Landlord System

Chapter 170 Space Cracks

Chapter 170 Space Cracks
"Your wife fell into the crack of space together with Mo Mansion."

"What space crack? How could this happen? What's going on with the system?"

Although Mo Yu has never seen space cracks, he has heard of space cracks.

What is a space rift?A space rift is a gap created after a plane suffers major damage, and this rift is a space rift.The space crack is connected to the world outside the plane. The world outside the plane is a world of nothingness. There is nothing there, and time stops. If you enter there, you are basically dead.

"The big alien zombie attacked the Mo Mansion with an energy ball that surpassed the original plane, causing a gap in the space near the Mo Mansion, and after the gap was formed, the entire Mo Mansion was swallowed into the space crack. However, you don't have to worry too much about it. Too worried, with the protection of the Mo Mansion, your wife is safe, but if you don't go and get rid of her, she will keep wandering in the world of nothingness until she is captured by other planes."

"Save Li Man, system, I beg you to rescue Li Man!"

It was impossible for Mo Yu not to save Li Man, so he immediately begged the system to save Li Man.

"This system can't do anything. This system has been integrated with this plane and cannot rescue your wife. However, if you kill all the zombies in this world and restore order, then this system can temporarily leave this plane. Go get your wife back for you."

"Kill all the zombies? OK, I will!"

For Li Man, Mo Yu is willing to do anything, including this extremely time-consuming task.

"The system task is newly updated, the ultimate task of killing zombies and finding a wife, the task description, because your wife has fallen into the void world, this system is temporarily unable to leave the original plane, after you need your help to restore the original plane, this system can help you Rescue your wife. The goal of the mission is to kill the dangerous zombies and restore human order and civilization. After completing the mission, you will get a chance to take action from the system. There is no penalty for mission failure. There is no time limit for this mission, but there are restrictions on items. This mission prohibits the use of weapons with high lethality such as missiles, the use of super armor, and the use of technological products. Will the player accept this mission?"

All high-tech is prohibited, just to restore the original attributes of the original plane. The original attributes of the original plane are the low-power plane, not the high-tech plane. If this plane uses technology, then this plane will be riddled with holes. Let alone the system, the system may not even be able to plug holes.When Mo Yu used technological weapons before, they were all used with the permission of the system, and the main reason why the system allowed Mo Yu to use them was to speed up the occupation of the plane.And to clear the zombies, this is mainly because if the zombies are not cleared, this plane will maintain the chaotic status quo, which is not conducive to the management of the system.


Mo Yu didn't know why the system banned so many things, but Mo Yu didn't care, he only cared about completing the mission and rescuing Li Man.

"The mission is open! Warm reminder, this system will send you back to Dinglu City, players please pay attention!"

In the future, Dinglu City will be Mo Yu's starting point, so after the system reminds Mo Yu, it will send Mo Yu back to Dinglu City.

Nailing Lu City, Mo Yu is back.But it was Mo Yu's people who came back, and it was Mo Yu's soul who couldn't come back, and Mo Yu's soul had already drifted into nothingness with Li Man.

"The lord is back, quickly open the city gate and welcome the lord!"

The system teleported Mo Yu to the gate of Dinglu City. The soldiers at the gate saw Mo Yu and immediately ran down to meet Mo Yu, yelling.

"Welcome back, my lord!"

The city gate opened, and the soldiers guarding the city spontaneously stood in a row to welcome Mo Yu.

According to this scene, Mo Yu should say a few words, but Mo Yu was not in the mood to speak, but walked into Dinglu City silently under the welcome of all the soldiers.

Walking into Dinglu City, Mo Yu ignored anyone and went directly to the place where he lived in Dinglu City.Close the door, close the window, lock yourself in the room

As for the soldiers who greeted Mo Yu, they followed Mo Yu all the way to the residence, and saw Mo Yu locked himself in the house.You look at me one by one, I look at you, I don't know what's wrong with Mo Yu.

"Didn't you say that the young master is back? Where is the young master!"

And Zhan Yang, who rushed over from the Acropolis, happened to miss Mo Yu, so he asked the soldiers who followed Mo Yu.

"The lord is inside. However, I think the lord is in a bad mood. Commander, you'd better not disturb the lord."

"Bad mood? What's going on?"

"I don't know, but we saw that the lord was very depressed and locked himself in the room." The soldier answered Zhan Yang's question.

"Depression? What's wrong with the young master? Why are you depressed? Forget it, let's talk about it when the young master comes out!"

Now Zhan Yang can only wait for Mo Yu to come out, after all he can't guess what happened to Mo Yu.

This waited for three full days.When Mo Yu opened the door on the third day, Zhan Yang saw that Mo Yu had aged a lot.

Seeing Mo Yu open the door, Zhan Yang stepped forward and asked Mo Yu when he came out, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, Zhan Yang, gather the army and prepare for the expedition!"

Mo Yu didn't want too many people to know about Mo Haicheng. Mo Haicheng sank, and no one could get out of there alive, so basically no one in Dinglu City knew about the sinking of Mo Haicheng.

"Expedition? Where? Why expedition?"

Zhan Yang didn't know why he wanted to go on an expedition, so he asked Mo Yu.

"Don't ask, you'll know when you go. By the way, let all soldiers hand in their weapons. We need to replace them."

Replacing weapons is done in accordance with system requirements. Now Dinglu City is still using high-tech weapon products, which is not allowed by the system, and must be replaced with cold weapons.

"Change weapons? Young master, what's wrong with you? The weapons we use now are so perfect, why do we need to change them?"

Zhan Yang and others were accustomed to using laser weapons. When they suddenly wanted to change weapons, Zhan Yang naturally didn't want to change.

"Try your gun first, and then you will know why I said to change weapons."

From the moment Mo Yu teleported back to Dinglu City, the system has completely banned high-tech products on this plane, which naturally includes laser weapons, so even if Zhanyang still has laser weapons, they have all become one. A fire stick.

"Trying the gun? Master, do you mean the laser gun? It's strange to say, since you came back, we found that laser weapons can't fire any lasers, and even the laser cannons in Dinglu City can't be used. That's not all , the lighting system of Dinglu City, military trucks, and agricultural machinery are all unusable. Master, what happened, why the technological products we usually use have failed. "

All the technology products have failed, and now the entire Dinglu City is panicking, and everyone is saying that Dinglu City is finished, and God will not bless you.Even Zhan Yang almost thought that Dinglu City was going to die, but luckily Mo Yu was still there, as long as Mo Yu was still there, Zhan Yang knew that Dinglu City would not be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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