Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 8 Do you think I'm on the first floor?I'm actually in the atmosphere!

Chapter 8 Do you think I'm on the first floor?I'm actually in the atmosphere!

Li Zhi took the initiative to propose that he personally command troops to suppress the Goguryeo rebellion.

This surprised many people.

"King Jin, you said that you want to destroy and suppress Goguryeo yourself?"

Song Guogong Xiao Yu only thought that Li Zhi was talking childishly, and asked in a disapproving tone: "Then how many soldiers do you plan to lead and how will you eradicate the traitors?"

King of Jin is Li Zhi's title.

Hearing Xiao Yu's question, he glanced at Xiao Yu, and opened his lips lightly: "Lead [-] soldiers, go straight to Youzhou along the Hebei Road, and defeat Goguryeo head-on!"

"Twenty thousand soldiers! Defeat them head-on!"

Li Zhi's answer made Xiao Yu feel ridiculous. He sneered and said, "Does the King of Jin know how many troops Goguryeo has? Hundreds of thousands of mercenaries! Goguryeo advocates force, and their soldiers are all good at fighting. How about you with [-] soldiers?" Can it be the opponent of the barbarians?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu sighed meaningfully.

"King Jin is still too young, marching and fighting is not a child's play, and we should stop talking about military affairs in the future, so as not to make people laugh."

In the past, Emperor Sui Yang led an army of millions to attack Goguryeo three times and five times, but was stopped by Goguryeo.

Up to now, even a child who is no more than Shuangba dares to speak boldly, saying that it only takes [-] soldiers to win Goguryeo.

In Xiao Yu's view, this is really ridiculous!

It's just ridiculous!
However, Li Zhi didn't think so.

Li Zhi just chuckled lightly at Xiao Yu's remark about selling his old age and acting strangely, and then asked, "Really? Duke Song really thinks that Goguryeo has hundreds of thousands of soldiers? Can't an army of [-] take them down?"

Xiao Yu still disagreed and said lightly: "How can this be false? Could it be that the one who defeated Emperor Sui Yang back then could have been millions of underworld soldiers?"

"In this way, the king will be surprised."

Li Zhi made a thought, talking to himself thoughtfully.

"The Goguryeo rebellion started because of the assassination of King Rongliu by Quan Gai Suwen."

"A rebel who killed their lord can actually take over all the forces in Goguryeo."

"The people of Goguryeo, are they really all low bones?"

"Let a rebel run amok?"

"In Song Guogong's opinion, is it really possible?"

"Could it be that this king is not thinking carefully?"

To put it bluntly, most of the reasons for the chaotic situation in the Goguryeo area were due to the internal chaos in Goguryeo.

This is no longer the large, united barbarian settlement.

It is a chaotic regime that is falling apart, where various warlords attack and kill each other, and no one obeys the other.

If it was Goguryeo in its heyday, and [-] troops passed by, it would indeed be a bit suicidal.

Can face a group of rabble!
Or a barbarian with internal chaos.

2 people are enough to destroy them one by one and clean them all up!

As long as they are caught off guard before Quangai Suwen quells the internal chaos, the rebellion may subside.

The number "[-]" that Li Zhi said was by no means a temporary figure.

It is the product of a combination of balanced logistical pressure and the required troops on the front line.

Xiao Yu was obviously frightened by Goguryeo, and resisted from the bottom of his heart to go to Goguryeo, so he spoke out to stop it.

But he didn't expect that Li Zhi came prepared, and things were not as simple as he thought.

Li Zhi always said what he said, and when others blamed him, he responded in the same way.

Li Zhi's "thinking" talking to himself made Xiao Yu's face flushed, and his whole body began to tremble with anger.

"Even if Goguryeo is indeed in the midst of civil strife, our court should not have sent troops to attack so hastily. Could it be that King Jin has already forgotten the lessons learned by Emperor Sui Yang?" Song Guogong Xiao Yu refuted loudly, still thinking that he was right .

Li Zhi shook his head lightly, and went back one by one.

"First, this dynasty is not like the Sui Dynasty. It is on the verge of a storm and insists on going to war. The current power of the Tang Dynasty is far from that of the Sui Dynasty!"

"Secondly, this king only plans to dispatch [-] troops. The impact on Datang's logistics pressure can be said to be negligible! It will not cause disturbances to the people along the way, and the safety of the rear is absolutely guaranteed!"

"Thirdly, it is now autumn, and there will be no natural disasters such as heavy rain on the marching road. The journey to conquer rebels will be smooth, and will not be affected by heavy rains and diseases like Emperor Sui Yang's many expeditions!"

"Finally, I have to admit that I really don't know much about military affairs, but that doesn't mean I can't lead troops to fight!"

"Marching and fighting is not something that one person does alone. It's not too much to have a few more generals on the road, right?"

"For example, Li Ji and General Li, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, are famous generals in the current dynasty!"

"General Li led the army to go out, can there still be problems?!"

Having said this, Li Zhi turned around and asked Li Ji for his opinion.

"If my Tang Dynasty really wants to go to Korea, I wonder if General Li is willing to go with me?"

The corners of Li Ji's mouth curled up, and he took a deep look at Xiao Yu who was in a panic, and nodded calmly.

"The general is willing to help King Jin, as long as His Majesty nods, the general can set off at any time!"

This is a great opportunity to make military achievements. As a general, how could Li Ji refuse the pie that fell from the sky?
As for the question of whether Goguryeo can be pacified, that is also very simple.

If that doesn't work, just attack a few cities and wait and see what happens.

Marching and fighting, destroying Goguryeo is a great achievement, and taking down a few barbarian cities is also no small achievement.

There is too much room for manipulation here, as long as you can send troops, you are destined not to return empty-handed.

The merits given for nothing, don't want it for nothing!
Li Ji is not like these civil servants who have such worries.

As long as there are enough military merits to be earned, there is no problem at all for him to go out with the army!

Li Ji's nod undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Xiao Yu.

Li Zhi's remarks dispelled everyone's concerns about going to Goguryeo from various angles.

Now, even Li Ji, who represented the military, supported Li Zhi's war.

In this way, Xiao Yu's eccentric remarks before made him that sensationalist clown.

He thought Li Zhi was on the first floor.

It's a little kid who doesn't understand anything, talking childish things over there.

But in fact, Li Zhi is on the fifth floor!

He had considered the views of various interest groups in the imperial court on this matter early on.

Not only that, but Li Zhi's thinking ranges from the impact of this matter to various aspects.

Including the money and food needed for the expedition, the impact on the people along the way, weather factors, and the chaotic situation inside Goguryeo, etc.

He has thought through all the issues that should be considered!
(End of this chapter)

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