Landlord System

Chapter 123 Zombies Attack Dinglu City

Chapter 123 Zombies Attack Dinglu City

"Fuck! I'm late, Mo Bing, Xiao Wang, Xiao Wei, Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry for you!"

Lao Han saw Mo Bing and the others who had turned into zombies, and realized that it was too late. The only salvation now was to kill Mo Bing and the others so that their souls could rest in peace.

"Ji Yang, I'll give you a chance to show off, kill them!"

Seeing that the people rescued by Yao had turned into zombies, Liang Shaobing had nothing to say, and asked his adjutant Ji Yang to end the lives of these zombies.

"It's the commander, I'm going!"

Ji Yang is an adjutant promoted by Liang Shaobing, and he spares no effort to carry out Liang Shaobing's orders.Soon, these zombies were killed by Ji Yang's miraculous marksmanship.

"Now these people have turned into zombies, and our rescue mission has failed. Then, let's start another mission of ours to explore the zombies nearby. All the teams spread out to search for nearby zombies and found zombies. Kill the small ones, but don't get close to the large ones and report back. Okay, let's all take action!" Liang Shaobing's main task here is not to rescue those mercenaries, but to detect the general number of these zombies.So Liang Shaobing didn't care at all about the deaths of these mercenaries.

After Liang Shaobing finished speaking, the soldiers he brought were about to disperse.Liang Shaobing suddenly saw a zombie appearing, and immediately yelled: "Sneak attack, zombie attack, everyone shoot!!" After shouting, Liang Shaobing took the lead to shoot.

After hearing Liang Shaobing's yell, the soldiers present immediately followed Liang Shaobing and fired.Soon, the group of zombies that just appeared fell under the shooting of Liang Shaobing and the soldiers.

Although all the zombies that appeared were killed, it didn't mean the battle was over.Because Liang Shaobing found that these zombies were just bait to attract their attention, they didn't know where to start, and they were all surrounded by zombies.

"Commander, they are all zombies, what should we do?"

Liang Shaobing's adjutant Ji Yang also saw the zombies surrounding them, so he asked Liang Shaobing what to do next.

"What should we do? Of course it's a breakout, all soldiers obey orders! Teams one to seven will attack the front of your unit with all their strength. Team eight will defend the left, team nine will defend the right, and team ten will defend the rear. We have all of them, let's break through!!"

Besieged by zombies, of course, is to break out.So after Liang Shaobing arranged the crowd, he took the lead in shooting at the gap that had been broken before, and broke through from there.

The firepower was concentrated, and soon Liang Shaobing and the others rushed out of the encirclement of zombies.

Unfortunately, although Liang Shaobing and the others rushed out of the zombie encirclement, there were several second-level zombies waiting for their arrival outside the encirclement.

"Ji Yang, kill them, these zombies just want to block our way, they don't exist!"

Liang Shaobing had never encountered a second-level zombie before, so he naturally looked down on these second-level zombies, so he just asked his adjutant Ji Yang to shoot and kill them.

But unfortunately, these are second-level zombies, which are very agile. No matter how good Ji Yang's shooting skills are, he can't hit these second-level zombies, and soon these second-level zombies get close to the army.

When Liang Shaobing saw these zombies approaching the army, he immediately ordered all the soldiers to shoot.

After all the soldiers shot, the movement of these second-level zombies was restricted, and Ji Yang quickly found a chance to kill one.

After killing the first one, Ji Yang found a chance to kill the second one, and soon all these second-level zombies were headed off by Ji Yang.


When Liang Shaobing saw that the heads of these second-level zombies had all been blown off, he ordered everyone to leave immediately.Soon, Liang Shaobing and the others escaped from the encirclement of zombies.

"Ji Yang, you did a good job just now and deserve praise!"

Walking out of the siege of zombies, Liang Shaobing relaxed a little.He patted the adjutant Ji Yang on the shoulder, saying that Ji Yang did a good job!
"Thank you Commander for your praise! Commander be careful!!"

When Ji Yang was accepting praise from Liang Shaobing, he suddenly saw a zombie attacking from a tree. He couldn't care so much and stood directly in front of Liang Shaobing, using his body to block the zombie's sneak attack on Liang Shaobing.

"Enemy attack! Hurry up and protect the commander!"

After Ji Yang used his body to block the sneak attack of the zombies, a team leader beside Liang Shaobing saw Ji Yang being grabbed and impaled in the stomach by the zombies, and immediately yelled for everyone to come over to protect Liang Shaobing.

And when the zombie saw a group of soldiers rushing over, it immediately grabbed Ji Yang's body, jumped up the tree with Ji Yang, jumped a few more steps, and disappeared into the jungle like this.

"Ji Yang!! What are you still doing, hurry up and chase after me!"

From the beginning, Liang Shaobing was in a dazed state, until the zombie took Ji Yang away, Liang Shaobing was awake.After waking up, he immediately led the soldiers to chase the zombie, trying to rescue Ji Yang.

Chasing all the way, Liang Shaobing didn't know how far he ran, and finally caught up with the zombie.After catching up to the zombie, Liang Shaobing shot directly without saying a word, intending to use his superb marksmanship to kill the damned zombie and save Ji Yang.But unfortunately, what Liang Shaobing didn't know was that the zombie he encountered was not an ordinary zombie, nor a second-level zombie, but a third-level zombie.

What is a level [-] zombie?The third-level zombie is a nightmare for human beings. The third-level zombie has wisdom, and having wisdom means that the third-level zombie can judge.Therefore, when Liang Shaobing just raised his gun to shoot, the third-level zombie used Ji Yang's body as a cover to prevent Liang Shaobing from shooting.


Seeing the zombie using Ji Yang as a cover, Liang Shaobing cursed and quickly changed positions, trying to find an angle to shoot the zombie.But no matter what position he changed, the zombie always kept Ji Yang in front of it.

"Commander, don't worry about the deputy commander, we are surrounded by zombies again."

Just when Liang Shaobing was about to switch positions, a team leader who was following Liang Shaobing stopped Liang Shaobing and said something that made Liang Shaobing feel cold in his hands and feet.

"Fuck, I got caught!"

Why did Liang Shaobing feel his hands and feet were cold? It was because Liang Shaobing thought that zombies were not smart enough to use tricks, but now this zombie slapped him hard in the face and taught him a lesson.Who would have thought that this zombie would use Ji Yang as a bait to lure them into the zombie encirclement here.Careless!

"Commander, what should we do now?"

Surrounded by zombies again, the team leader asked Liang Shaobing what to do now.

"What else can I do! Break out again! Ji Yang, I'm sorry!!" Liang Shaobing had no choice but to give up saving Ji Yang. After saying sorry to Ji Yang who was still alive, Liang Shaobing led the soldiers to break out in one direction ...

(End of this chapter)

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