Chapter 167

A scream broke the tranquility of the morning, and the eldest prince's manor quickly became panicked.

From time to time, guards came in and out, and then these people surrounded the entire manor.

An hour later, another carriage came over, and Nibala Daxiang Keti walked into the palace with a cane.

When his subordinates informed Keti of the news that the eldest prince had ascended to heaven last night, Keti was really shocked.

The eldest prince is Keti's political hope, and he bet everything on Keti.His death meant that all of Keti's investments were in vain.

Rushing to the scene of the incident, Keti was very confused.

Although the eldest prince was puffy, he was in his prime after all, so how could he die of illness suddenly?

Keti immediately thought of the second prince. The eldest prince had an accident, and the second prince was the direct beneficiary.

But the person who came to report had briefly explained the situation. The eldest prince died suddenly at night, and no trace of being assassinated was found.

At this moment, Keti has entered the bedroom of the eldest prince, and the coroner is already examining the body of the eldest prince.

"Has the king been notified?"

Keti grabbed the guard commander and asked.

The guard shook his head tremblingly: "Not yet... not yet!"

Keti thought for a moment and then let go of the guard.

He asked again: "You really didn't find any trace of anyone coming in or out?"

The guard shook his head again: "My lord, there are hundreds of people guarding this garden, and no one can sneak in. Moreover, I searched the entire garden again this morning, and found nothing!"

At this time, the coroner had already walked over.

"Report to the Prime Minister, the eldest prince has no fatal injuries on the surface, his pupils are cloudy, and his eyelids are congested. It should be a surge of energy and blood, and he died suddenly!"

Keti asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

The coroner paused for a moment, then sighed again: "The eldest prince has several female scratch marks on his body, and looking at his death symptoms, it is very likely that... he was having sex with a female, and his blood surged..."

Before he finished speaking, Keti snorted heavily.

"Female love?"

Keti turned back to look at the guard again: "What is the eldest prince doing in this manor?"

The guard hesitated for a moment, and said honestly: "This garden is a place for the eldest prince to relax and have a feast with his concubine..."

"Good! Good!"

Keti put his crutch heavily on the ground. He had heard about the affairs of the eldest prince for a long time, and he had reminded him many times not to be too indulgent.

The princess is his beloved daughter, so Keti naturally doesn't want the eldest prince to go out and flirt with women all day.

Now, the eldest prince actually died on a woman's body. If the news spreads, not only the eldest prince will become the laughing stock of others, but also Takti and his daughter will become the laughing stock of the entire Nivaro kingdom.

"I don't care about the old man, you go and report to the king and tell him to deal with it!"

After snorting twice, Keti turned around and left the house, and walked out of the manor.

Li Ke is currently in the second prince's mansion, discussing the next plan with him.

Keti's reaction today was all within his plan.

Ever since he learned that the eldest prince often went out to fool around, Li Ke came up with this idea. He wanted to kill the eldest prince while he was fooling around, and create an illusion that the eldest prince died accidentally while fooling around with those women.

Prime Minister Keti was particularly disgusted with the eldest prince's association with outside women, so Li Ke designed to add a bit of flair to the eldest prince's death.

Now that the eldest prince died suddenly because of fooling around, it not only erased the suspicion of the second prince, but also made Keti hate the eldest prince.

In this way, Keti will no longer hold grudges against the second prince.

On the contrary, the existence of the second prince just became the key factor to save Keti.

Keti's previous political investments were all in vain, and now he is in a state of despair. If he wants to keep his family's strength from declining, he can only show his favor to the second prince.

The second prince was a little impatient, and couldn't wait to extend an olive branch to Ke Ti.

He planned to win over Keti and let him switch to his camp as soon as the news of the eldest prince's death was revealed.

But Li Ke stopped him, and it seemed too deliberate to win over Keti now.

It's better to wait for a while, wait until the eve of the coup d'état, and then contact Keti, presumably he will make the right choice.

The news of the eldest prince's death quickly reached the king, and soon the king sent someone to investigate.

As expected, the eldest prince died of a "sudden serious illness and sudden death".

The official explanation is this, but in the entire Nivalo court, there is a saying that the eldest prince died on the body of a woman.

This is naturally due to Li Ke's contribution. He wants to spread the news and tarnish the reputation of the eldest prince.

After such a comparison, everyone will realize how valuable the second prince is.

Li Ke has been silent during this time, and he is planning the final coup.

Originally, he hoped to launch a coup when the elder prince was going to be buried, but he was persuaded by the second prince.

The eldest prince had just died, and the second prince hadn't been able to absorb all the influence of the elder prince in the past, and the interval between the two events was too short, so it was hard not to make people suspect that the death of the eldest prince was related to the second prince.

After waiting for another two weeks, Li Ke finally couldn't wait anymore.

Because he received a letter from Feige sent from the direction of Tubo, he knew that Shang Nang had started to launch a counterattack against Lun Keri.

Shang Nang searched for a lot of evidence about Keri's assassination of other tribes, and scattered these evidences.

These things were kept secrets in the court in Tubo. Lunkeri would naturally use some extraordinary means to help Songtsen Gampo suppress various tribes and integrate the entire Tubo.

For example, in the process of conquering a certain tribe, he once poisoned and assassinated the former leader of the tribe, and arranged for someone close to him to take over the tribe.Afterwards, the tribe surrendered to Songtsen Gampo.

On Keri's doing these things, it is naturally for Songtsan Gampo's grand plan to unify Tubo.

Moreover, Shang Nang himself participated in making suggestions for these matters.

But after all, it was Lun Ke Ri who did these things, and Lun Ke Ri was now in a quarrel with Shang Nang.

Shang Nang collected all these things and revealed them together.

All of a sudden, there were conflicts between the various tribes and the Tubo royal family, and everyone wrote letters one after another, wanting to give them an explanation on Keri.

At the same time, there were many conflicts between those tribes close to the royal family and these tribes, and there were hidden signs of chaos everywhere in Tubo.

As soon as the news came, Li Ke couldn't wait any longer.

Although the internal disputes in Tubo have not developed to a feverish level, the conflicts may escalate at any time.

Li Ke must ensure that Nibhara is in his own hands.

He quickly arranged for the second prince to dispatch the defenders of the capital to prepare for a coup d'état.

At the same time, he asked the second prince to bring Da Xiangke to the mansion, instructing him to persuade Keti.

(End of this chapter)

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