Landlord System

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Old Han held the spear in his hand and stared at the zombie. As long as the zombie jumped up again, Old Han would fight it desperately.

Fortunately, the branches of this tree are relatively small, and the zombie only jumped behind the first branch, and fell from it because of the unstable center of gravity.After the zombie fell from the tree, it yelled at Lao Han and the others on the tree, and then tried to jump on the branch again, but still fell because of the unstable center of gravity.After falling down, the zombies did not continue to try, but roared, and then all the zombies also roared, and then saw these zombies hitting the tree, and wanted to hit the old Han and others on the tree by hitting the tree. down.

"Mo Bing, Xiao Wei, Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhao, catch them all and don't fall!"

Old Han on the tree saw the behavior of the zombie hitting the tree, and reminded Mo Bing and others to catch it.And he put away the spear and hugged the trunk tightly to prevent himself from falling.

It took nearly an hour for the zombies to crash into trees before they stopped.After the zombies stopped crazily hitting the tree, Lao Han and the others felt alive.

"Old Han, if I can go back alive this time, I won't accept this kind of mission in the future, it's too dangerous!"

Mo Bing regretted accepting this investigation task, who knew it was so dangerous, if he knew it was so dangerous, he would not accept this task.

"Go back alive and talk about it!"

Why doesn't Lao Han regret taking this job, now he is trapped in this tree, he can't even walk if he wants to, so he can only wait until dawn, hoping that these zombies will leave by themselves after dawn.

It was dawn, but Lao Han's wish for those zombies to leave by themselves was shattered.Although it was dawn, it was still dark under the big tree, how could these zombies leave.

"Old Han, what if these zombies don't leave?"

Mo Bing saw that the zombies had not left at dawn, so he asked Lao Han what to do.

"Wait, wait until noon, the sun is the strongest at noon, these zombies hiding under the tree will definitely disperse, and then, I will use the sulfur given by the shopkeeper to go back and rescue you! I hope the sulfur from the shopkeeper is not lying to me of."

Lao Han had no choice but to rely on the brimstone given by the shopkeeper of the weapon shop. If it worked, he could wait for the sun to hit the jungle at noon and rush out of the jungle to go back and rescue Mo Bing and the others.

While Lao Han and the others were waiting, it was noon.At noon, the zombies under the tree really spread out as Lao Han said, and hid under the denser bushes.

Seeing this situation, Lao Han knew that it was time for him to use sulfur to cross the jungle and nail Lucheng back.So Lao Han took out the bag of sulfur that he had dismissed at first, and spread it evenly on his body.After painting, Lao Han said to Mo Bing and others: "Mo Bing, wait here for me to come back, I will go down and find rescuers to save you now!" At that time, Lao Han saw a few zombies under the tree avoiding him.Lao Han knew that the brimstone had taken effect.Now that the brimstone took effect, Old Han became more courageous, let go of his hand, jumped to the ground, and then pulled out the spear behind his back to prevent the zombies from attacking him.

Holding a spear, Lao Han slowly moved away from the zombies, and then ran wildly in the jungle, and the zombies he encountered along the way avoided him one after another.

After running for a few kilometers, Lao Han couldn't run anymore, so he could only stop and rest for a while.

When Lao Han was resting, Lao Han didn't know that a second-level zombie was staring at him not far from him.

This second-level zombie is not afraid of the sulfur smell on Lao Han's body.When Lao Han was resting, he rushed out to attack Lao Han.When Lao Han saw the zombie rushing out, he immediately grabbed the spear, avoided the attack of the zombie, and then stabbed the spear at the zombie with his backhand.But the spear couldn't pierce the zombie, and the zombie dexterously avoided Lao Han's attack.Lao Han saw that the zombie was dodging, so he immediately swung horizontally and hit the zombie with a spear, forcing the zombie to fall to the ground.The moment the zombie fell to the ground, Lao Han stabbed the zombie again.This time, the zombie was unable to avoid the spear because of its slow movement, and was directly pierced through the abdomen.

Although the zombie was stabbed through the abdomen, the zombie was not dead and could still fight back.So before Lao Han retracted the spear, the zombie held the spear in his hand, jumped up, then rushed to Lao Han, grabbed Lao Han's neck, and wanted to bite Lao Han.

When Lao Han saw that the zombie was about to bite his neck, he immediately gave up and took back his spear. He tried to break the zombie's head with both hands to prevent the zombie from biting his neck.The stalemate lasted for a minute, and Lao Han's hands were almost out of strength. Lao Han could only find a way to relieve this embarrassing state.Suddenly, Old Han saw a beam of sunlight behind the zombie penetrate the tree crown and hit the ground. Old Han knew that the opportunity had come, so Old Han used all his strength to push the zombie towards the beam of sunshine.Just after the zombie was pushed into the sunlight, the zombie was in great pain due to the sunlight. He let go of Lao Han's neck and wanted to jump out of the sunlight.But Lao Han wouldn't just let the zombies hide away, he would try his best to keep the zombies under the sun, and he didn't even care if he was scratched by the zombies.

Just like that, the zombie struggled for a while, and suddenly the zombie spontaneously ignited, Lao Han was startled, immediately let go of the zombie, and jumped aside.

After Lao Han jumped aside, Lao Han saw that the zombie was on fire, and after struggling for a while, he stopped moving.Afterwards, the zombie was burned to death by the flames.

"Fuck! I'm going to die this time!"

After the zombie was killed, Lao Han took a look at his injuries. The zombie scratched his shoulder, probably infected with corpse poison.Old Han knew that if he couldn't cure the corpse poison, he would probably die.The only hope now is to return to Dinglu City as soon as possible, and hope that those officials have a way to treat the corpse poison.

After simply bandaging the wound, Lao Han rushed towards Dinglu City non-stop.

As he hurried, Lao Han felt a little blurry and knew that this was the cause of the corpse poison attack.Old Han knew that if he couldn't get to Dinglu City before he passed out, he would probably be dead.Therefore, Lao Han hurried on his way desperately at the expense of being scratched by the branches.Finally, when his consciousness was already blurred, he rushed to the gate of the main city of Dinglu City.But at this time, Lao Han's consciousness was blurred and he passed out.

"Captain, look, there is a comatose person!"

At the gate of the main city of Dinglu City, the soldiers who were guarding the gate saw Lao Han running here unconscious, and immediately reported the situation to his superior.

"Coma? Come on, come and see with me!"

The soldier's boss, the captain, heard what the soldier said, and hurriedly took the soldier to check on Lao Han's condition.

"He was injured, his lips were black, and his eyes were bloodshot. Could it be that he was poisoned by the corpse? Sir, hurry up! Report this situation to the centurion!"

The team leader checked Lao Han's wound, and based on Lao Han's symptoms, he concluded that Lao Han was poisoned by a corpse, and immediately asked the soldier to report to his superior, the centurion.

"Yes, captain, I'll go right away!"

The soldier knew that the situation was urgent and immediately ran to the centurion to report...

(End of this chapter)

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