directly transfer you to the imperial city of the Garcia Empire, it won't take that long."

The situation is urgent. If the three kingdoms are destroyed, what is the use of Mo Yu going to the Western Continent at that time? At that time, the Western Continent will be dominated by the Catholic Church, and it will be much more difficult for the system to enter the Western Continent. , not to mention that the system has tasted the sweetness of having the power of faith, so naturally it doesn't want to give up.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements. After the arrangements are over, we'll go to the Western Continent."

All right!The system is willing to use teleportation, so what excuse can Mo Yu find, he can only go.So Mo Yu went to the left and right holy envoys, and after telling them to guard Vientiane City, Mo Yu took the guards and teleported them to the vicinity of the imperial city of the Garcia Empire.

"My lord, what are we doing here this time?"

Wan Jian and the others didn't know why they wanted to return to a foreign country.So after the teleportation ended, I asked Mo Yu.

"To capture alive the emperor of this empire and the Pope of the Catholic Church, this is the purpose of our coming. Let's go! We must complete the task as soon as possible, Vientiane City is still waiting for us to go back!"

After being teleported to the vicinity of the imperial city, Mo Yu didn't want to waste time, and after simply answering Wan Jian's question, he took the lead towards the imperial city of the Garcia Empire not far away.

"Damn it, it's so fierce, my lord, wait for me!"

Well, Wan Jian was stupefied by the task Mo Yu said, and after a cry of surprise, he immediately followed Mo Yu...

(End of this chapter)

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