Landlord System

Chapter 16 Changes on the Island

Chapter 16 Changes on the Island

"Let's go, Wang Er will follow me back to the hut, Zhan Yang and Mo Zai mention, you also follow!"

Mo Yu wanted to ask Wang Er a lot of questions, but it was not easy to ask them here, so he asked Wang Er to follow him back to the rich man's hut.

Back at the rich man's hut, nothing changed. Mo Yu was very satisfied with Wang Er's good management, so he praised Wang Er.

"Wang Er, you've done a good job! The hut is pretty clean."

"No, master, I didn't do well. I let those newcomers spoil your things two days ago, and now I can't find many things here. Even your bed quilt was torn to pieces by those newcomers." , I haven't found a substitute yet, young master, punish me!"

Faced with Mo Yu's compliment, Wang Er did not dare to accept it, because except for the complete hall, the rich man's hut had few items in other places. The most serious thing was the kitchen of the rich man's hut. It could no longer be called a kitchen, it was just a kitchen. An empty room, because the newcomers had emptied the entire kitchen, even the bricks for the stove.

"I wipe!"

Mo Yu didn't know what to say, just praised Wang Er, but Wang Er gave him three consecutive nos, which was a bit of a slap in the face!

"Then what, Wang Er, it's not because you are the newcomers who don't understand the rules. Turn around, young master, let me educate them! By the way, I forgot to ask, when did the newcomers arrive on the island?"

This matter cannot be blamed on Wang Er, after all, Wang Er wants to take care of it, but those newcomers are disobedient, and Wang Er can't help it.

"Thank you, master, for your understanding! Master, those newcomers only arrived on the island the day after you left."

Knowing that Mo Yu didn't mean to blame him, Wang Er was very moved.

"That is to say, these people have been on the island for eight days. Then, how did you arrange those people, and who did the land reclamation outside?"

"Master, at the beginning, those newcomers refused to obey the arrangement and insisted on occupying your house, but after they were kicked out of your house by the mysterious force at night, they obeyed the arrangement a little bit, but they often obeyed the arrangement, such as not Let them open up wasteland everywhere, but they accepted it on the surface, but they secretly opened up wasteland and planted it secretly, even ignoring my stop, and almost destroyed the [-] mu of land that you ordered to be planted."

"Damn! The [-] acres have been planted? System, why didn't you remind me!"

After Wang Er finished answering Mo Yu's question, Mo Yu's attention was not on the group of newcomers, but on the task of the thirty acres of land.

"The task cannot be confirmed to be completed, please come and confirm the player in person!"

Damn!This system is digging a hole again. It is obvious that things that can be confirmed immediately, but the player must be present to confirm, so what else can I say.Helpless, Mo Yu had no choice but to go to confirm, so he said to Wang Er: "Come on, Wang Er, let's go and see the completion of the [-] acres of land!"

Halfway through, Mo Yu suddenly thought that Zhan Yang and Mo Zaiti had not arranged for them, so he said to Zhan Yang and Mo Zaiti: "Oh, yes, Zhan Yang and Mo Zaiti, you two are waiting for me here, I'll take a look and come back!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the hall without waiting for Zhan Yang and Mo Zaiti to respond.

Not long after leaving, Mo Yu and Wang Er arrived at the wasteland.

"Very good, it's all planted, hey! What's going on with that field?"

When he arrived at the wasteland area, Mo Yu saw the planting situation here and praised it, but then he saw that there was a small piece of land beside the field that had not been planted.

"Master, rice was originally planted there, but after the newcomers arrived on the island, they ignored the dissuasion and insisted on pulling out the rice seedlings in that field, saying they wanted to plant something else!"

Wang Er saw Mo Yu pointing to the unplanted land, so he explained it to Mo Yu.

"Damn! It's the good deeds of these new gangsters again! Damn! They must be dealt with seriously!"

Shit, I said why the task was not completed. It turned out that there was nothing planted on this piece of land.

Mo Yu was very angry, which meant that someone was going to be unlucky!But let's not talk about dealing with the unlucky ones now, let's let people plant rice seedlings.

"Wang Er, hurry up and call someone over to replant this field!"

"But, young master, we don't have any rice seedlings, how do we plant them?"

"Wipe it! I forgot, wait a minute, I'll see what else I can plant!"

Mo Yu didn't expect that there were no rice seedlings. After Wang Er said it, he knew that the rice seedlings were all gone. What to plant, Mo Yu could only check the things that could be grown in the mall.

After checking for a while, Mo Yu saw the seeds of water spinach, so his eyes lit up.Water spinach was his favorite, so Mo Yu placed an order directly, spending 99 gold coins for a pack of water spinach.

"Wang Er, hey, just plant this!"

"Master, what is this?"

When Wang Er saw the water spinach seeds Mo Yu handed over, he didn't know what it was, so he asked Mo Yu.


"What, master, do we want to grow vegetables?"

wipe!Is it so tall?I haven't grown the staple food here, so I want to grow vegetables?Wang Er didn't understand.

"Yes, go ahead and plant it! Forget it, I won't let you plant it at this point. Bring it to me and I'll plant it!"

Seeing that Wang Er was suspicious, Mo Yu simply snatched back the water spinach seeds and planted them himself.

"Young master, young master, I'll do it, you are delicate, just let me do this kind of rough work!"

I wipe it!It's not a bad idea to ask the young master to do the work of a tenant!Therefore, Wang Er snatched back the water spinach seeds and went directly to that field to plant water spinach.

"I said, Wang Er, it's wrong for you to plant water spinach like this, just sow the seeds down!"

Wang Er snatched back the water spinach seeds again, Mo Yu reluctantly accepted to let Wang Er grow the water spinach.But when he saw that Wang Er's water spinach was inserted into the soil one by one, Mo Yu was speechless for a moment, and immediately stopped Wang Er's planting behavior after being speechless.

"But, young master, if you don't plant it this way, the seeds of the water spinach will float everywhere along the water."

To be honest, Wang Er was not born in a farming family, so he didn't know how to grow water spinach, so he thought it would be enough to insert the seeds into the soil.

"Stupid you! Won't you fence this field and drain all the water?"

Come on, Wang Er, who usually seems smart, has become stupid now.Mo Yu was really speechless.

"Er, master! I see!"

Awkward!Well, Wang Er didn't think of this, he was a bit stupid!

It was not easy to fence the field, so Wang Er asked Mo Yu for instructions to go back and call for someone to do it, Mo Yu agreed, and then Wang Er ran back to call for someone to do it.

As for Mo Yu, of course he would not stay here, but would walk around to see what the island had become under the new destruction.

After walking around the island, Mo Yu found several problems.First, the number of trees on the island has decreased significantly, and now there are dozens of small trees and scattered bushes left in the dense jungle.Second, all the places on the island that can be farmed have been reclaimed, and even a small part of the swamp that is less than ten acres has been filled in, and it seems that they are preparing to grow rice or something.Thirdly, Mo Yu walked around the island, but he didn't see any small animals, not even a bird. It seemed that the group of newcomers caught and ate them all.

"Damn! These new gangsters are really lawless. Don't they know that this island is my private property, Mo Yu? They dare to open up wasteland and hunt without authorization, so they must be taught a lesson!"

After walking around, Mo Yu felt cool. Such a beautiful island has been destroyed by these new gangsters. It is even possible that in a few months, because of the problem of no plants on this island, the island that was originally from The water flowing from the crater is likely to stop flowing, and the island will be useless by then!
"System prompt: The player has completed the planting task, and the task reward has been issued, please go to the landing point on the island to collect it!"

Just when he returned to the field, he happened to see Oh, Wang Er, and others finishing planting water spinach. Mo Yu was very happy. He wanted to praise Wang Er and others for their speed, but the system prompt interrupted him.

"Damn it, aren't the mission rewards directly distributed to me?"

This system is so unreliable!Mo Yu was helpless and couldn't care less about telling Wang Er what to say and hurry up to collect the reward. Otherwise, if you go late, any rewarded cow will be killed by the new group of unruly people and eaten as meat!After all, the group of newcomers hadn't eaten meat in months, so it was very likely that the cow would be slaughtered.

"Master, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Wang Er had just finished planting water spinach. When he saw Mo Yu coming over and wanted to say something to him, he suddenly saw Mo Yu's expression changed and he left quickly, which made him confused and immediately asked Mo Yu loudly.

"There's a cow on our island, I have to go see it!"

Before he could stop and talk to Wang Er, Mo Yu talked to Wang Er loudly while walking.

"What? Niu! Hurry up, Xiao Tao, Xiao Yang catch up with the young master, we also go to see the cattle!"

It's a good thing to have a cow. Wang Er has been looking forward to having a cow for a long time, because Wang Er doesn't want to go through the tiring work of opening up the thirty acres of land again.Regardless of being covered in mud, he quickly caught up with Mo Yu.

Speaking of which, at the landing point of the island, the buffalo rewarded by the system was looking at everything in front of it with a dazed expression. I also changed the environment, which makes it very uncomfortable, because there is no grass here, but there is grass in the distance, but the problem is that the rope tied in the nostrils keeps it here.This made the buffalo very upset, and when they were upset, they cried.

The cry quickly attracted people, and the person who came was a young man. The moment he saw the buffalo, what he thought of was not working with the buffalo, but killing the buffalo and eating its meat.So the young man hurried back to call for someone to come and slaughter the big buffalo together.

"Everyone, come on! I found a big buffalo on the beach. It's enough for us to eat for a few days. Everyone, go kill the big buffalo and let's share the meat!"

Back at the place where he lived, the young man quickly told everyone about his discovery of the big buffalo. When everyone heard this, they thought it was okay, so they quickly found stones, knives, sticks, etc., and headed towards the beach.

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(End of this chapter)

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