Landlord System

Chapter 149 Little Zombie Ambush Again

Chapter 149 Little Zombie Ambush Again

Mo Yu was very happy when he learned that Mr. Han Shuqi had come to be the dean of Qinxue Academy, and immediately agreed to Mr. Han Shuqi to treat Xia Xueyuan.

Healing Xia Xueyuan's feet was easy for Mo Yu, just let the treatment gun scan once and it was OK.

The treatment process went smoothly, and Xia Xueyuan's legs, which had been useless for 8 years, could stand up again.Xia Xueyuan was very moved, and immediately vowed that he would do his best to cultivate talents for Mo Haicheng in the future.

Xia Xueyuan's feet were healed well, and someone from Mojia Academy took over.Mo Yu asked Han Shuqi to go back and prepare, and he will go to Nail Lu City in two days.

For two days, Mo Yu did nothing but stay with Li Man in Mo Mansion, until two days later, Mo Yu embarked on the journey to Dinglu City again.

Dinglu City, the woods outside the city.

Since the last time Mo Yu fought with the little zombie, the little zombie never appeared near Dinglu City again, but returned to Linhai City injured, and the little zombie came near Dinglu City again until he was healed.

The little zombie came to Dinglu City this time for the living people in this city of living people.If it wants to be strong, it must suck human blood. As long as the human cities on the mainland attack Lucheng, the little zombies can only come back here.

This time the little zombie has learned its lesson. It is not as crazy as last time. When it catches a single person, it will frantically suck up the human blood and let that person die.

This time, although it also picks out the one who is alone, it only sucks a small half of the person's blood volume after knocking the person out, so that the person will not die.That way no one will find out its return.

Indeed, when the little zombies did this, no one really noticed the little zombies. Everyone thought that the outside of the city was safe, and they all came out to do the task individually.This gave the little zombie a chance. More and more people sucked blood for it, making it stronger and stronger. Even if someone was 100 meters away from it, it could be stunned.In this way it is much more secure, almost no one will find out.But the paper can't cover the fire. Although the people who were sucked blood by the little zombies did not die, but because of the decrease in blood, they caused symptoms such as weakness, so many people went to the doctor to see a doctor.

At first, the doctor thought it was just a simple anemia symptom of these people, but when the doctor found that there were two small tooth marks on their necks, the doctor guessed that the anemia of these people should be sucked by zombies.So, the doctor reported his guess to Zhan Yang soon.

"Quick, come here, get all the bitten people under control immediately, and investigate where they were bitten by the zombies."

When Zhan Yang learned that someone in Dinglu City was bitten by zombies, he immediately sent soldiers to control those bitten people, and investigate where these people were bitten by the way.But no matter how the soldiers asked, these people couldn't remember where they were bitten by zombies.But they all said in unison that they had been to the woods.This let the person in charge of the investigation understand that they were bitten by zombies outside the woods.

After reaching a conclusion, the person in charge told Zhan Yang the results of the investigation.

"Since this is the case, a warning is issued. There may be zombies infested outside the city. Please do not go out if there are no special circumstances!"

There are zombies outside, I don't know where they are, Zhan Yang can only do this.As for going out to fight zombies, where is this zombie?What kind of zombie?If you don't understand anything, then it's not called beating zombies, but sending them to death.

Nail Lucheng Wharf.As soon as Mo Yu returned to Dinglu City today (the day after Han Shuqi agreed), he found that the situation in Dinglu City was not quite right. Usually there were people coming and going at the pier, but now there are very few people.Moreover, guards have been stepped up on the pier, with three steps and one post, as if guarding against something.

"what happened?"

As soon as Mo Yu landed, he asked the nearest soldier.

"My lord, a powerful zombie has come near Dinglu City, Master Zhan told us to strengthen our vigilance."

"Fantastic zombie? What's the situation? I have to find out, Mr. Han, you should stay in the restaurant first, soldier, take Mr. Han to the restaurant."

There are powerful zombies appearing near Dinglu City. This is not bad. Mo Yu should go to Zhan Yang to find out the situation first.

Zhan Yang stayed in the main camp of the Acropolis, where all the soldiers gave out their own suggestions, thinking about how to find the zombie.

"Stop arguing, you won't get any results from such arguing. Be quiet for a while!"

The meetings of the soldiers were all chaotic, which made Zhan Yang's head hurt, so he asked them all to shut up.

"Commander, the zombie issue cannot be delayed. You should let us discuss it for a while."

"Yes! Yes!"

Zhan Yang told the soldiers to be quiet, and the soldiers were only quiet for a second, and then began to discuss again.Zhan Yang was very helpless, he could only let them quarrel, while he walked out of the camp to get a breath of fresh air.

"Zhan Yang, what's going on?"

As soon as Zhan Yang came out, he saw Mo Yu rushing over.

"Master, you're back! That's how it is. Recently, many people in our Dinglu City have been sucked blood by zombies, but these blood-sucked people have not turned into zombies. Therefore, I suspect that there is a kind of blood sucking near our Dinglu City." Terrible zombies."

When Zhan Yang saw Mo Yu, he felt that the backbone had returned, so he told Mo Yu what he knew.

"Very scary zombie? Have you ever seen this zombie?"

When Mo Yu heard Zhan Yang say that the zombie got the situation, he analyzed that the zombie was very smart and could control its own toxicity. Such a zombie should be at least level three or above.

"No, no one has seen it, so I feel very scary."

"It seems that we have to investigate what kind of zombies are, Zhan Yang, do you have any plans?"

No one has seen it before, which means that this zombie does not know what it looks like or what kind of zombie it is, which is not good for Mo Yu and his current trend.So Mo Yu needs to understand this zombie in order to prescribe the right medicine.

"No, those people inside are still discussing!"

It was because there was no plan that those soldiers discussed in the camp and Zhan Yang came out.

"No? Forget it if you don't. Let's go, Zhan Yang, you and I go out and take a look! By the way, take this charm to prevent mental attacks."

There was no plan, and Mo Yu didn't bother to wait for those people to discuss it, so he just went directly to Zhan Yang and the two of them went to investigate.

"Master, just the two of us?"

"Yes, don't talk nonsense, let's go!"

Mo Yu felt that he and Zhan Yang were enough to deal with zombies. Even if they encountered level [-] zombies, they could be dealt with with one missile. If they still couldn't be dealt with, then another one would come.

In the woods outside Dinglu City, Mo Yu and Zhan Yang wandered around here for almost three hours without gaining anything, not even watching a single ghost.

"Master, let's go back! It's getting dark."

After wandering around for three hours, it was getting dark and there was no gain, so Zhan Yang suggested that Mo Yu go back.

"Okay! Let's go back!"

For three hours, he had been wandering around in the woods without any clues. This made Mo Yu helpless and could only follow Zhan Yang's wishes and return to Dinglu City.But when returning to Dinglu City, Mo Yu decided to install some surveillance to see if there were any zombies at night.

The monitoring installation is very easy, just insert a probe directly into the tree.

When he returned to Dinglu City, Mo Yu had placed more than 30 probes in the woods. When the probes were collected tomorrow, he would know if there were any zombies nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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