Landlord System

Chapter 136 The Red Street Disaster 3

Chapter 136 The Red Street Disaster 3
After Mo Yu finished speaking, he dragged the silver wolf who looked like a dead dog into the brothel.

"Find me a room!"

Entering the brothel, Mo Yu ordered to the robot that was welcoming customers inside.

"Yes, my master!"

The xin love robot was sold by Mo Yu, so all the robots here call Mo Yu their master.

Led by a robot, Mo Yu quickly dragged the silver wolf into a room.There are torture instruments in this room, which were originally used by guests with special hobbies, but now they are just suitable for Mo Yu to tie up the silver wolf.

Mo Yu tied the silver wolf to an X-shaped torture device, and then waited for the silver wolf to wake up.

Yes, the silver wolf is not dead, Mo Yu did not kill the silver wolf, he just turned on the stun mode of the laser gun, hitting the silver wolf will only make the silver wolf into a coma.

After a short wait, an hour later, Silver Wolf woke up Yoyo.

The silver wolf who just woke up saw himself being tied to a frame, and then struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles.

"Don't struggle, no one will let you go with this thing, you won't be able to struggle."

Mo Yu has been sitting behind Silver Wolf watching Silver Wolf struggling, and after Silver Wolf has struggled for a while, he speaks to Silver Wolf.

"MD, let me go quickly. I am the leader of the Sword Wolf Gang and the owner of the Red Street. If you dare to tie me up, don't you want to kill me!"

The silver wolf has reached this point and is still so arrogant.This made Mo Yu angry.

"Hehe, you are the owner of Red Street? Then do you know who I am? Let me tell you, labor is owned by Mo Yu, the owner of Dinglu City and Mohai City. Red Street is opened and managed by labor and management. When did it change? Is it up to you?"

Mo Yu walked up to Silver Wolf while talking, and then punched Silver Wolf hard.

"Ouch, I fuck you..."

Knowing Mo Yu's identity, Silver Wolf didn't show any emotion of fear. Instead, he glared at Mo Yu angrily, and wanted to scold Mo Yu when he opened his mouth.But Mo Yu would not give him a chance to scold, so he punched him again, preventing him from opening his mouth.

"Damn, don't you agree! Very good, then I'll bring you some dry goods. This is called chili oil. I guess you don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter. You will understand later that this stuff can make people feel ecstatic. I'm hot all over, don't struggle when you come here, let me enjoy it for you!"

Chili oil is very spicy, as long as it is dripped on people's body, people's skin can't stand it, and it will be hot and painful.And the chili oil that Mo Yu used for Silver Wolf was a lot, it was enough for a bottle of Laoganma.

When Mo Yu poured the bottle of chili oil on Silver Wolf, Silver Wolf didn't feel anything at first, but after a while, Silver Wolf's skin absorbed the hot molecules in the chili oil, and soon Silver Wolf felt all over his body. It was so hot that I really wanted to wash it off with water, but because I was bound, I could only bear the pain.

"Very good, it seems that you know this taste, so do you want to try other tastes? For example, put leeches in your mouth!"

Seeing the unspeakable pain of the silver wolf, Mo Yu felt that the spirit of the silver wolf was going to be unbearable, but in order to make the wolf's spirit collapse faster, Mo Yu took a bowl, which contained a bunch of leech, looked densely packed, directly Makes the scalp tingle.

"Don't, don't do it, I'm convinced!"

Silver Wolf saw the bowl in Mo Yu's hand and the leeches wriggling in the bowl, his scalp was about to explode, so he immediately confessed.

"Just accept it. Where did this laser gun come from? Was it stolen or snatched? You have to answer honestly. If there is a little lie, then labor and management will give you a taste of a leech."

In fact, Mo Yu tormented Silver Wolf not to convince Silver Wolf, but to know where Silver Wolf came from with the laser gun in his hand.

"Big, my lord, it was snatched by a villain. My lord, I beg you, flush me, it's so uncomfortable!"

Drenched in chili oil, it was very hot and uncomfortable, and Silver Wolf wanted Mo Yu to wash him with water to cool off.

"If you want to flush, yes, the water is there, but you have to answer me a question first, where did you get the laser gun? How did you get it? Who did you get it from? Make it clear. If you don't know it, I'll let you try it." Taste these leeches!"

Hearing that Silver Wolf wanted to flush, Mo Yu pointed to a bathtub behind him and said to Silver Wolf, waiting for Silver Wolf's answer after speaking.

Silver Wolf really couldn't take it anymore. After Mo Yu finished asking, he immediately appealed and told how he got the laser gun.

Silver Wolf is not someone who nailed Lucheng, but a homeless man who lives by hunting for food.

One day, Silver Wolf came near Dinglu City and found something moving in a pile of grass. Silver Wolf thought it was some kind of animal, so he took out his usual bow and arrow and shot an arrow into the grass. After shooting an arrow, Silver Wolf saw the grass shaking violently, but soon there was no movement.

Seeing this situation, Silver Wolf knew that the prey must have been killed by him.So, Silver Wolf walked over to see what kind of prey he had killed.But when he pushed aside the bushes, he was startled by the scene in front of him. He hit someone just now, and he went straight to headshot.

Seeing that the person hit was a person, Silver Wolf panicked a little, but thinking that this is a troubled time, even if he killed a person, it doesn't matter, so Silver Wolf calmed down.

After calming down, Silver Wolf observed this person carefully. He found a strange thing on his back. He didn't know what it was, so he took it to study.

This thing is black, similar to an m46, but there is no barrel, and the barrel is replaced by a transistor. This thing is a laser gun.

Silver Wolf didn't know the laser gun, and didn't know how to use it. After studying for a while, Silver Wolf suddenly heard someone calling, and immediately ran into the vicinity with the laser gun, looking for a hidden place to continue researching this laser gun.

But he studied for a long time and found nothing, so he had to give up the research.Then he found a tree at random, put the laser gun on it, and came to get it after he went to nail Lucheng.

Silver Wolf didn't know the existence of Dinglu City, but Silver Wolf thought, since there are people living here, there must be towns and the like here.So he went to look for it, and soon saw Dinglu City one kilometer away.Seeing Dinglu City, Silver Wolf tried to sneak in. Fortunately, there were more people in Dinglu City at this time, and many people entered and exited Dinglu City.And Silver Wolf walked into Dinglu City swaggeringly when there were many people entering and leaving Dinglu City.

After entering Dinglu City, Silver Wolf saw the prosperity of Dinglu City, so he planned to stay in Dinglu City.

Since he is staying in Dinglu City, Silver Wolf has to solve the problem of eating and sleeping, but he doesn't have the common currency here, that is, gold coins. What if he doesn't have gold coins?Silver Wolf could only think of a way, originally thinking of robbing directly, but seeing that Dinglu City was patrolled 24 hours a day, he gave up this plan.

Robbery is impossible, but he heard that there is a black market in Dinglu City, so he thought of the black market to try his luck...

(End of this chapter)

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