Chapter 299
"That's good, the army will be handed over to you. Fan Siqi will not come to participate in any of your actions, but in exchange for you, Niu Yue must give me the things before Li Shimin sends troops."

"My lord, please rest assured that nothing will happen at this moment."

On the other side, Li Xiaoyao found Fan Siqi again, trying to make him balance the gap on the other side.

After all, there are many problems in this matter, who can make it to the last step.

But everyone doesn't know much about it. This is a true probability and also some panic-stricken plans. Unknown events are often more important than the current answer.

"Niu Yue has already voluntarily volunteered to take that group of troops away from me, and it's up to you to do the rest."

"Does Your Majesty have any other troops that I can send?"

"You're asking the right person. I must have known about this matter when I came to you, so you can rest assured that I have already thought about everything for you. As long as you follow my direction Do it, it’s not just a matter of time to get these things, but in exchange, you must also listen to my instructions, otherwise I can’t guarantee what will happen next.”

Then he took out a charm from his pocket and put it in his hand. This is a previous mark.

"This is the right to use the dispatch of the western suburbs army. You can get things by trying to sneak in, but I will tell you in advance that if the time wasted is not useful in the end, I still haven't listened to it within a few days. If I hear any good news, I will take the initiative to take the army away, and then don't blame me for being too cruel!"

"Please rest assured, my lord. I must understand your intentions. There are many complicated events happening right now, and they will indeed affect various situations. We will not let you worry here."

"That's fine. I always feel at ease when you do things. This is the last closed army. If even his dispatch is of no real use, then the follow-up matters will be a bit tangled and difficult. I believe you will not put me in this situation."

Hearing his words of encouragement, Niu Yue felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

After all, the situation that was maintained before was a dream scene, but now this dream is over, and he has put the heavy punch of the army into his hands.

This is an unprecedented situation. While it makes people feel surprised, it can't help but feel a little bit about it, wondering whether this matter is consistent with what I expected?

After the armies of both sides set off here, Li Xiaoyao continued to discuss the corresponding situation with a few people under his sect.

"You said that according to their current speed, whether they can successfully reach there? I remember that what happened to Yuan Meng before was not as simple as imagined, and what should have happened was just a group of awards. Could it be that they did it on purpose? Get our attention here, and then exclude us?"

"Probably not. If they were bought by Li Shimin and wanted to work for Brother Huang, they wouldn't have come back here in the first place."

"How can the prince be so sure? Is he so confident in them and others? It will be difficult to handle if there is a problem at that time."

"Don't worry, Brother Huang is very stingy here. Those guys under his command are all as good as a lion. How can we make the other party follow his guidance here?"

Although the person on the other side was a little stunned, he didn't say that the expected change must be an opportunity, and the clues he revealed on this matter were also consistent.

When Li Zhi on the other side got the news, the troops of Fan Siqi and Niu Yue had already entered his area separately.

This really makes people a little impatient, and things that can be touched are not common.

And he just happened to be locked in such an area again, from a distance it was simply a nightmare.

There is simply no escape from here, and there are even some other options to make up for.

But as time went on, I also made myself see some other problems clearly.

Everyone's plan is definitely not groundless, but as for who has such good luck and can resist the arrival of these guys, there is no way of knowing.

"Didn't Cui Zhiwen and Xue Yuanchao lead the troops to set off before? Why are they still only staying in the outer areas?"

"Didn't you also say that you can't act rashly? They must still have a little bit of sense here."

Hearing these words, Li Zhi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. At this time, he remembered his previous entrustment.

Obviously, when doing these things before, Irg didn't even think about his own thoughts.

I only know the ability to single-mindedly raise their horns and blow the charge here.

Such changes nowadays are really surprising, but opportunities are always waiting for the appearance of destined people.

So for them to do so, it is a very uncontrollable phenomenon.

The shaping of events is a true skill, but the changes in the turnover of each event will also be very different.

Who would accomplish all this for something so trivial that they cost too much money to gamble?

"Hurry up and tell them, hurry up and catch people here, don't make useless charge horns there, if they think according to their current thinking, they should have collected my body here long ago."

"My lord can't say such unlucky words. Didn't we guarantee some reasons for this with you before, and we will make it happen smoothly, so you don't have to take this matter to heart."

"If it's really as weird as you say, then we definitely won't stand by here."

"Does Di Renjie's thoughts matter? What really matters is not us, but His Majesty's plan. Only when he stands on the same front as us can the current situation have a chance to change. He is really a young man." Clarify some of the issues here."

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment and looked at him here, only to realize that the other party was not joking, but the expression on his face was extremely serious.

"Please rest assured that this matter will definitely go smoothly under your guidance. Before reaching a new height, I really thought too simply and said those words without thinking about it. I hope you don't Take it to heart, I will give a comprehensive answer in a short time, and I hope you can judge for me then."

Li Zhi in front of him just smiled and said nothing, not only himself was preparing here, but even other people were doing the same.

What they can see clearly here, they must also be able to know.

(End of this chapter)

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