Landlord System

Chapter 178 Another Continent

Chapter 178 Another Continent

After searching for nearly a day, Mo Yu finally found the God of War axe.

"Very well, let's set sail back to Nail City."

When the God of War's giant ax was recovered, Mo Yu didn't need to stay here, so he asked the guards to turn the bow of the ship and nail Lucheng back.

Three days later, Mo Yu returned to Dinglu City, this time he did not enter the city, but rode directly to Vientiane City hundreds of kilometers away.

When he came to Vientiane City, Mo Yu saw that Zhan Yang was leading the army to fight against the third-level zombies in Vientiane City.And the situation is very critical. The third-level zombies are not something ordinary soldiers can deal with, and at most they can only fight against the third-level zombies.So Zhan Yang leads the army, and he can only protect himself.If you want to kill zombies, you rely on the light dragon, but Zhan Yang discovered a problem. The light dragon must shine at night, otherwise if the third-level zombies attack the army at night, the army will suffer heavy losses.For example, on the first night after Mo Yu left, the temporary camp was attacked by zombies. Because the light dragon had exhausted its energy during the day, it could not glow at night. As a result, the army lost one-third of its manpower that night. .Since that night, Zhan Yang didn't let Guanglong attack the third-level zombies, but used it as a super-powerful light bulb.

But what Mo Yu saw now was that several soldiers were defeated by level [-] zombies and were killed by level [-] zombies.Mo Yu was very angry, and immediately rushed towards the level [-] zombie regardless of his identity. Before the level [-] zombie could react, Mo Yu used the God of War axe, and chopped off the head of the level [-] zombie with one blow.After the head of the level three zombie was chopped off, the surrounding soldiers looked in disbelief. But when they saw that it was their lord who had cut off the head of the level [-] zombie, they immediately cheered and shouted that the lord was mighty.

And the movement here quickly attracted Zhan Yang. When Zhan Yang came here and saw Mo Yu, he immediately ran to Mo Yu to say hello.


"Zhan Yang, you've done a good job. You have persisted for a month. It's amazing. Okay, let's end this battle now. Zhan Yang, can you use a giant axe?"

When Mo Yu saw Zhan Yang, he expressed that he was very satisfied that Zhan Yang could lead the army to hold on here, and then asked Zhan Yang if he could use a giant axe. Mo Yu was planning to let Zhan Yang use this giant axe, which could chop off the heads of level [-] zombies. ax.

"No problem, young master, give it to me! I will destroy these bastards!"

Zhan Yang's most convenient weapon is a spear, but Mo Yu has already demonstrated the power of the God of War axe, of course Zhan Yang doesn't mind changing a weapon, if he doesn't use such a dangly weapon, he would be a fool.

"Okay, I'll give you the weapon! Get rid of all the level-three zombies here before dark!"

After the weapon was handed over to Zhan Yang, Mo Yu returned to the rear of the army, watching Zhan Yang killing all directions, killing those third-level zombies with fear, and immediately fled.The battle ended soon, and only a few of the third-level zombies who came to attack the temporary camp escaped back to Vientiane City, and the rest were taken away by Zhan Yang.

After the battle, Zhan Yang reported to Mo Yu the battle situation of this month. In short, the army suffered heavy losses and was disabled this month. There were less than 6 of the original army of more than 3 .This is mainly because on the night when Mo Yu left, because the light dragon could not emit light, the army lost more than 2 people, and because the zombies kept attacking the temporary camp, the soldiers did not get enough sleep. When fighting against level [-] zombies, many people were caught and killed by level [-] zombies because they were too sleepy.

"Only more than 2 people! Very well, these level-three zombies in Vientiane City seem to think that they don't die fast enough, Zhan Yang, is the giant ax easy to use? Go tonight to fight the level-three zombies in Vientiane City, you deserve it live?"

Mo Yu did not expect, did not expect that the army would suffer such a heavy loss, so Mo Yu decided to kill the third-level zombies in Vientiane City tonight, and completely end the battle in Vientiane City.

"No problem, Master, I promise to complete the mission."

"Very good, then, tonight, let the guards follow you into Vientiane City, and kill the third-level zombies inside."

As night fell, after Mo Yu asked Xiao Guanglong to shine in the sky, Zhan Yang led the guards to Vientiane City.But soon, Zhan Yang came back.

"what happened?"

Seeing Zhan Yang coming back soon, Mo Yu felt that it was impossible for Zhan Yang to wipe out the zombies in Vientiane City so quickly, so he asked Zhan Yang what was going on.

"Master, all the third-level zombies in Vientiane City have escaped, and now there are no more zombies inside."

"Oh, that's it. Let the army enter Vientiane City. We will rest in Vientiane City tonight."

The zombies in Vientiane City escaped, which did not occur to Mo Yu. However, it would be good if the zombies in Vientiane City escaped, so as to save a lot of trouble, Mo Yu directly stationed the army in Vientiane City.

After Mo Yu ordered the army to station in Vientiane City, he did not rush to attack the next city, but asked the army to wait for a few days until the army recruited by the system arrived.

Five days later, the army recruited by the system arrived, but this time the number of people arriving was relatively small, just over 1, and the system also gave Mo Yu a bad news. Soldiers, all have been recruited.Unless Mo Yu went to conquer another continent and recruit soldiers from there.

"Another continent? How many continents are there in this plane of the system?"

Mo Yu thought there was only one continent in this plane, but he didn't expect that there were other continents.

"There are three continents in this plane. The first largest continent is the Dynasty's, the second is the Western Continent to the west of the Dynasty, and the third is the Southern Continent to the south of the Dynasty. This system does not need to introduce the continent, Dynasty. This system first introduces the Western Continent. The area of ​​the Western Continent is a quarter smaller than that of the Dynasty Continent. The total population of the Western Continent is 6 million, all of whom are Caucasian. The Western Continent is divided into five The largest country is the Garcia Empire, which covers an area of ​​875 million square kilometers and has a population of more than 4 million. The second largest country is the Kingdom of Mary Day, which covers an area of ​​412 million square kilometers and has a population of more than 1 million. The third kingdom is the Kingdom of Tunehua, which covers an area of ​​163 million square kilometers and has a population of more than 3000 million. The fourth kingdom is the Kingdom of Mani, which covers an area of ​​158 million square kilometers and has a population of more than 3000 million. The fifth country is the Desheng Kingdom, which covers an area of ​​87 square kilometers and has a population of more than 1000 million. After talking about the Western Continent, this system will introduce you to the Southern Continent. The Southern Continent is not a country. They are barbarians, they are all tribes, the suggestion of this system is not to attack the southern continent, it is not worth spending time there."

The southern continent is full of barbarians, and barbarians do not use their brains in wars. If barbarians are used to deal with zombies, the army of barbarians will probably die before it even starts.So the system does not recommend Mo Yu to fight the Southern Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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