Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 51 Sudden Assassination, Jaw-dropping Result

Chapter 51 Sudden Assassination, Jaw-dropping Result
On the matter of taking Cui Zhiwen to the brothel.

Li Zhi obviously cheated him.

This need not be argued, it is a fact.

The purpose of bringing Cui Zhiwen into the market is to let those who are still watching in the capital know that Cui Zhiwen has completely fallen for the Jin Palace.

Just like the explanation given by Li Zhi earlier, he needs to let Cui Zhiwen adapt to this process as soon as possible.

Otherwise, what would it look like to be lost all day long?
To lose your mind over such a trivial matter is obviously not worth the gain.

Therefore, the process must be accelerated.

Otherwise, waiting for Cui Zhiwen to wake up by himself would be a waste of time.

But then again, Li Zhi actually didn't want to force him too much.

After all, Cui Zhiwen is only a 14-year-old child at present.

Despite receiving the best education, his mind is still influenced by his environment.

These are all within Li Zhi's consideration, so Li Zhi will treat him as kindly as possible.

"Let's go! I'm in a good mood today, but your mood just so happens not to be beautiful."

"Let's go to King Jin's Mansion to have a drink and have a meal together to be happy and happy. Maybe your mood will be restored to the original level, and this king will also be able to enjoy himself."

What he said was so unreal, Cui Zhiwen stared at him speechlessly.

But Li Zhi didn't care, and he had to use all kinds of fun to dilute his depressed mood.

Vitality is always very contagious.

As long as he is energetic enough, Cui Zhiwen, who is depressed, will also be infected and cheer up.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi couldn't help speeding up his pace, and began to look forward to the next banquet.

"Just right! We didn't have time to celebrate the previous victories. Let's take this opportunity to look forward to the future together."

"Believe that we will have a bright future in the future!"

People are not drunk yet, and they start talking drunkenly?
Hearing Li Zhi's confident declaration, Cui Zhiwen didn't know how to respond.

It's just that for some reason, his mood suddenly began to improve, and he was not as uncomfortable as he was at first.

He held his breath for a while, and spit out a sentence: "I hope so."

After crossing the intersection, you will soon arrive at Yongxingfang.

But at this moment, Cui Zhiwen suddenly heard a strange sound.


what is this?
Cui Zhiwen looked in the direction of the voice suspiciously.

next second.

He felt himself being pulled by a huge force and lost his balance, falling on his back.

Cui Zhiwen got up, just when he was about to ask Li Zhi why he pulled him.

He suddenly saw that Li Zhi had two darts in his hand.

The sun shines on the edge of the dart, flashing colorful light.

Obviously, this thing is smeared with poison.

If you are hit by a dart, it is likely to be more or less auspicious.

At this time, Cui Zhiwen realized that he seemed to be saved by Li Zhi.

"What's going on? Why are there assassins in Chang'an City?!"

Cui Zhiwen asked in surprise, he looked vigilantly at the street ahead, and several men in black were galloping towards him quickly.

"Run, Your Highness! Leave me alone, they are coming after me, hurry up!"

"Don't be so sentimental." Li Zhi revealed the truth with a faint smile on his face: "These guys' target is not you, they are here for my king's life."


Cui Zhiwen turned pale with shock, and said in horror, "Who on earth dares to assassinate King Jin at the feet of the Son of Heaven?"

"Don't think too much about it, just take a few steps back and wait for me to deal with them!"

As Li Zhi said, he took the initiative to greet the assassin.

Seeing Li Zhi's actions, Cui Zhiwen felt his scalp numb.

With a bang, he pulled out his sword from his waist, and while rushing towards the man in black, he screamed: "There are assassins!!!"

The sharp and loud cry went straight to the sky, and it was extremely obvious on the empty street.

I believe that soon, some guards will hear the movement and rush over to help.

But that doesn't help the situation they're facing right now.

If possible, Cui Zhiwen really hoped to knock Li Zhi unconscious, pick up this prince who was in danger rashly, and escape from this area.

It was obviously too impulsive to meet the assassin with his frail body.

Seeing that the big knife in the assassin's hand was about to hit Li Zhi, Cui Zhiwen was so anxious that he was about to cry.

But what made Cui Zhiwen feel unbelievable.

In this flash of lightning, Li Zhi seemed to be descended from the heavens.

It was a slap, which hit the blade, and directly sent the sword flying out of the assassin's hand.

At the same time, Li Zhi punched the assassin in the chest.

The moment the fist hit, the assassin's ribs were dented, and then it was as if he was hit hard by a huge force.

The assassin spun and flew backwards, hit the wall on the side of the street, and embedded itself deeply.

At this time, the rest of the assassins arrived at the same time, and Li Zhi fell into a one-to-four situation.

Cui Zhiwen woke up from the shock and just wanted to run over to help.

Seeing what kind of moves Li Zhi used, he turned into a shadow and walked past the four assassins.

And at the next moment, the four men in black came to the end at the same time.

If you look carefully, you can see that the weapons in their hands have been blown away somewhere.

The four of them clutched their chests, stomachs, or shoulders, howling loudly.

There were five assassins in total, and it took less than ten breaths from appearance to the end of the battle.

"Ah this..."

The long sword in Cui Zhiwen's hand fell, and he was dumbfounded.

"Your Highness, where did you learn martial arts? Isn't this too strong?"

I thought Li Zhi was the prey and the other party was the hunter.

But I never thought that the positions of the two sides are reversed.

Looking at the entire assassination process at this time, these assassins are like a joke.

It even gives people the illusion that this prince has not had time to warm up.

Before he exerted any strength, all the assassins fell down. What kind of thing is this?
In astonishment, Li Zhi's words came over.

"Stop being in a daze and help me interrogate these madmen. Who gave them the courage to assassinate the prince in broad daylight?"

Hearing this, Cui Zhiwen ran over in a hurry, he even forgot about the falling of the sword, he was in a daze.

Just as he was about to help Li Zhi tie up these people, he suddenly found that the mask on the face of the man in black was soaked with liquid and turned black.

Li Zhi was standing on the ground at this time, calming down his excitement.

I heard Cui Zhiwen's surprised voice.

"They seem to be vomiting blood? What's going on?"

Li Zhi looked down.

Cui Zhiwen saw that Cui Zhiwen had already pulled off the mask of one of the men in black.

Scarlet blood flowed from the corner of the man's mouth, his whole face was in heat, and his pupils had already dilated.

"Poison? Did you swallow the poison and die?"

(End of this chapter)

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