Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 178 Why Are You Asking Me?Of course I came to ask you to take the blame!

Chapter 178 Why Are You Asking Me?Of course I came to ask you to take the blame!
"Using graphite instead of a brush, why doesn't it sound right to me?"

Li Shimin frowned deeply, thinking carefully about the implication in Li Zhi's voice.

It is no problem to ask the imperial court to organize the mining of the newly discovered ore.

It's nothing more than adding a new mine.

But if the imperial court takes the lead in promoting brand-new writing tools, there is something to be said for this matter.

"Brushes are no more than paper. If a new product appears, it may cause a fatal blow to the previous industry."

Li Shimin said hesitantly, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

He understood why Li Zhi wanted to find him!

"You want the imperial court to endorse your Shi Mo, and let the imperial court be responsible for carrying the blame!"

The traditional pen and ink industry is no better than the paper industry.

The emergence of paper machines only optimized the paper production process, and did not cause much impact on the traditional paper industry.

But the graphite that Li Zhi just took out is different, it is a brand new product.

If graphite is really born, with various advantages of graphite, it will completely replace the writing brush.

In this way, existing interest groups will suffer a devastating blow.

This is a job that offends people, and it is not ordinary people who offend!
You must know the production process and standards of brushes, but they are all in the hands of the family.

Once the imperial court really launches graphite, one can imagine the resistance it will endure.

"Well, you little Jiu! How dare you ask your father to take the blame for you, you really have a good plan!"

After sorting out all his thoughts, Li Shimin accused Li Zhi of wrongdoing, and completely revealed his thoughts.

Hearing this, Li Zhi shrank his neck helplessly.

"I can't help it, father, I really can't afford to take the blame, so I can only come here to ask you for help."

"You have used this pencil too, and you should be able to see how valuable it is."

"Whether it is paper or pen and ink, it is too expensive. If pencils can be popularized, the court's education funds will definitely save a lot!"

"Not only that, but the tax books used for accounting in the future can also save a lot."

"With so many benefits, there is no reason for the court not to promote pencils. You must help me with this favor, Father."

He took out the pencil not for himself, but for the prosperity of the entire Tang Dynasty.

Don't look at this little pencil as if it's nothing special.

But in fact, its effect is not ordinary!
If you write with a calligraphy brush, you can write a hundred characters on a page, and that's the end of it.

But if you use a pencil instead, you can write at least a thousand words on a page!

The utilization rate of paper has directly increased by ten times!

There is no need to repeat the topic of Luoyang Zhigui.

Under the circumstances that there is no way to suppress the price of paper for the time being, the appearance of the pencil can undoubtedly change the whole world.

Of course, Li Shimin also knows the value of pencils very well. He discovered the value of pencils when he watched Li Zhi's display.

But... the impact on traditional industries is too great.

This is to cut off other people's money.

If we really want to promote pencils, I am afraid that some people will rebel.

Don't take this as an exaggeration.

In fact, if the pencil is really promoted, it may really cause turmoil in the country.

In this day and age, innovation is not necessarily a good thing.

Any brand-new creation that comes out will either fall into the control of the gentry, or be directly destroyed by the gentry.

Knowledge monopoly is not just for fun, but for real.

In later generations, once there is a creation that can cause a devastating blow to traditional industries.

The old interest groups can only follow up at most, and then lament the changes of the times, but accept the fate of being led by the nose.

But this time is different.

People generally prefer to grab it directly, and if they can't grab it, they will be destroyed humanely.

Whoever cares about the development of your society, whoever dares to touch Lao Tzu's cake, I will kill you!

Even if you are a relative of the emperor, it is useless!

If you really dare to mess around, then everyone will die together, let's see who can spare it!
This is obviously a deformed ideology, but there is no way around it.

The faster the times develop, the weaker the gentry's control over the world becomes.

When realizing that the development of the times will make the gentry unable to monopolize their own class, stopping the progress of technology has become an inevitable choice for the gentry group.

This may seem magical, but it is actually the underlying law of the current society.

Once selfish groups are allowed to monopolize the upper class, as it is now, there will be a situation that goes against common sense.

After all, according to normal thinking, society is bound to move forward, isn't it?
It does sound magical to think that someone would deliberately hinder the progress of society.

Li Shimin's fingers kept tapping on the table. Judging from the increasing frequency, this choice obviously made him feel anxious.

On the one hand, it is to change the status quo of Datang, find another way to save financial expenditure, and by the way, improve the educational environment in the general direction.

On the other hand, there are obstacles from vested interests and possible court turmoil.

This is a difficult choice.

Li Shimin was always afraid of taking too many steps and stepping into the footsteps of Emperor Sui Yang.

That was not the situation he wanted to see.

"Hmm... I still think this decision is too hasty, and it's not good to promote the pencil directly."

"Why don't we temporarily improve the interior of the imperial court and prohibit the sale of pencils to the people."

"What do you think of this?"

"It seems that the impact on the pen and ink industry can be alleviated to a certain extent."

Li Shimin said tentatively, he was observing Li Zhi's reaction.

Now that Li Zhi has taken out the things, he must be fully prepared.

Moreover, when it comes to the impact of brand-new things on contemporary society, it was Li Zhi who first proposed it.

Therefore, Li Shimin subconsciously felt that Li Zhi should have thought of a way.

But seeing Li Zhi disappointed him this time.

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "I have no better way. I can only rely on the power of the imperial court to forcibly break the monopoly situation. If I want to promote pencils, I can only use my strength to break it. There is no other way."

Mainly, the biggest beneficiary of the promotion of pencils is the imperial court, followed by the peasant class.

The bottom of this era has no fighting power, and has not awakened the thinking of safeguarding their own rights and interests.

The imperial court has no way to contact the bottom directly and tell them the significance of the birth of the pencil to the world.

In the absence of other vested interests, the stunt of diverting conflicts fails.

Li Zhi had no way to transfer the conflict.

Unless he is willing to give the profits of making pencils to the gentry, he can only use power to overwhelm others.

Through the deterrence of the imperial court, the Quartet Xiaoxiao came.

(End of this chapter)

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