Landlord System

Chapter 104 Zhan Yang Arrives at Dinglu City

Chapter 104 Zhan Yang Arrives at Dinglu City

Using the tiller is very fast. In less than a day, all the land in this paddy field has been turned over, and seeds can be planted for seedlings.

It takes half a month to cultivate seedlings.Zheng Xin and the others have been busy for a few days, and finally sowed all the seeds, and now they are waiting for the seedlings to germinate.

In Dinglu City, the physical training is still going on. After half a month of physical training, most of the soldiers have basically reached the standard. Those who fail to meet the standard have to continue training. The soldiers who meet the standard will go to the next training, which is fighting train.

Zheng Xin didn't know how to do combat training, but Mo Yu could instill this knowledge into the system, so Mo Yu asked Zheng Xin to find a few people and let the system instill relevant knowledge about combat training.After these people received this knowledge, Mo Yu asked them to be instructors and teach other soldiers fighting skills.

"Zheng Xin, how are those rice seedlings doing?"

After letting those instructors go, Mo Yu asked about the condition of the rice seedlings.

"My lord, the rice seedlings are growing very well, and it is estimated that it will take five days to start pulling out the seedlings and planting."

Zheng Xin has been paying attention to the growth of these seedlings, so he naturally knows that these rice seedlings are growing very well.

"That's good. You have to pay attention to these seedlings. This is my source of food after we nailed Lucheng. There must be no problems, understand?!"

No accidents can happen to the rice seedlings, because this is the most suitable time for planting rice seedlings in the second season of this year. If there is a problem with the rice seedlings, there will be no harvest this year, so Mo Yu told Zheng Xin.

"Yes, my lord, I will definitely make people look good."

Knowing the importance of rice seedlings, Zheng Xin has stepped up manpower to take care of them 24 hours a day, and even built several very tall watchtowers around the rice fields to prevent zombies or animals from approaching.

"Well, then go get busy!"

After hearing Zheng Xin's assurance, Mo Yu asked Zheng Xin to go to work, and he walked back to his residence.

Back at his residence, Mo Yu opened the map he had scanned by the system in the past few days to check the situation around Dinglu City.

Because Dinglu City is located in a remote area, there were no people living here before. Naturally, there are fewer zombies here. Therefore, Mo Yu decided to open up a few more rice fields and a few pieces of land, so that Dinglu City and Mo Haicheng can There is plenty of food, so you don't need to spend gold coins to buy it in the mall.

After looking at the map, Mo Yu selected several suitable places to open up wasteland. These places are all very close to Dinglu City, and the farthest is no more than one kilometer.

After choosing the land reclamation site, Mo Yu was not in a hurry to let Zheng Xin go to land reclamation. He had to wait a week later for the arrival of more than 5 soldiers led by Zhan Yang.

A week later, Zheng Xin was leading a few men who had learned how to operate agricultural machinery, and they were busy planting seeds, trying to plant all the rice seedlings in these two days.

While Zheng Xin was busy planting seeds, Mo Yu was waiting anxiously at the pier.

Today is the day when Zhan Yang led the team to nail Lucheng. What Mo Yu was waiting for was not Zhan Yang and his team, but anxiously waiting for a woman. It was Li Man. Li Man was coming to nail Lu with Zhan Yang. City, Mo Yu only knew about this through the system.

Two days ago, the system informed him that because Li Man was too bored staying in Mohai City, he followed Zhan Yang's team to attack Lu City.Mo Yu was afraid that Li Man and the others would get into trouble during a storm, so he waited anxiously at the pier.

Waiting is impatient, Mo Yu waited for several hours, and it was almost noon, but he still hadn't seen the shadow of the boat.Mo Yu counted the time, it’s been so long, those boats should have seen their shadows, but in this vast sea, he didn’t see anything, Mo Yu was so anxious that he wanted to buy a speedboat to see where Zhan Yang and the others were .

But before Mo Yu could act, Mo Yu saw a group of wooden boats coming from the distant sea.Seeing the wooden boat, Mo Yu was finally relieved.Get dressed and prepare for the arrival of these wooden boats.

It took some time for the wooden boat to dock, almost an hour later, and finally the first wooden boat docked, and Li Man got off first.

When Mo Yu saw Li Man, he rushed over regardless of the people coming off the boat, hugged Li Man and said, "Man'er, you're worried about me. I told you not to come and nail Lu Cheng, why are you here!"

"Brother Yu, I'm so bored staying in Mo Haicheng, that's why I came to nail Lucheng with Zhan Yang. Brother Yu, shall we get off the boat first? Look, everyone's way is blocked."

Being stopped by Mo Yu on the deck, Li Man was embarrassed, and wanted Mo Yu to let go of him, and let's talk after getting off the boat.

"Uh, all right! Let's go!"

Mo Yu was too worried about Li Man just now, so he rushed over to stop Li Man on the deck immediately, and got off the boat with Li Man after Li Man spoke.

"Brother Yu, did you miss me in Dinglu City by yourself?"

After getting off the boat, Li Man and Mo Yu stood aside and started chatting.

"Yes, why not? I miss you every day. By the way, Maner, did you encounter any danger along the way?"

In the days of nailing Lucheng, it was impossible for Mo Yu not to miss Li Man. Sometimes he even wanted Li Man to come to nailing Lucheng, but he was afraid of Li Man coming because it was too dangerous.Although there is no danger yet, if there is any dangerous event, it will definitely be a major event. Whoever made this a continent, with so many zombies, there will always be zombies who will find this place and summon a group of zombies.

"No, Brother Yu, I haven't encountered any dangers along the way. By the way, Brother Yu, we have 5 people coming to Dinglu City this time. Did you ask someone to arrange the housing for so many people?"

The journey was naturally safe, so Li Man answered Mo Yu's question and asked Mo Yu by the way.

"Well, I forgot, but it's okay, Dinglu City is a huge barracks, and these people can find a place to live when they go in, Zhan Yang, come here!"

Because Mo Yu was nervous about Li Man's whereabouts two days ago, he forgot to arrange the accommodation.After answering Li Man's question, Mo Yu saw Zhan Yang who had just disembarked and Zhan Yang's cheap wife, so he called Zhan Yang over.

"Master, you call me!"

Hearing Mo Yu's call, Zhan Yang held his wife's hand regardless, ran to Mo Yu and asked.

"Ouch! Okay, it's done so quickly! What, with so many soldiers coming to attack Lu City, you must arrange their accommodation, do you understand?"

Seeing that Zhan Yang was still holding his wife's hand, Mo Yu started to talk about business after teasing her.

"It's the young master. I will arrange it. Well, is there anything else you can do, the young master?"

Being teased by Mo Yu, Zhan Yang blushed and let go of his wife's hand, and answered Mo Yu.

"It's okay, go get busy! Let's go, Man'er, I'll accompany you to take a good look around Dinglu City."

"Yes, Master!"

Letting Zhan Yang go to work, Mo Yu took Li Man's hand and went to Dinglu City with Li Man.

(End of this chapter)

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