Landlord System

Chapter 182 The Rapidly Expanding Temple

Chapter 182 The Rapidly Expanding Temple
After the Temple of Light successfully captured Anthony Weiner, the system decided to let Anthony Weiner return to Wolf City to build a new temple.However, in this new temple, the system does not plan to provide food for free, and it needs to be bought with money, but the system does not charge much money. The smallest denomination issued by this country is a coin made of silver.One coin is equivalent to 10 gold coins in the system, so the purchase price of rice given by the system is 3 coins for one catty.This price is a full tenth cheaper than outside.Of course, not everyone can buy it, only believers who believe in the God of Light can buy it, and as long as they are believers in the God of Light, the treatment is free, whether it is injured or sick, as long as they arrive at the temple, the system can immediately heal people good.

After receiving the system's order, Anthony Wiener immediately rushed back to Wolf City, and circled a piece of land in the center of the city for the system to build a temple.

The construction speed of the system remained the same, and overnight, a tall white temple was added to Wolf City.After the temple was built, under the leadership of Anthony Wiener, many people in Wolf City changed their beliefs and began to believe in the God of Light.

After the system successfully established the temple in Wolf City, more cities soon joined the queue of believing in the God of Light. In three months, the Temple of Light spread to Kaman City, successfully making the king of this country believe in the God of Light, and the king It was also announced that the Temple of Light became the state religion of the Kingdom of Tuneva.

After successfully becoming the state religion of the Tu Nei Hua Kingdom, the Temple of Light went out of the Tu Nei Hua Kingdom and entered the Mani Kingdom.In less than two months, the Kingdom of Mani also announced that the Temple of Light became the state religion of the Kingdom of Mani.After the two countries took over, the rapid expansion of the Temple of Light successfully attracted the attention of the Catholic Church.So the Catholic Church sent a holy army of 30 people to encircle and suppress the Temple of Light, but the holy army disappeared after entering the Kingdom of Mani.

No one knew what was going on, but Mo Yu knew what was going on. Mo Yu asked the system to do this. Is 30 troops a lot?But this is not enough for the zombie army to get stuck between the teeth. Mo Yu asked the system to exile the Holy Legion of God who entered the Mani Kingdom to the zombie kingdom. There is a world of zombies. 30 people go in to deliver food to the zombies. of.

The Catholic Church lost 30 troops, and it was already bruised, but the Catholic Church did not give up the encirclement and suppression of the Temple of Light. Without the Holy Legion, the Catholic Church ordered the Garcia Empire to send troops to encircle the Temple of Light.The king of the Garcia Empire was a Catholic fanatic. After receiving the order from the Catholic Pope, he immediately took command and led tens of thousands of troops to encircle and suppress the Temple of Light.

The tens of millions of troops are far beyond what the Tunehua Kingdom and the Mani Kingdom can deal with, and only the God of Light can deal with these tens of millions of armies, and the God of Light is the Tu Wealong System itself.Faced with this predicament, the system has deployed its trump card, and its trump card is Mo Yu.

When Mo Yu received this order, he was stunned. The system wanted him to die.With only 20 guards around him, how can he fight against an army of tens of millions!

But then Mo Yu knew how to deal with this tens of millions of troops, mainly because the system helped Mo Yu and the 20 guards to turn on the invincible state.With the state of invincibility, Mo Yu can fight in and out among tens of thousands of troops, but Mo Yu does not intend to go on a killing spree, but captures the king of the Garcia Empire among tens of thousands of troops.As long as the king of the Garcia Empire is captured, the tens of millions of troops are just a joke.

The plan was beautiful, but when it was realized, Mo Yu realized how difficult it was. Although 21 people were invincible, there were too many enemies.When Mo Yu and others entered, they found that they could not get close to the king of the Garcia Empire. Too many people came to die, and the corpses under Mo Yu and others were piled up into a hill. More than 10 people died, and the guards were so red-eyed that they were like a machine that could only kill people, so numb that they would kill people when they saw them.

Seeing this situation, Mo Yu knew that if the killing didn't stop, the Guards would go crazy, so Mo Yu decided to back off, temporarily give up capturing the King of the Garcia Empire, and let the Guards soldiers return to normal.

It is not easy to retreat, and it is not easy to get rid of the battle. After Mo Yu and the guards struggled to get rid of the Garcia Empire, they found a place to rest for a night and went to capture King Garcia tomorrow.

But what Mo Yu didn't know was that the king of the Garcia Empire was completely frightened by Mo Yu and the guards. He left the army overnight and rushed back to his palace.

So on the second day, after Mo Yu broke into the army, he found that the king had run away.The king ran away, so Mo Yu could only change his strategy and kill until the soldiers of the Garcia Empire were scared.The battle lasted for a day, and Mo Yu and the guards had killed more than half a million people.

The loss of 50 people made the soldiers of the Garcia Empire frightened. They threw down their weapons and fled back to the Garcia Empire.The battle is over.

After the battle, Mo Yu and the others finally stopped killing, but the battle had caused great psychological trauma to Mo Yu and the others, and they wanted to kill people when they saw them.Fortunately, with systematic treatment, Mo Yu and others returned to normal.However, there will always be a very strong murderous aura in Mo Yu and others, which makes people feel frightened.

The Garcia Empire sent troops to encircle and suppress the Temple of Light, and more than 20 people sent by the Temple of Light were killed.This matter quickly spread throughout the Western Continent, making the originally little-known Guangming Temple known to everyone.This resulted in a consequence, that is, the expansion of the Temple of Light accelerated a lot, and the smallest country, the Desheng Kingdom, also announced that the Temple of Light became the state religion of the Kingdom of Desheng.

After the three small kingdoms were taken down, the remaining two countries were hard nuts to crack. The Garcia Empire was the main battlefield of Catholicism, and it was difficult to insert the Temple of Light.And King Mary Day is completely the territory of the Sea God Sect. All the people there are fanatical believers of the Sea God Sect, and it is even more difficult to insert into the Temple of Light.However, no matter how difficult it is to insert, there is hope to win, but it is very time-consuming.And this does not need to be done by Mo Yu, the Temple of Light already has fanatics, and these fanatics will help the Temple of Light to conquer the last two countries.

As for Mo Yu, after successfully establishing the Temple of Light in the Western Continent and making it prosperous, he took 30 fanatic followers of the Temple of Light across the ocean and returned to the Dynasty Continent.

Dinglu City, the safest city on Dynasty Continent, has been harassed by zombies for three years, making many people forget the army that is protecting Dinglu City in the distance, and the real owner of Dinglu City. Remember their current city lord, Su Shibing.It wasn't until they saw hundreds of sea boats approaching the pier of Dinglu City, and one person disembarked from the first boat, that they remembered who the real owner of Dinglu City was.

The real owner of Dinglu City is the one who got off from the first boat—Mo Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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