Chapter 18
"Zhan Yang, take it. This trident is very powerful. Press and hold this switch, and the harpoon part of the trident will release lightning, which can cover a range of tens of meters. Within this range, everyone will be shocked. die, but not the one holding the trident."

The weapons purchased with so many gold coins could not be used for collection, so after purchasing them, Mo Yu handed them to Zhan Yang.

"Master, thank you!"

With such a powerful weapon, Zhan Yang didn't know how to express his feelings, and Mo Yu trusted him so much, he was very moved!
"Okay, don't say thank you, the next battle is up to you!"

With this weapon, Mo Yu felt that relying on Zhan Yang, those who wanted to attack this island would not be able to set foot on this island.

"Yes, master! Look at me!"

With such a powerful weapon, Zhan Yang did not believe that those who wanted to attack here could set foot on this island.

"Master! Master! I got it, I got it!"

Just after Zhan Yang responded to Mo Yu's words confidently, Mo Zaiti rushed in again, shouting loudly while rushing.

"Understood, very good! Tell me, who is attacking us, and how many people are here?"

As expected of an intelligence officer, he knew the situation of the enemy in less than half an hour. Mo Yu expressed his satisfaction with Mo Zaiti's performance.

"Master, it's a group of nearby pirates who want to besiege our island. They say that because there is a rich man on our island, they guess that our island has countless food and gold coins, so they want to rob us." Our island!"

"Damn it! What the hell! I don't have anything to eat now, and I'm so poor that I don't even have the money to buy pants. These pirates think that I have money? Either my brain was kicked by a donkey, or it was caught by the door! "

After Mo Zaiti said that this was the behavior of a group of pirates, Mo Yu scolded his mother. Now all his gold coins add up to less than [-] gold coins, and the food is not enough for half a month. Rob, these pirates really have their foreheads pinched by the door!
"Master, although we don't have much food and gold coins, those pirates don't know about it! That's why they want to rob us. Oh, by the way, I forgot to say that there are more than 100 pirates in total, and there are not many of them who came to the island among the refugees." Up to 30 people, 20 of them were caught out by the Second Manager Wang, and they were all executed! By the way, the Second Manager Wang wants me to tell you that he and his people are looking for other pirates on the island."

"Very good! As expected of being my Chief Manager, he is capable of doing things very well. Well, don't mention that you rest here for a while. We will wait for Second Manager Wang to come back!"

After listening to Mo Zaiti's narration, Mo Yu was very satisfied with Wang Er's ability to handle affairs. After complimenting him, he asked Mo Zaiti to rest for a while.

After waiting, within an hour, Mo Yu waited until Wang Er came back.

"Wang Er, how are you doing? Have you killed all those mice?"

Seeing Wang Er, Mo Yu hurriedly asked Wang Er.

"Master, I'm sorry! I searched the entire island and only killed 26 people, leaving 4 missing. Master, please punish me!"

Seeing Mo Yu's expectant eyes, Wang Twenty said to Mo Yu with shame.

"There are still 4 people left? Forget it, no, the remaining four people can't make any big waves. Even if the gang of pirates came, they were here to deliver food."

There are four people left, it’s not a big problem, Mo Yu doesn’t care too much, after all, Zhan Yang owns that trident, and his combat power is beyond the charts, even a group of pirates is not enough to kill him.

"Then, Wang Er, you take those slaves and gather everyone on this island, and wait for me to come back for a meeting, Zhan Yang and Mo Zaiti, you and I go to the seaside, and we wait for the arrival of those pirates. "

After making arrangements for Wang Er, Mo Yu took Zhan Yang and Mo Zaiti to the beach together.

"Young master! Look, there is wolf smoke over there!"

On the way to the beach, Mo Zaiti saw someone releasing smoke on the crater, and immediately pointed it out to Mo Yu.

"Just right, we don't need to wait for those islands for a long time, don't mention it again, I give you a task to kill the remaining four. This is the spear used by Zhan Yang, you take it!"

Taking out the spear used by Zhan Yang, Mo Yu handed it to Mo Zaiti.

"Yes, master! I'll do it right now!"

As for the four pirates, Mo Zaiti didn't take it to heart, not to mention having the special spear used by Zhan Yang, Mo Zaiti was very confident in dealing with the four mice.After receiving the spear from Mo Yu, Mo Zaiti went to look for the four mice.

"Zhan Yang, I will watch your performance next, and I will hide behind to help you."

"Yes, master! Don't worry, it's just a bunch of rabble, and I'm very confident in destroying them!"

How could a group of people who had never been on the battlefield be the opponent of a general like Zhan Yang who had returned from the battlefield.When they came to the beach, Mo Yu asked Zhan Yang to go to the landing point by himself, while he hid in a tree and observed every corner of the landing point.

Zhan Yang didn't wait long at the landing point when he saw three pirate ships approaching quickly.

Seeing the three pirate ships approaching quickly, Zhan Yang clenched his trident, got ready, and waited for the group of pirates to arrive.

After the pirates quickly approached the landing point, they saw Zhan Yang alone. Suddenly, the people on the three pirate ships burst into laughter.Among them, the leader of this group of pirates also laughed and said: "Wow haha, boy, are you the only one who will fight? Where is the rich man in your family? You won't be afraid to hide in a woman's stomach! Wahaha...boy, I advise you not to make unnecessary sacrifices, and quickly call your cowardly master to come out. Our gang of brothers just want to rob your master of wealth and food. Otherwise, we will start killing!"

"Just you crooked melons who want to see my master, don't talk nonsense, if you want to fight, fight, or get out!"

"Okay, enough arrogance! Brothers, kill!"

The pirate leader was very angry at Zhan Yang's words, and after countering Zhan Yang's words, he gave the order to attack.

After receiving the order from the pirate leader, the pirates jumped off the ship one after another and rushed towards Zhanyang.

When they were about to rush in front of Zhan Yang, Zhan Yang inserted the trident into the ground and launched a high-voltage electric attack. In an instant, all the pirates around Zhan Yang were electrocuted to death, and they were carbonized the moment they entered the distance.

The pirate leader who was still on the ship was shocked when he saw this scene, and stared blankly at Zhan Yang showing his power.

"Hehe, a bunch of mobs dare to rob with such strength, hehe!"

This weapon is so powerful, Zhan Yang didn't expect it and was a little surprised!But Zhan Yang quickly reacted and mocked the group of pirates.

"Get out! Get out! Let's get out!"

The pirate leader reacted from the shock when Zhan Yang spoke, and immediately ordered the rest of the pirates to sail away.But sea ships are relatively big, and it takes time to turn a corner, and this time is enough for Zhan Yang to kill a pirate ship.

After Zhan Yang killed the pirate ship, he killed all the pirates on this pirate ship in the shortest time, and then wanted to kill another one, but the other two pirate ships had completed their turn and were fleeing quickly, which made Zhan Yang I had to watch the two pirate ships flee.

Mo Yu has been watching Zhan Yang's battle from the tree. When he saw Zhan Yang killing the pirates with one move, Mo Yu was shocked. He really didn't expect the power of the trident to be so terrible, which can catch up with the power of the missile explosion.When he saw that Zhan Yang was slaughtering pirates on a pirate ship, and the other two pirate ships were turning around and were about to escape, Mo Yu hurriedly asked the system if it could locate the two pirate ships, and the system answered yes but after paying 1000 gold coins , Mo Yu hurriedly paid 1000 gold coins to let the system locate the two pirate ships, jumped off the tree, and came to Zhan Yang.

"Master, I'm sorry, the last general is incompetent, let go of those two pirate ships!"

Seeing Mo Yu coming, Zhan Yang hurriedly pleaded guilty to Mo Yu.

"It's not your fault. After all, you are alone. The other party has three pirate ships. It is understandable that you cannot kill the other two pirate ships! Well, don't worry! Those two pirate ships can't escape. When we clean up the island After doing the business, go to them to settle accounts."

It was not Zhan Yang's fault that the two pirate ships escaped. Mo Yu did not blame Zhan Yang, but comforted Zhan Yang and told Zhan Yang that the two pirate ships could not escape.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhan Yang didn't know why the pirate ship couldn't run away, and he didn't want to know, he only knew that Mo Yu would definitely not run away if he said he couldn't run away, because his loyalty to Mo Yu reached 100%, and he believed Mo Yu's words extremely.

"Let's go, let's go to Wang Er and ask him to bring someone to deal with the corpse here."

A lot of people died at the landing site, about [-] people, Mo Yu would not let these dead people just be left here, so Mo Yu went to look for Wang Er, and by the way, talk to the gang of new troublemakers about his Yu Xinli's rules.

Mo Yu and Zhan Yang left the landing point, and soon saw Wang Er in front of the local rich man's hut.

"Wang Er, come here, take someone to the landing point, clean up the corpses there, and leave it to me here!"

Seeing Wang Er, Mo Yu ordered Wang Er to clean up the mess and leave it to him.

"Okay, young master, then I'll take someone away!"

Regarding Mo Yu's orders, Wang Eryi always obeyed, never objecting or saying anything.

After Wang Er left, Mo Yu stood in front of these newcomers, looked at them and said, "Then, I'm going to chat with you newcomers first! Let me introduce my name is Mo Yu, the sole owner of this island, and I am also a rich man. I believe everyone knows what a rich man is, so I won’t repeat it, but what I want to say is, you guys, survive on this island , I allow it, but what I don’t allow is that you open up wasteland on this island at will and cut down the trees on this island, because everything on this island belongs to me, so without my consent, you are on this island All the items obtained were obtained illegally, which seriously hurt my interests, so I decided to expel you and let you gangsters get out of my island!"

 Thank you for the recommendation ticket encouragement from the old monk Dharma name Dabao.

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(End of this chapter)

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