Chapter 4
【Ding!The system prompts, Congratulations to the host for successfully winning the first city that is absolutely yours - Chengdu City. 】

[The system rewards [-] points and opens the points mall. 】

[System Reward Skill: Peace of mind. 】

The system's notification sound appeared in the mind of Li Ke who was still on the carriage when the city was broken.

Immediately, an updated panel appeared in front of him.

【Name: Li Ke】

[Right of Rule: 10 (Blessed by Chengdu City, more than [-] points can be upgraded to a king-level host.)]

[Influence: 20 (the ability to incite people's hearts)]

[Charm: 20 (can make a territory of 20 million people absolutely loyal)]

[Skill: Mind detonation (can detonate the negative emotions of the audience within (charm*[-]) during the speech, making them crazily obey the host's orders within the same number of days of influence.)]

[Skill: Peace of mind (the control of the people's heart of the city increases the number of people's hearts with the same charm value, and unlocks the upper limit, the city with more than [-] people's hearts will never betray, and the citizens will fight to the death for the host.)]

"Open the mall!"

With a thought of Li Ke, a mall page appeared in front of him.

His current ruling authority is 10, so only goods with a limit of [-] or less are lit.

The whole area below was pitch black.

Rao is so, all kinds of materials above are complete.

A little point can be exchanged for a ton of grain or a tael of silver, a set of swords and shields and leather armor, or thirty spears.

The purchasing power of one tael of silver in the early Tang Dynasty was equivalent to 300 yuan in later generations.

If all [-] points are used, if it is an individual, it is already a huge sum of money.

However, if it is used even in the Shu Kingdom, it can only be regarded as a tonic.

Unfortunately, various props that increase attribute points are still dark.

However, food exchange is still very cost-effective.

30 points equals [-] tons of grain, which is enough to feed more than [-] people in ten counties under Shu Kingdom for several days.

"Huh? Corn?"

In the next second, he suddenly discovered that among the food types in the exchange list, he could find corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even cassava, which are only available in later generations.

Putting these things in the early Tang Dynasty is a real killer, much more reliable than going to America to get those original seeds and then coming back to re-cultivate them.

"With these things, I really have the confidence to support my people."

His face immediately became overjoyed.

Immediately, he decided not to move the points and exchange them for food or weapons depending on the situation.

"His Royal Highness, those of yours... No, those refugees have captured Chengdu."

"I never thought that their actions are quite fast. What should we do next?"

Guard Captain Li Tong walked to the side of the carriage and asked in a low voice.

That convinced appearance seemed to have decided to stand on the same front as Li Ke.

There was no way. Although he witnessed Li Ke's troubles with his own eyes, his status was too low to be involved in the overt and covert fight between Li Ke and Changsun Wuji.

What's more, he is a loyal soldier selected by Li Shimin himself from the Xuanjia Army as the Imperial Forest Army, so Li Ke is naturally the main one.

Defending Li Ke is his core mission.

"You're a smart man, Li Tong. This king knows that people don't speak secretly. You can report everything you see to my father."

"You don't need to hide everything this king does from your father, you can do whatever you want."

Li Ke said with a look of involuntary explanation.

Of course, Li Shimin would not give him a warrior who has survived a hundred battles in vain. If you think about it with your knees, you know that this person is a hidden stake at any time.

However, there is no difference of interest between Li Ke and his advantageous father at all, and he will tell the emperor about everything.

"The final general is absolutely loyal to His Highness the King of Shu. As for those guard brothers, His Highness doesn't need to worry, they don't need to be on the same boat with anyone."

"The end will definitely make them keep their mouths shut like dead people."

Li Tong said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Since Li Ke didn't care about all this being known by the emperor, there must be no conflict between him and Li Ke.

Changsun Wuji's power can penetrate anywhere, but it is impossible for him to touch the Xuanjia Army.

Everyone present was clean, and they were all members of the serious Li Shimin.

In everything Li Ke planned, the only targets to guard against were Changsun Wuji's people and other outsiders.

"Next, tell the messenger to ask all their leaders to come out to the south of Chengdu to meet the king."

Of course Li Ke would not be so stupid as to run into Chengdu.

Now it is a hell for gentry and a paradise for common people.

He would not appear in it because of emotion and reason, otherwise it would be unclear in the court.

If he showed his flaws, Li Shimin might not be able to save him.

Therefore, the next reasonable approach is of course to go to a nearby county to "refuge".

Before that, he also had to make arrangements for those Chengdu people who were already loyal to him.

"Understood, the last general will make arrangements!"

After Li Tong bowed his hands and obeyed, he turned and left.

Not long after, after the messenger left, Li Tong's men escorted the motorcade toward Shuangliu County.

And an unremarkable carriage, under the personal escort of Li Tongce, pulled Li Ke, who was dressed in an ordinary white Confucian robe, towards Chengdu City.


When Li Ke came here, it was almost noon.

Chengdu City, which has just undergone changes, can smell a bloody smell from afar.

A stout man with a knife scar, and hundreds of young men with disheveled faces but clearly full meal and sharp eyes, stood in front of Li Ke's carriage.

Obviously, the man with the scar is the elected leader.

And the ones below are all vice presidents and small bosses.

Basically, the leaders of the 10,000+ rioters just now are all here.

"Criminal Ma Liu Zhi, I have seen His Highness the King of Shu!"

The voice of the man with the scar came in through the curtain of the carriage.

Li Ke pushed open the door curtain, walked to the carriage shaft, and looked down at the former.

Seeing Li Ke's figure, everyone showed fanaticism at the same time.

"You call yourself a criminal, do you know what this king is going to do?"

Li Ke asked the former.

"His Royal Highness, I will take the hometown people to fight for food and rob Chengdu."

"Although many people were saved, it was true that those gentry were killed."

"How can we righteous people implicate His Highness the King of Shu because of our own life and death?"

"Next, please His Royal Highness the King of Shu take my head and calm down the matter."

"To keep the elders and brothers from starving to death, we have already taken advantage of it, and we have no complaints!"

The scarred man said, and knelt down directly.

"Your Highness, please take our heads to settle this matter!"

Everyone present knelt down and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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