Chapter 70
"It's a dying struggle, it's always a struggle when you're dying."

Li Zhi said casually: "It's just that his strength is a bit weak, and he was held down by this king at once. Tsk! Thinking about it carefully, it's not interesting."

Is this showing off?
Cui Zhiwen thought uncertainly.

But thinking of the strength Li Zhi showed when he was assassinated before, Cui Zhiwen suddenly didn't think so.

He thought for a while and asked, "After this incident is over, it won't affect you, right? I'm talking about the righteous killing of relatives."

"It shouldn't have much impact." Li Zhi cast a look at him: "I've been assassinated, and if I don't fight back, then there is a problem! If I don't kill, then others should say that I am indecisive and a woman. "

Such is the case with court battles.

Anyone who breaks the rules will be ruthless first.

Then don't blame other people for killing them.

The moment Li Yuanchang sent someone to assassinate him, he should have thought that Li Zhi would fight back.

In this matter, no one can say his fault.

Cui Zhiwen nodded, indicating that he understood.

Immediately, he asked a new question.

"By the way, you said that the impeachment this time, and the prince's secret help, what's going on?"

Li Zhi didn't explain this matter in detail before, Cui Zhiwen was confused for a long time.

It stands to reason that there should be a life-and-death competition between King Jin and the prince.

However, the prince provided help in getting rid of Li Yuanchang?
In his opinion, this is somewhat incomprehensible.

Cui Zhiwen didn't understand why the prince would contribute behind the scenes.

Hearing this question, Li Zhi didn't rush to give an answer immediately.

Instead, he observed Cui Zhiwen's face for a long time.

When his gaze focused on Cui Zhiwen, a floating frame appeared in front of him.

[Name: Cui Zhiwen.

Strength: 53
Military Strategy: 46
Strategies: 87
Politics: 83
Literature: 62
Fame: 80. 】


A very simple attribute box, so simple that people have no way of understanding the function of this information box.

These numbers can only be understood literally.

Seeing the strategy as high as 87, Li Zhi nodded secretly.

It's okay, this guy's mind is still very flexible.

87's strategy, 83's politics, this should be a very high evaluation.

After confirming Cui Zhiwen's value, Li Zhi withdrew from the observation, saw Cui Zhiwen's puzzled eyes, and said lightly: "If you want to understand this problem, you have to touch on the concept of game. If you want to hear it, I I can tell you about it."

"Gaming?" Cui Zhiwen asked suspiciously, "Do you mean playing chess?"

"It's not playing chess, but it's about the same." In the middle of speaking, Li Zhi thought about it, and finally shook his head: "No, there is still a big difference between games and games on Go. You can't just think of it as playing chess. .”

Hearing what Li Zhi said was so mysterious, Cui Zhiwen became interested.

"Then I'm going to listen."


Li Zhi didn't say much, and started to explain directly.

He first dipped his finger in the tea, and drew a square on the table.

While drawing, he brought up the classic "Prisoner's Dilemma" in game theory.

"Prisoners A and B are detained in two different cells."

"Give them a chance now, let them confess!"

"If A chooses to confess, and B also confesses, then both of them will be exiled."

"But if neither of them chooses to confess, then the county government will lock them up for half a year at most and let them go."

"And if A chooses to confess and B does not choose to confess, then A can leave the prison immediately, and B will be beheaded."

"vice versa."

"In this situation, would you choose to confess? Or would you refuse to confess?"

When Li Zhi raised this question, he filled in the four possibilities into the four squares, so that Cui Zhiwen could better understand the question.

Cui Zhiwen began to listen carefully when Li Zhi raised this question.

After listening to the whole content, he couldn't help frowning immediately.

"Hiss... These two prisoners obviously have the best choice, but they will never choose the best strategy. This question is a bit interesting."

Cui Zhiwen saw through the essence of the problem at once, and ruled out the possibility that the two refused to confess at the same time.

However, as soon as he said this, Li Zhi denied it: "No! You are wrong. If a father and son entered the cage, then they can make the best strategy."


Cui Zhiwen froze for a moment, he thought too deeply, and forgot that there was such a possibility.

In ancient times, unfilial piety was a very serious crime!
If he really did such a thing as his son suing Lao Tzu, he would be pulled out and beheaded.

In other words, if it is a father-son pair, then the son does not have the option to confess.

The prisoner's dilemma is naturally solved.

Cui Zhiwen ignored this possibility, and it was Li Zhi who reminded him, so he recalled it.

"It's just...does this have anything to do with this question?"

"Yes!" Li Zhi gave an affirmative answer: "If you don't consider all the possibilities clearly, you won't be able to find a real Nash equilibrium. If you can't find a Nash equilibrium, then the value of the game will be greatly reduced."

"Nash Equilibrium? What is that?"

"Don't worry about this, you think about this question first, and answer the answer to this question."

Hearing this, Cui Zhiwen honestly immersed himself in his thoughts and began to think about the answer to this question.

Li Zhi, on the other hand, was persuasive and persuasive.

"Look, there are two prisoners, A and B, and their joint decision will affect the final result."

"In this case, which strategy do you think would be the best choice?"

"To answer this question, you have to bring your identity among the prisoners."

"Then tell me what you really think."

"Don't think too much, just find the simple answer."

It is not difficult to see the prisoner's dilemma clearly.

As long as you have enough experience, you can see the answer to the question at a glance.

In fact, what Cui Zhiwen said at the beginning has already revealed the answer.

However, Li Zhi needed to guide his thinking, so he had to ask again.

Under the guidance of Li Zhi, Cui Zhiwen gave the answer without thinking.

"Excluding the existence of an ethical relationship between the two, their final choice will be to confess, which will be an inevitable result."

Li Zhi nodded slightly: "So...they chose the worst result together, didn't they?"

Cui Zhiwen said affirmatively: "Yes! It's true that they jointly chose the worst answer, but they didn't have a choice."

"Yes, they have no choice!"

Li Zhi agreed with Cui Zhiwen's words, under normal circumstances, A and B really have no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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