Landlord System

Chapter 102 Soldiers Training

Chapter 102 Soldiers Training
Dinglu City, the next morning, Mo Yu was woken up by the sound of soldiers doing morning exercises outside.

After waking up, Mo Yu hurriedly washed his face and went out.

"My lord, good morning!"

After Mo Yu went out, the two soldiers standing at the door to watch over Mo Yu greeted Mo Yu.

"It's early for you too! Thank you for your hard work, go back to sleep, you don't have to go to today's training."

Looking at the dark circles under the eyes of these two soldiers, he knew that these two soldiers had worked hard for him and kept watch at night, so Mo Yu asked them to go back to rest.

"No hard work, my lord, it is our honor to be able to watch the night for you!"

Mo Yu can still think about them, and the two soldiers are very touched.

"Well, let's go!"

After letting the two soldiers go, Mo Yu went to the urban management brigade to have some breakfast.

The city management brigade is stationed at the south gate of Dinglu City.When Mo Yu walked to the south gate, he saw soldiers doing physical training.

"My lord! Good morning!"

Before Mo Yu walked to the gate of the station, two soldiers standing guard at the gate greeted Mo Yu.

"Well, you are early too! By the way, where is the cafeteria?"

Yesterday was too hasty, and Mo Yu didn't know where the canteen was, so he asked the two soldiers guarding the gate.

"My lord, the cafeteria is right there!"

When one of the two guards heard Mo Yu asking about the cafeteria, he pointed to a large tent at the station, indicating that the cafeteria was there.

"Okay, got it!"

After knowing the location of the cafeteria, Mo Yu went to the cafeteria.

Walking into the cafeteria, there is no one there, just a few cooks are preparing the lunch meal.

"My lord, you are here! I don't know my lord, what do you want to eat this morning?"

After Mo Yu walked into the cafeteria, a fat cook came over and asked Mo Yu.

"Well, whatever you want, by the way, what do the soldiers eat this morning, then you can just give me the same one."

Mo Yu doesn't care much about what to eat for breakfast, as long as it fills his stomach.

"Uh, my lord, this morning, the soldiers ate rice porridge with dried radish, can you eat this?"

Due to limited conditions, the cooks can only cook porridge with dried radish for breakfast today.The big fat chef was afraid that Mo Yu would not be used to such a simple breakfast.

"Why is it so simple? I only eat such a simple thing in the morning. What else can the soldiers fight for? From now on, they should have a richer breakfast. Forget it this time. Go, bring me the rice porridge and dried radish!"

Soldiers have to undergo high-intensity physical training every day, and it is not enough to eat rice porridge and dried radish for breakfast.So Mo Yu taught the fat chef a lesson, after all, who made the fat chef the head of the cook.

"Yes, my lord, you are right, but my lord, a good woman can't eat without rice. We just arrived in Dinglu City, and we don't have enough food. If we eat every meal well, we won't have enough supplies for a week."

The fat chef knew that the soldiers had to keep up with the nutrition because they needed physical training, but there were not many supplies coming with the army, and Mo Yu didn't replenish them.In order to save food, the fat chef can only cook the simplest meals. If you can save a little, you can live longer.

"This~ okay! It's my fault! Well, from today onwards, you don't have to be so economical. From now on, you can go to the street to buy food. Starting tomorrow, we will open a few shops in Dinglu City. At that time, You can go to these shops to buy food. Well, go and bring the porridge, I'm hungry!"

Not to mention the fat chef, Mo Yu really forgot about this matter, he can only make up for it now, talking to the fat chef, let the system transform a few shops, and put some products in the mall for sale.

"That's good, little Lizhi, go and make porridge for the lord, and bring over some side dishes specially prepared for the lord. Then, young master, don't be angry. I don't think you can eat rice porridge mixed with radish. I have prepared some side dishes for you, and they are not very good dishes, they are fried bamboo shoots with bacon, a small dish of fried peanuts, and two fried eggs."

The fat chef felt relieved when he heard what Mo Yu said, and he no longer had to worry about the lack of food.Afterwards, the fat chef called someone to bring over the breakfast he had prepared for Mo Yu.

"You, forget it, I won't say anything about you, everyone's breakfast will be similar and rich in the future, okay, go get busy!"

What else can I say, the dishes are all cooked, Mo Yu can't say no, so he can only accept the fat chef's kindness.

"Okay, lord, I'm going to work. If you need anything, just call me!"

After the fat chef said something, he went to work on his affairs.As for Mo Yu, he ate breakfast slowly.

After breakfast, Mo Yu left the cafeteria and walked around.

Walking, walking, Mo Yu discovered a problem, he forgot to buy guns in the mall and let the soldiers practice shooting guns.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu was in no mood to go shopping, and hurriedly found Zheng Xin, who was leading troops for training, and explained the situation to Zheng Xin.

After listening to Mo Yu's narration, Zheng Xin said, "My lord, I don't think the guns you mentioned are suitable for these soldiers to use now, because they have never seen such weapons. That may cause tragedy, my lord, wait a month before taking it out! Wait until I train them all to be qualified soldiers!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then I'm not in a hurry to come out. By the way, the melee weapon should be able to be taken out, right?"

Since guns cannot be brought out now, Mo Yu has no choice but to buy this close-quarters weapon first. Mo Yu thinks it is time to buy it.

"Yes, my lord!"

Melee weapons must be taken out now. After all, without guns, melee weapons are the only means of defense. Zheng Xin felt that the sooner Mo Yu took out the better.

"Okay, let me look through it, what kind of weapon should I give?"

Mo Yu didn't mention the melee weapon, so he opened the mall and searched for melee weapons.

After searching for a while, Mo Yu took a fancy to one of these melee weapons, the Nepalese saber inlaid with obsidian.

This saber was mass-produced, just to meet Mo Yu's needs, so Mo Yu spent 500 million to buy [-] sabers, and asked Zheng Xin to find a warehouse, and Mo Yu put so many sabers into the warehouse .

"This is a melee weapon. I will put it in this warehouse, and you will distribute it later."

After releasing the weapon, Mo Yu told Zheng Xin.

"Okay, my lord, then I'll get someone to pick it up."

After Zheng Xin finished speaking, he hurried out of the warehouse to find someone to distribute these sabers.

After Zheng Xin left, Mo Yu also left the warehouse, wanting to go to the city wall to see if there were any zombies approaching.

On top of the city wall, Mo Yu looked at the desolate world outside, thinking about how to use Dinglu City's geographical advantages to grow some rice. After all, he could not always rely on buying it in the mall.

(End of this chapter)

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