Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 173 Little things brought by new technology

Chapter 173 Little things brought by new technology

After listening to the report, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

"The child's vigilance is really strong enough. If he notices something wrong, he will immediately confirm it. I don't know who he learned from."

The prince on the side smiled and said: "Then I must have inherited your merits, Your Majesty."

Li Shimin smiled and said nothing, not commenting on this.

Wang Gonggong didn't care too much, and asked in a natural tone: "But then again, did you arrange this matter by the officials? The servants are thinking that something is not right, and this is too much of a coincidence."

How can there be a prince who is followed by a peerless beauty when he enters the shop?

If it was a coincidence, Wang Gonggong really couldn't believe it.

It just so happened that His Royal Highness King Jin was of marriageable age, and he had expressed his resistance to marriage.

He had every reason to doubt that this matter was arranged by Li Shimin.

But seeing Li Shimin behaved very calmly, he said directly: "It's probably a coincidence that he didn't run away. Xiaojiu is lucky. If that girl can really catch his eye, it will definitely become a good story."

There are absolutely no fewer people in the capital staring at Li Zhi.

But those who dare to openly approach each other, most of them don't.

With Li Shimin watching, no one dared to take action easily.

If this is found out, it will be a major decapitation event.

It was related to the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty, even if Zhongshu Ling violated the taboo, it would be bad luck.


will serve as a prisoner.

As soon as Li Zhi entered the door, he felt the difference between this place and the past.

If we say that the past Masaku monitor is like a leisurely activity center for the elderly.

Well, in the current Jiangzuojian, there is a group of energetic craftsmen inside, beating and beating around one machine after another.

Li Zhi could guess the general purpose of some of the things they built, while others didn't even know what they were for.

In short, the atmosphere here has completely changed.

Those lazy craftsmen in the past are now full of vitality like never before, and they are putting all their energy into innovation.

"The role of Qianjin City's horse bones has already been manifested, but I don't know how long this enthusiasm will last."

"Can only hope that they can make something that can be used."

"In this way, I can logically add another fire to the fiery atmosphere and completely ignite this enthusiasm!"

Li Zhi muttered to himself, and a burning flame began to appear in his eyes.

The role of role models is fully displayed at this moment.

When someone has already achieved huge benefits through innovation.

Others will follow suit and try to see if they can get a share of it.

That's what innovation is all about.

As long as there are results, there will be great benefits.

At present, craftsmen do not have enough resources to develop the market with the things they create.

Then the imperial court is responsible for digesting their creativity and using a huge sum of money to pay for their inventions and creations.

In Li Zhi's plan, there is absolutely no loss in this transaction.

The real money invested now will definitely be earned back from other sources in the future.

The important thing is to blow up this wind, blow up the cavity, blow up, and let the flame of invention and creation blow to farther places.

After the environment is created, there is no need to manage the rest.

Li Zhi passed through several workshops and came to the Zuo Campus to find Shi Lei and Zuo Wenhao.

When the two saw Li Zhi appearing, they were very excited.

Shi Lei panicked and said: "His Royal Highness Jin, I have finally expected you to come here. Two days ago, His Majesty suddenly ordered to reward the two of us. We feel ashamed for such a heavy reward. I am really sorry for this award."

The drawing of the paper machine was provided by Li Zhi, and they just followed the diagram to make things out.

As a result, the imperial court directly rewarded a house and 1000 taels of silver?

Such a heavy reward almost scared Shi Lei's soul out.

He really didn't make a contribution worthy of this award.

On the other side, Zuo Wenhao also expressed his uneasiness.

"You will not be rewarded for meritorious deeds. The rewards from the imperial court are too heavy. The two of us feel uneasy."

Seeing the two bowing in front of each other, Li Zhi waved at them and said with a light smile, "Didn't this king already greet you in advance? Why are you still in such a panic?"

"Get up, you have already made enough contributions, there is no need to panic about it."

Qianjin City Horse Bone.

The role of rewarding them has been fully reflected.

For this alone, they are already worthy of this reward.

Not to mention, when they made the paper machine, they did their best to make things perfectly, which saved Li Zhi a lot of effort.

If it is said that they didn't work hard to make things, they wouldn't be rewarded today.

Luck found them, and they successfully seized the opportunity.

That's all context.

This huge reward fell on the two of them. In Li Zhi's opinion, there was no problem at all.

"This time I came here, I didn't come to see you in fear, nor did I want to get your gratitude."

"This king still has some things to deal with. If you can't take it easy, this king can only go to someone else."

Seeing that the two of them still looked frightened, Li Zhi said it half in a way to scare them, and half in a joking way.

The two of them saw that His Highness seemed to be serious, and they didn't dare to continue to pretend.

They said at the same time: "But please give orders from His Royal Highness King Jin, we will definitely do our best!"

"Well, that's the best."

Li Zhi nodded, put away his smiling face and said seriously: "From the birth of the paper machine to the present, what improvements have been made in total? You two should introduce them to me. I need to know about those changes."

Hearing this, the two ordered their subordinates to bring out the newly improved paper machine.

Starting from Shi Lei, explain the changes in the paper machine today.

"So far, the most important problem Xiaguan found is that the rope on the shaping machine is not strong enough, and it is easy to be misplaced or even broken."

"Therefore, Xiaguan replaced the ropes on the shaping machine with iron wire ropes, and used iron wire ropes instead of ordinary hemp ropes to support the bamboo curtains."

"In addition, Xiaguan strengthened several structures of the shaping machine, and nailed iron sheets on those parts that are vulnerable to damage."

"Replace the part of the tremolo that is most easily damaged with cast iron as a whole."

"At present, no more defects have been found in the latest paper machine, which needs to be tested."

When he said this, Shi Lei showed a trace of apprehension on his face.

He pondered for two seconds, and then expressed his worries.

"After several modifications, the paper machine has indeed become more usable than in the past."

"But correspondingly, the cost is about [-]% higher, which is probably not a good thing."

(End of this chapter)

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